Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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-=[ Rank Up Requests ]=-


Daedric Prince
Torbjorn has a solid foundation of faith, but we would like to see independent acts from independent events, and what you have here is mostly how his faith manifests. These are great for the "unique view of faith" for later tiers, but not really very good for notable acts. We would like you to re-review what you have for the last section and reapply when you have new acts.
I have since added some better things for notable acts! The post itself was edited but the original less cool one is in spoilers for comparison, and can also be found on Torbjorn's blessed profile currently / [Theodra] Torbjörn | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying (

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
The character must be at least two months old OOC.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
➵ Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrates their faith to others.
Upcoming - [Feb 23rd, 6:00 EST] Arbori Hunt | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying (
- Hosted a brief sermon before an Arbori pursuit. Somnastra, Yrdl, and Halvar were in attendance.
- Delivered the killing blow to a 13ft angry male Arbori, with the help of Somnastra's good aim wearing the beast down.
➵ Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
- He has taken to collecting the remains of worthy prey and fashioning them into his clothing and jewelry, believing that he will carry their strength. Claws, teeth, bones, hides, scales, etc. Of both beast and man alike, should he come across a challenge of either. Some he may eventually retire and craft into worthy offerings to his Goddess.
- He has forsaken materialistic values and has rejected a civilized lifestyle - in favor of living amongst the wilderness permanently. Every belonging considered personal is able to be traveled with and carried on his person. Any shelter he claims as residence can easily be built up and broken down, with no trace being left. With this, he also tends to only eat things he hunts and gathers himself - away from the grasp of agriculture and civilization - only very occasionally indulging in processed foods such as cheese and bread if it is offered to him in his travels.
- During the Arbori hunt, Torbjorn injured an NPC hunter who had clearly been targeting the young of the Arbori family to stop him from pursuing
the cub who had not put up a fight. The death of this hunter eliminated a portion of weakness from the Everlasting Hunt.
- He is working on crafting the hides of the slain Arbori into armor to honor them in life, so that they may live on through Torbjorn. Their
vengeance will give him strength against those that dishonor the hunt, and kill without need.

➵ One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
- The heart of the hunter who brought shame to the hunt in the Arbori event, at a wilderness Shrine.

New Rankup Request:
View attachment 135216
CHARACTER NAME: Torbjörn Kveldulf
DIVINE: Theodra
IGN: Wildegroll
RANK: Unranked to T1
· · ─── ·⊰ - ⊱· ─── · ·
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
The character must be at least two months old OOC.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
· · ─── ·⊰ - ⊱· ─── · ·
➵ Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a
significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrates their faith to others.
- Hosted a brief sermon before an Arbori pursuit. Somnastra, Yrdl, and Halvar were in attendance.
- Delivered the killing blow to a 13ft angry male Arbori, with the help of Somnastra's good aim wearing the beast down.
· · ─── ·⊰ - ⊱· ─── · ·
➵ Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
  • EVENT [Upcoming - [Feb 23rd, 6:00 EST] Arbori Hunt | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying (]
    • During the Arbori hunt, Torbjorn injured an NPC hunter who had clearly been targeting the young of the Arbori family to stop him from pursuing the cub who had not put up a fight. The death of this hunter eliminated a portion of weakness from the Everlasting Hunt.
    • He has crafted the hides of the slain Arbori into armor to honor them in life, so that they may live on through Torbjorn. Their vengeance will give him strength against those that dishonor the hunt, and kill without need.
  • EVENT [Finished - [March 23rd] Hunt the Hunters | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying (]
    • Killed poachers alongside Somnastra and Marian in his local woods, eliminating weakness from the Everlasting Hunt.
    • Dismantled their camp after the matter, leaving it to be reclaimed by the forest.
    • Freed a juvenile Arbori from a cage in the camp, releasing it back into the wild.
  • Torbjörn's Trading Post | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying ( Opened a Trading Post in Verdant Valley, of which he can gain more visibility for his practices as a Hunter and begin to bring his unique Theodran values into the public eye. He offers his craft; be it crafting bows, leatherworking, scrimshaw, carving, fletching, etc. and fostering community amongst others who share in his belief or wish to learn how to Hunt. He also offers hunting & mercenary services, with limitations based on Theodra's third tenet " You shall resist temptation, the allure of gluttony and the urge to kill without need."
· · ─── ·⊰ - ⊱· ─── · ·
➵ One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
- His first hunting knife, of which had sentimental value. Wilderness Shrine. (-2495 63 -6101)
- The heart of the hunter who brought shame to the hunt in the Arbori event, at a wilderness Shrine. (-2495 63 -6101)

View attachment 135216


Loyal Servant of Altera
Faith Meadow
1712159123605.png 2 months since Tier 2

1712159134967.png 10 total prominent deeds

- (1) Faith went to hell with Leofwine, Laicelem, Sophie, and Albert to get Sophie's soul back. She has assisted Laicelem in killing one of the demons and freeing a Elf along with taking Vengeance against a demon that has killed a couple of dwarves.

