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Battlefield 3 - Xbox Live, PSN and Battlelog


Deleted member 61

Hello fellow Hollow Worlders! In this thread you will find people who want to play Battlefield 3 with the people they play with on Minecraft! You will also post your own details here if you wish!
As all players should know, Battlefield is on all of the platforms people actually use these days. The Xbox, Playstation and of course PCs' run Battlefield 3 spectacularly, and to make it so fun they use multipalyer.
Multiplayer being the biggst and most popular part of Battlefield (and with Battlefield being a big part of the gaming world), I think it deserved a place in the Hollow World Spotlight!

Here is the template you should use to share your Battlefield ID's.

Xbox/Playstation/Battlelog Username:
Favourite Class:
Favourite Mode:
Playing Style:
Current rank:

What are you waiting for!? Go on and share the expierience! :)

Deleted member 61

Xbox/Playstation/Battlelog Username: headbudgie
Platform: xbox 360
Favourite Class: Assault
Favourite Mode: Conquest
Playing Style: I'm often in an attack heli on larger maps. On linear ones such as Operation metro I shoot people and revive/heal people.
Current Rank: Colonel (45)


Lord of Altera
Xbox/Playstation/Battlelog Username:small gerbil
(Thefatgerbil was already taken! :eek: )
Platform:Xbox 360
Favourite Class:Sniper (is it called sniper? I can't even remember, I just know in bad company 2 it was called recon)
Favourite Mode: Conquest and squad death match
Playing Style: generally hide around corners (not usual sniper spots) and move around a lot, sniping and stabbing people. Like a ninja!
I mainly kill other snipers, you know, those annoying ones that you can' find, or those that use the UAV (or whatever it's called now) to get to places you can't reach them.
Current's been a while since I last played (can you tell? :p) but I'm only about 10-20 ish...I think...


Lord of Altera
I just had a feeling they changed it because it was called recon in bad company 2 and n00bs where complaining, "where's the sniper class" and running around with recon asthough it was assault

Deleted member 61

I just had a feeling they changed it because it was called recon in bad company 2 and n00bs where complaining, "where's the sniper class" and running around with recon asthough it was assault
i remember when support was assault and vice versa. Assault had HMG ect. and ammo providers while Support had assault rifles and defibs.


Legend of Altera
Xbox/Playstation/Battlelog Username: MrMcKillOLot
Platform: PS3
Favourite Class: Recon
Favourite Mode: Rush
Playing Style: I'm a pilot. I try to log as much time as possible in the jet or the heli, and I'm really good. If I'm on a non-vehicular map, I will use my sniper shotgun with frag rounds on opponents, and use my MAV to get to sniper nests.
Current rank: No clue.


Lord of Altera
Xbox/Playstation/Battlelog Username: Trace Volt
Platform: Xbox
Favourite Class: Recon
Favourite Mode: Rush or Conquest
Playing Style: Slayer, I snipe, have maxed out my jets, cant drive helicopters but I am a decent gunner, sometimes spawn trap :S.
Current rank: around 25-30ish i think :S

Deleted member 61

Heh heh, I'll get round to adding you all eventually.. Looking forward to the next expansion too!


Lord of Altera
Xbox/Playstation/Battlelog Username: TheUltimatePeanutButterEaterOfAwesomeness
Platform: The Chuck Norris Console
Favourite Class: Peanutbutter Eater
Favourite Mode: Eating Contest
Playing Style: Rambo Eating!
Current rank: OVER 9000!!