Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished <0> For with Ash We Rise


Legend of Altera
Wield what's Yours by Right,
And Let the Flames Engulf
All Souls with the Desire.
Imbue them with Undying Embers,
To see the End of World,
And its Rebirth
From Ashes.
And if not,
Brand their Hearts unyielding,
And leave nothing but the cinders.
Fallen or submitted,
All shall Bow,
And Burn,
And turn to Ash.
For with Ash We Rise.
Empyrean Cabal

When: 12th of April, ̵̪̭̺̚ ̴̥͇̲̍̃̅̎ǹ̸̩̪͚͊ǫ̸͙̱̐̈́ẅ̴̢̞̞̱́̃̍ ̴̢͎̼͔̿̅͆͊ ̶̥̠̌͝ ̸̥̉̌̾
DMed by Solus