- (2) She had started to create a clergy for Korog! This is for her own faith and there not being a currently active one. This includes working on a temple behind her home for people to worship in the mountains. Which can be can seen here. This is for magic going haywire along with discover more about Korog. Due to a lot of important imformation not being around. [Clergy]

- (3) Faith had defended the last bastion. As she said a prayer afterwards heading back. As the fight was finally over, Faith had held true to her tenet to strike true with the bow she had made earlier. She had rebuilt it holding up the wall around as undead went to destroy her craft and kill her! Remebering her tenets to strike true with her craft against the threat that was threatening the balance at the sorrows and finishing the job she had promised the dwarf Judah Leatheraxe!

- (4) Faith had taught Gaelwyn some crafting with Alchemy. This includes getting the character into crafting. He had begun to reach out to Faith for assistance and to test out the unknown as Faith views everyone has the right to learn and being obedient to Korog in The Coast by making something. Even if it is the tiniest thing such as carving their first toy! This is to assist in business along with crafting and keeping people alive.

- (6) Faith had remained neutral. As Vowrawn sent men into the hills. Allowing them to past for Grakanant. Even after their dispute and him trying to attack her, dragging her back into Grakanant for arrest! Leofwine had fought Branko Callas and lost. As vowrawn sent people to the kills to deal with some bandits he had found Leofwine bleeding out and saved his life as she was teaching Snaxkz! She has also baptised Snaxkz under Korog.

- (7) On 4/26/2024 Faith turned a book from Nid Arach that is called Anvil of Despair. After doing some business and remaining neutral in an auction she was able to buy the book from Nid Arach to be able to destory it.

- (8) Faith had participated in Nid Arach. Due to her tenet to remember who her liege is. After destroying the pendant of the inquisition at Korog's shrine. She has persuaded Valtae to join remaining neutral and casted Unmoving on her shield. Faith had helped in destroying some bits of Branko's hold. Once returning back to The Coast Faith had destroyed once of the books instead of reading it. This includes a book that Velmont had gave Faith in Nid Arach.

- (9) Faith had attended the fire ceremony at Frost light to burn people's greatest sins on a piece of paper. She took this as a chance to be forgiven, promising Korog that she would leave Nid Arach alone and destroying a book of the necromancer's fort at Nid Arach. Faith believes that such a book is a problem. Especially with her cousin Glory Reeves worshipping Skraag. She is proud of her cousin Glory. But does not believe such a thing should be shown to Glory due to her still working for The Necromancer and not going to her!

- (10) Faith held a drinking contest. As Kristoff brought booze he made it, including gathering people to meet others. She defended her money and her friends since she takes pride in them completely at bliss. Due to her pride she had remained in control of the situation getting Kristoff assistance to expand the library. That way Lana Wake has a place to work and put her books. So she can continue her craft and assistance to teach people.

- (11) Faith made a Pickaxe to be able to go mining for her crafting. That way she can obtain more materials to be able to survive in the hills due to demons acting up around her location to fully assist her ability to make ships and siege materials.

- (12) Faith killed a demon general freeing Kethron and Leofwine with the help of Laicelem from a demons grasp. [Event]

- (13) Faith attended the Cathedral unveiling staying strickly to the Korog shrine and offered a Violin she carved at the unveiling to gift to Korog. Due to her belief of him owning the domain of sound.

1712159143764.pngMust have completed the ‘meaningful ritual or practice’ deed for any tier
Faith has taken her time across Altera assisting where she can when it is needed. This is for people baptisms that need or wish to have one. Including for Scion and the like or other races such as Snakzz. Faith takes her time to explain and be rather blunt about her views towards people. Which has caused her to get in problem time to time. Instead of interacting much with people. She starts her day by crafting and attending to the clergy or assisting Valtae in the hospital and writing letters for those that need her guidance to understanding crafting and what should be accepted and what shouldn't be tolerated.

