Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character Artwork


Lord of Altera
Hey Bette, I know you already made this amazing paint drawing of me, and I know you've got a lot of requests. But would you mind making a drawing of Rosa as awesome as the others?


Lord of Altera
Mmmh... Well... I still didn't know that I wear pants... I really need to start drawing again... I feel so inadequate without the skill I formerly possessed... *Digs out his old sketchbook covered in hair, cobwebs and an unknown material from under his bed* Right! Time to draw a manga version of Akari!


Official Alteran
Hey Bette? Do you think you can try your hand at drawing me? That is, if you still take requests. I already got Gibs to draw me, but I'd really like to see what I look like in both of your imaginations. Would you be willing to draw me please? :3


Lord of Altera
This artwork is just fantabulous! Every time I see your drawings I am truly left in awe. You have a very unique style. Me Gusta.


Lord of Altera
You said you had started on mine Bette? I know it's pretty hard, but I really can't wait for it!


Roleplay keeper
Yeah your skin dosn't have many details.. anyway it begins to loko kinda ninja looking :D Want colours or not?
I wont promise it would turn out good with colours..


Official Alteran
I know, man! I can't wait to see the version of me Gibs conjured up! ^3^ It's gonna be awesome. And I still need to RP with Bette so she can make a picture of me too. :)


Lord of Altera
Colors would be great. Just do whatever you think looks best. And sorry about my skin not having details, it's kinda the point.