- 4am: Wake up, Say a prayer to Korog.
- 5am: Eat breakfast praying for the meal.
- 6am: Do rounds, checking on the clergy.
- 7-9am: Head to her workshop and saying a prayer.
- 9-10am: She works with her apprentices.
- 10-11am: Holding a ceremony for the sinners of the coast and her friends.
- 11-12 am: Lunch and paperwork.
- 12-1pm: Poor Attempt at nobility training.
- 1-5pm: Workshop and crafting!
- 5-7pm: Prayer and dinner
- 8-10: Night rounds, prayer, and then sleep

1712159154388.png Must consistently adhere to the tenets and values of their patron
» 'Strike as true as your steel, for a well-crafted weapon ought to be wielded as well as it was made' for the tenet. Faith has begun to use more of Master worked weapons for her combat. If not, she tends to drop her weapon if it was not wielded correctly by herself or swearing in another language under her breath to fix this mistake. She has begin to give people gear such as bows or common things to be wielded for people's progress such as for Lana's kid when she made him a toy for his air spirit to mess with. Over the years the pendent had worn down and she replaced it so the tool could be wielded for their skill. Based on her skill for the craft in the morning at around 7-10 she replaces their tools based on their needs. Such as a common iron saw for carving with her lessons then refined steel as they advance.
- Months ago, Faith was able to kill around 50+ zombies/Skeltons in the 'Last Bastion' event. After I had just completed a masterwork bow. This is for progress towards Faith and how far she has come with her views on the world.
- She had struck down one of the animals in Chuiden's event to rescue a kid with her weapons with Edger. She was able to kill one of them and injure another so Frost could kill the horse off. Her weapon was made out of Refined Fire Iron and she was able to make it out alive and casted a spell for transport the kid and Leofwine to safety. She had used 'On Good Faith' Item Valtae had made for her months ago to save the kid.
- 12/13/2023 Faith had taken Kaede as an apprentice! As she vowed to listen to Faith to assist Korog and the clergy. Instead of giving her items such as rare and the like. Faith had set up Kaede with common tools to build up her home in the coast on her lands. That way she can weild her own tools to become a wonderful carver in the future and grow as a smith with the others to assist in building hospitals and the like. Along with 'toys' for people.

1712159163359.png Must not be actively cursed by their patron
She is not.

((OOC NOTE: Not done updating))
Last edited:


Character Name
: Judah Leatheraxe
IGN: fourbros
Character Profile: [X]
Blessed Link: [X]
Show extended worship of divine for one month: Yes
Character must be two months old: Yes
Character must be older than 16: Yes

View attachment 138362

  • Most prominent relevant deed since last rank:
    • 07/24/2023 - Judah partook in the defense of the bastion, fighting alongside many individuals. At the end he received a relic from Ignsis.
    • View attachment 138363
  • 3 unique notable acts relevant to their divine:
    • 7/18/2023 - Judah was asked if he'd like to join a crafting guild called the All-hammer by Faith Meadows. He agreed and was given a tour of the guild by Faith.
    • 9/25/2023 - Judah has helped Faith with the construction of the town of Golden Coast many times. He has provided resources and helped restore some of the abandoned buildings.
    • 9/26/2023 - Faith Meadow held a baptism for Judah.
    • 8/16/2023 - Faith asked Judah to meet her at the smithing hall so she could preform a ceremony for the Underforged.. Judah agreed, meeting her at the smithing hall as he took part in the ceremony.
    • 12/24/2023 - Judah reached apprenticeship in smithing by making a shield.
    • View attachment 138364
  • One offering of an item at a shrine:
    • A sword, the first one Judah forged, It's at the cathedral.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Hey folks, sorry for the wait! Holidays gave the team IRL tunnel-vision, but as we get through those, we'll get back to taking a look at these. Thank you for your patience. :)


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Syra - Jishrim, T1

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
Divine profile created on the 3rd November. [here]

The character must be at least two months old OOC.

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
She attended a Divination by Rogal, and took the opportunity to interrupt Rogal and seek answers from the entity directly in regards to finding 'Freedom' for Jishrim. She brought her own offering, seperate to Rogal, as well, in attempts to show her own personal devotion. The offering was an octopus vase, because she thinks the eight arms are fitting.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
1 - In effort to secure a dagger for herself from Kristoff the Dwarf, she says she will provide him with free exposure. She takes it to an extreme and litters the entire Landing with posters and notices to spread awareness of his business, potentially to the point of being a detriment. This includes advertising at the graveyard of the grey lady.

2 - Finds a brewing barfight in the tavern, actively worsens it and tries to pull in a pacifist (Eyvind) and pin blame on an innocent bystander (Crowley). Jumps on Serafino who was not the main culprit and then takes to attacking everyone equally and eventually killing two others via broken bottles, sharpened knitting needles, and her teeth (npcs.) It ends in Rogal getting involved and taking Serafino's tongue and causing chaos of his own in her 'defense'.

3 - After feigning a broken back/ribs to ellicit sympathy and coin and trauma from Leofwine, she meets Alyssa who seems interested in broken bones to practice healing. She, despite Alyssa's protests, has Pyre break her own arm in return for coin and a meal from Alyssa. Then she makes a scene. Ultimately she is paid nothing for her broken arm, but is healed anyway, and then partakes in convincing others around her to help in stealing chairs and hiding them in a house nearby.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
She has sewn a robe for Jishrim, and left it at his altar in the Landing. (It is in my inv; I wasnt sure if I should put it there if the Cathedral is being changed - I can send it to someone!)
At this time, the team will need to see Syra unpossessed in order to proceed with any rankup. We would also love to see one more solid act of her own outside of the Divination.


For the others currently waiting, discussions are active and ongoing - answers should be coming soon!


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
I have since added some better things for notable acts! The post itself was edited but the original less cool one is in spoilers for comparison, and can also be found on Torbjorn's blessed profile currently / [Theodra] Torbjörn | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying (

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
The character must be at least two months old OOC.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
➵ Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrates their faith to others.
Upcoming - [Feb 23rd, 6:00 EST] Arbori Hunt | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying (
- Hosted a brief sermon before an Arbori pursuit. Somnastra, Yrdl, and Halvar were in attendance.
- Delivered the killing blow to a 13ft angry male Arbori, with the help of Somnastra's good aim wearing the beast down.
➵ Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
- He has taken to collecting the remains of worthy prey and fashioning them into his clothing and jewelry, believing that he will carry their strength. Claws, teeth, bones, hides, scales, etc. Of both beast and man alike, should he come across a challenge of either. Some he may eventually retire and craft into worthy offerings to his Goddess.
- He has forsaken materialistic values and has rejected a civilized lifestyle - in favor of living amongst the wilderness permanently. Every belonging considered personal is able to be traveled with and carried on his person. Any shelter he claims as residence can easily be built up and broken down, with no trace being left. With this, he also tends to only eat things he hunts and gathers himself - away from the grasp of agriculture and civilization - only very occasionally indulging in processed foods such as cheese and bread if it is offered to him in his travels.
- During the Arbori hunt, Torbjorn injured an NPC hunter who had clearly been targeting the young of the Arbori family to stop him from pursuing
the cub who had not put up a fight. The death of this hunter eliminated a portion of weakness from the Everlasting Hunt.
- He is working on crafting the hides of the slain Arbori into armor to honor them in life, so that they may live on through Torbjorn. Their
vengeance will give him strength against those that dishonor the hunt, and kill without need.

➵ One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
- The heart of the hunter who brought shame to the hunt in the Arbori event, at a wilderness Shrine.

New Rankup Request:
As the day turns to dusk, Torbjorn finds himself working steadily at his trading post. His hands carefully carving that of a bow for a young customer. The detail of his work seems to flow through him, and in the dusk a howl echoes near. Silver etchings fall upon the bow, lingering for a few moments in Torbjorn's presence before fading. A sign from the Huntress in his work, and a renewed sense of power. Welcome to T1.

Character Name
: Judah Leatheraxe
IGN: fourbros
Character Profile: [X]
Blessed Link: [X]
Show extended worship of divine for one month: Yes
Character must be two months old: Yes
Character must be older than 16: Yes

View attachment 138362

  • Most prominent relevant deed since last rank:
    • 07/24/2023 - Judah partook in the defense of the bastion, fighting alongside many individuals. At the end he received a relic from Ignsis.
    • View attachment 138363
  • 3 unique notable acts relevant to their divine:
    • 7/18/2023 - Judah was asked if he'd like to join a crafting guild called the All-hammer by Faith Meadows. He agreed and was given a tour of the guild by Faith.
    • 9/25/2023 - Judah has helped Faith with the construction of the town of Golden Coast many times. He has provided resources and helped restore some of the abandoned buildings.
    • 9/26/2023 - Faith Meadow held a baptism for Judah.
    • 8/16/2023 - Faith asked Judah to meet her at the smithing hall so she could preform a ceremony for the Underforged.. Judah agreed, meeting her at the smithing hall as he took part in the ceremony.
    • 12/24/2023 - Judah reached apprenticeship in smithing by making a shield.
    • View attachment 138364
  • One offering of an item at a shrine:
    • A sword, the first one Judah forged, It's at the cathedral.
Hey there - this is a real solid start for T1. We would love to see some more clarification and information regarding the ceremony. What was Judah's role in it, and what was it for? We would also love to know some more information about the shield - if it had any deeper meaning, was it meant for someone, etc. If you don't mind answering these questions, we can take another look!
Faith Meadow - T3
[Divine profile]
[Character profile]

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.


Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
- (1) Faith held a drinking contest. As Kristoff brought booze he made it, including gathering people to meet others. She defended her money and her friends since she takes pride in them completely at bliss!

- (2) She had started to create a clergy for Korog! This is for her own faith and there not being a currently active one. This includes working on a temple behind her home for people to worship in the mountains.

- (3) Faith had participated in Nid Arach. Due to her tenet to remember who her liege is. After destroying the pendant of the inquisition at Korog's shrine. She has persuaded Valtae to join remaining neutral and casted Unmoving on her shield. Faith had helped in destroying some bits of Branko's hold.

- (4) Faith had defended the last bastion. As she said a prayer afterwards heading back. As the fight was finally over, Faith had held true to her tenet to strike true with the bow she had made earlier. She had rebuilt it holding up the wall around as undead went to destroy her craft and kill her! Remebering her tenets to strike true with her craft against the threat that was threatening the balance at the sorrows and finishing the job she had promised the dwarf Judah Leatheraxe!

The character must have earnest and genuine faith in their Divine.

Faith had discovered a unique outlook on Korog. As a lot of them are not grounded. She views Korog to be the very thing that keeps everyone grounded. You must fall back to it, even the smallest of creatures go back to the ground to eat and drink. Something that has definitely been unique. Finding her true Faith in Korog as she gave up the other divines and worshiping them. She truly believes that Korog is the way for the future. Being the very sound of the metalic voice ringing out as she speaks trying to understand the world.

She believes that Korog is the very foundation that he is the giver of everything that is made and taken. Including the metal that takes people's lives. She has made an Archblossom longbow by the Lionheart due to nobody apart of Korog betraying their promises. Unlike Leonhardht and Iuno. That had promised to teach her but failed to do so. This includes Aleksei saying that he would teach her brother, Josiah Meadow as he had not reached out. Viewing Ignis as corrupt for being so ‘noble’ of her followers. This bow is at (1981, 70, -9857)

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.

I feel like my post for making a clergy is enough. This includes the events that I have hosted before. [Link], [Link], Faith has persuaded. Ruckus to join and got him to finally understand and speak normally towards her!

She had begun to assist others in their faith. Gathering Edger and others out of their caves for previous events to begin to discuss. For their own way and everyone's own sense of pride. Teaching others her own way of thinking for the faith, having pride in your heritage, family, friends, and most importantly your own craft. Everyone can be neutral but there are different aspects of being neutral. Lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, and evil neutral. To keep the balance, you must do what you think is right for your friends, family, and more. Which has led her to be seen as prideful.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith
- (1) Faith had a talk with her apprentice Gaelwyn .Showing her own unique way of pride. For her craft and friends. Not minding too much for herself. An idea for family and friends! You need multiple parts of a craft to work! So, she believes this is important for Korogites!

- (2) Faith had explained to her apprentice Kaede. About what Korog means to her and to obey your true liege. This includes bowing. Which makes Faith a tad uncomfortable. Due to her not being the Exalt or the like! Be obedient to your rightful liege.

- (3) Faith had debated with Valtae about the gods. Including on what their true domains are. As no pantheon member declares the domain as mercy or the domain as Sound. Faith's voice booms out with a metallic ring due to her being a part of a cult and her members. Yet, it does not make sense. Only specific members of the pantheon have true music or true sound. You need sound to speak, hear, and more.

- (4) She had climbed the mountain nearby behind where the temple was located to get a bird's eye view. She has rescued a horse that was injured. Descending the mountain with a new companion believing that Korog is merciful to those that go to him in dire situations. Faith Meadow has to work on her horseback riding skills to rival Aleksei and Branko. Needing to be much quicker than Vowrawn on horseback. She'd recall her previous conversations with Valtae and Frost. Especially after yesterday, giving Valtae an invention to save lives or an idea. Of Mother's Embrace gloves. Beginning to gather the materials and using the horse to gather some stone once descending the mountain for her craft.

- (5) Faith had held a charity event. For animals nearby building the stalls. As she believes that the snow rabbit was to assist Faith in getting over her fear fully. Believing it to be a gift of Korog. She had gathered Edger and her apprentice Snaxkz as the two discussed on what they wish to be in the faith. A great deal for the clergy for the two of them to finally meet! Which has made her go into a meditation state with her kitten snowflake afterwards at the shrine viewing that Scion's are not at fault and can be blessed. Along with Constructs for Korog. Due to now two of them reaching out to her!

- (6) Faith had attended the fire ceremony at Frost light to burn people's greatest sins on a piece of paper. She took this as a chance to be forgiven, promising Korog that she would leave Nid Arach alone and destroying a book of the necromancer's fort at Nid Arach. Faith believes that such a book is a problem. Especially with her cousin Glory Reeves worshipping Skraag. She is proud of her cousin Glory. But does not believe such a thing should be shown to Glory due to her still working for The Necromancer and not going to her!

- (7) Faith had finally prayed about getting a crafting station at the Underforge expanding! She said a prayer heading back from Storms landing making some nails for the cathedral. Once Albert had casted restore order on Faith while she was working being outraged, she bit down her tongue going back to what she was doing.

They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.

  1. Faith had remained neutral in a bar fight at the tavern in storm's landing. This was a fight with Rogal, Faye, and some more. As Rogal took someones tongue. Instead of going back into the fight she went to leave once seeing that Faye was okay defending Faye that is in HER council.
  2. Faith had destroyed an Ignis Pendant at a shrine to Korog. Due to her tenant to only be obedient to him. It was rather painful, due to it being one of the first things that Faith has ever made as a carver before she had actually started to worship Korog. The day right before.
  3. Faith had made a giant ship made out of Birdwood. Due to her heading towards Korog's log [LINK] for climbing! Be as honest as thine work, for the crafter imparts themselves on their creation. It took months to make the ship along with getting help. Due to Faith not being a tailor herself to make the sail. As she remembered that Fjord's wife is a tailor going to her for assistance on this endeavor.
  4. Faith had taught Ruckus a lesson. As he had ventured to hell and has done multiple things. The man is petrified in the landing, not having a sense of true pride and own worth. Faith had taken him to the Forge to show that he can do something and to have a sense of pride in his actions. This includes getting him to stop and worry, becoming more neutral in the landing. As he had stopped stuttering around Faith.
  5. Faith had talked to Vowrawn. As she was fighting for her life, the man had to be pride. Taking everything in his own glory as Faith was unable to build in Grakanant. She had left Cor Votum taking the beating of her life from him. As she had faught with her allies before, defending the shrine from him. As he wished to tear down. She had finally defended her own pride and her own crafts from him.
  6. Faith had taught Gaelwyn some crafting with Alchemy. This includes getting the character into crafting. He had begun to reach out to Faith for assistance and to test out the unknown as Faith views everyone has the right to learn and being obedient to Korog in The Coast by making something. Even if it is the tiniest thing such as carving their first toy!
  7. Faith made a Trebuchet for Nid Arach. Remaining neutral towards Skraag praying over her cousin's shield to destroy the wall. As this happened. She protected the Trebutchet from the first beast striking true as her tenet declares so!
  8. Faith had got Gaelwyn to become an apprentice alchemist. Praying over his first alchemist craft as she went into more about what it takes. Giving him inspiration and pride for his craft. Including going into a long prayer for him.
  9. Faith had baptized Snaxkz an Immortal Construct. Taking him as an apprentice to teach the ways of Korog to him!
  10. Faith had remained neutral. As Vowrawn sent men into the hills. Allowing them to past for Grakanant. Even after their dispute and him trying to attack her, dragging her back into Grakanant for arrest! Leofwine had fought Branko Callas and lost. As vowrawn sent people to the kills to deal with some bandits he had found Leofwine bleeding out and saved his life as she was teaching Snaxkz!
  11. Faith had defended her claims and her property. As Sophie insulted Faith! Picking up the twins as she had trained her dog Moose the corgi well. Talking back and forth before leaving. As Laicelem had joked about eating her pet that is extremely close to her! Defend your name and claims, for pride in one's worth is warranted.
  12. Faith had taken Kaede as an apprentice! Assisting her in worshiping Korog or beginning to learn more, providing her a feast to celebrate the occasion to be a servant for the clergy and Kaede stated that she would listen to Faith. Which was a great day to have someone assist in building homes for other people. Kaede is a refugee from Linlea!
  13. Faith had taken an oath of neutrality swearing to always protect the balance free of pride and prejudice matters. By the iron and mead within my blood, I hold this oath to you Korog. That I will not give intention the deception of Ignis and her followers. I take this oath, that I will only uphold neutrality to protect the balance, Permanence and neutrality for the realm. I shall observer your direction. I will remain faithful as I have been through the beginning of my new life. As Albert dared to question my loyalty to you at the grand cathedral. I shall become wiser as my years to come listening to my ally's and foes the like to improve and act out your will. As a child goes to their father for approval. I shall go to you in prayer.
Discussion is ongoing for this one - thank you for your patience!


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2. [Since 07/28/2021]
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least five events which are of thematic significance to their divine.
  1. Hidden Hand.: Defended the Visage shrine from Jaxites. Killed for Visage, the first time he had ever taken a human life.
  2. All for Naught - The Door. : Utilized his ability to parse multiple languages to aid in opening the door.
  3. Those Late.: Sought answers for the whereabouts of the dead god Laets, in attempt to further the goals of the Apostles of the Sea and gain the knowledge for himself.
  4. All for Naught - Eternal Slumber.: Aided the crew in dealing with the spirits' unrest. Monitoring of the cult in both efforts to help distinguish Visage away from the sea as well as keep an eye on it.
  5. Astrakhan Ball.: Won the costume contest with his zombified guise.
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
  • It is by the grace of Visage that he remembers himself at all.
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
  • Emphasis is put on memory—legacy—more than anywhere else. Knowledge and documentation play a part in this.
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine.
  • Taught Luna about Silas and Laets among the other fallen divines, whilst helping her come to understand Visage.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above. [5/5]
  • Discerned another follower of Visage, Kadhab of Sool, without letting slip his own faith.
  • Killed to defend Visage's shrine--the first deaths he has ever directly inflicted. The bodies were cast out into the sea. The spells Obscurity and Illusion II were used. - Luna discovered his blessing as a result. She swore to secrecy when such was asked of her.
  • Copied the riddle upon the door to the Selthi Tomb, providing Luna with the notes afterward. Luna was able to find the last word, otherwise unresolved without their collaboration.
  • Created a separate identities for himself, with only a trusted few let in on the secret. Whilst generally shed since, "Braes" and "Sir Elam" still make occasional appearances.
  • Spoke with Ardaric about plans to intercede in Visage's court--and the creation of another sea god or goddess. Present for the formation of the Apostles of the Sea, he was able to meet some version of their patron.
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.
  1. Sailed to the Wreck of the Meridain, manning the ship and providing the designs for the diving bell used to salvage the wreckage.
  2. Attended Eliss' declaration, discerning and ousting Briarwood as a Visagite and designate himself as the "unbiased" intermediary between the Jaxites and Visagites.
  3. Attended the "Know" summoning in Candlewood, gathering the information the figment put forward and beliefs of those present. Managed to insert himself within the circle of trust for those that would try and revive Silas.
  4. Attended a meeting of the Candlewood minds, listening in on their plans as well as external proposals to unseat knowledge from Visage and grant it to Korog.
  5. Commissioned Laisa's talents for architecture in the construction of the Barental cathedral. Whilst shrines to the "Good" and "Neutral" Gods are present, none of the Dark Gods are given shrines. Visage is given one in a basin by the entrance, with no indication that such would belong to the divine.
  6. Housed Connor Hayden when he fled the law.
  7. Summons "Feast of the Gods" on the regular to serve to those none-the-wiser. The act is both intended as goodwill as well as blatant touting of his secret blessing.
  8. Distantly supplied ships to the Cor Votum naval blockade without any personal involvement.
  9. Inflated the value of items at Marigold's Auction in order to heighten charity donations in turn. Used "Suggestion" on a stranger to make them increase their bid.
  10. Shared his long-held research and theory with Connor Hayden and Veldric Alraun-Dugald regarding the methods of culling Qlippoth. Whilst unable to divulge his plans to the two, he means to call upon Visage to starve it of water and then destroy its hivemind.
  11. Pretended to reprimand Elis to spare him Rian's vitriol.
Last edited:


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Faith Meadow - T3
[Divine profile]
[Character profile]

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.


Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
- (1) Faith held a drinking contest. As Kristoff brought booze he made it, including gathering people to meet others. She defended her money and her friends since she takes pride in them completely at bliss!

- (2) She had started to create a clergy for Korog! This is for her own faith and there not being a currently active one. This includes working on a temple behind her home for people to worship in the mountains.

- (3) Faith had participated in Nid Arach. Due to her tenet to remember who her liege is. After destroying the pendant of the inquisition at Korog's shrine. She has persuaded Valtae to join remaining neutral and casted Unmoving on her shield. Faith had helped in destroying some bits of Branko's hold.

- (4) Faith had defended the last bastion. As she said a prayer afterwards heading back. As the fight was finally over, Faith had held true to her tenet to strike true with the bow she had made earlier. She had rebuilt it holding up the wall around as undead went to destroy her craft and kill her! Remebering her tenets to strike true with her craft against the threat that was threatening the balance at the sorrows and finishing the job she had promised the dwarf Judah Leatheraxe!

The character must have earnest and genuine faith in their Divine.

Faith had discovered a unique outlook on Korog. As a lot of them are not grounded. She views Korog to be the very thing that keeps everyone grounded. You must fall back to it, even the smallest of creatures go back to the ground to eat and drink. Something that has definitely been unique. Finding her true Faith in Korog as she gave up the other divines and worshiping them. She truly believes that Korog is the way for the future. Being the very sound of the metalic voice ringing out as she speaks trying to understand the world.

She believes that Korog is the very foundation that he is the giver of everything that is made and taken. Including the metal that takes people's lives. She has made an Archblossom longbow by the Lionheart due to nobody apart of Korog betraying their promises. Unlike Leonhardht and Iuno. That had promised to teach her but failed to do so. This includes Aleksei saying that he would teach her brother, Josiah Meadow as he had not reached out. Viewing Ignis as corrupt for being so ‘noble’ of her followers. This bow is at (1981, 70, -9857)

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.

I feel like my post for making a clergy is enough. This includes the events that I have hosted before. [Link], [Link], Faith has persuaded. Ruckus to join and got him to finally understand and speak normally towards her!

She had begun to assist others in their faith. Gathering Edger and others out of their caves for previous events to begin to discuss. For their own way and everyone's own sense of pride. Teaching others her own way of thinking for the faith, having pride in your heritage, family, friends, and most importantly your own craft. Everyone can be neutral but there are different aspects of being neutral. Lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, and evil neutral. To keep the balance, you must do what you think is right for your friends, family, and more. Which has led her to be seen as prideful.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith
- (1) Faith had a talk with her apprentice Gaelwyn .Showing her own unique way of pride. For her craft and friends. Not minding too much for herself. An idea for family and friends! You need multiple parts of a craft to work! So, she believes this is important for Korogites!

- (2) Faith had explained to her apprentice Kaede. About what Korog means to her and to obey your true liege. This includes bowing. Which makes Faith a tad uncomfortable. Due to her not being the Exalt or the like! Be obedient to your rightful liege.

- (3) Faith had debated with Valtae about the gods. Including on what their true domains are. As no pantheon member declares the domain as mercy or the domain as Sound. Faith's voice booms out with a metallic ring due to her being a part of a cult and her members. Yet, it does not make sense. Only specific members of the pantheon have true music or true sound. You need sound to speak, hear, and more.

- (4) She had climbed the mountain nearby behind where the temple was located to get a bird's eye view. She has rescued a horse that was injured. Descending the mountain with a new companion believing that Korog is merciful to those that go to him in dire situations. Faith Meadow has to work on her horseback riding skills to rival Aleksei and Branko. Needing to be much quicker than Vowrawn on horseback. She'd recall her previous conversations with Valtae and Frost. Especially after yesterday, giving Valtae an invention to save lives or an idea. Of Mother's Embrace gloves. Beginning to gather the materials and using the horse to gather some stone once descending the mountain for her craft.

- (5) Faith had held a charity event. For animals nearby building the stalls. As she believes that the snow rabbit was to assist Faith in getting over her fear fully. Believing it to be a gift of Korog. She had gathered Edger and her apprentice Snaxkz as the two discussed on what they wish to be in the faith. A great deal for the clergy for the two of them to finally meet! Which has made her go into a meditation state with her kitten snowflake afterwards at the shrine viewing that Scion's are not at fault and can be blessed. Along with Constructs for Korog. Due to now two of them reaching out to her!

- (6) Faith had attended the fire ceremony at Frost light to burn people's greatest sins on a piece of paper. She took this as a chance to be forgiven, promising Korog that she would leave Nid Arach alone and destroying a book of the necromancer's fort at Nid Arach. Faith believes that such a book is a problem. Especially with her cousin Glory Reeves worshipping Skraag. She is proud of her cousin Glory. But does not believe such a thing should be shown to Glory due to her still working for The Necromancer and not going to her!

- (7) Faith had finally prayed about getting a crafting station at the Underforge expanding! She said a prayer heading back from Storms landing making some nails for the cathedral. Once Albert had casted restore order on Faith while she was working being outraged, she bit down her tongue going back to what she was doing.

They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.

  1. Faith had remained neutral in a bar fight at the tavern in storm's landing. This was a fight with Rogal, Faye, and some more. As Rogal took someones tongue. Instead of going back into the fight she went to leave once seeing that Faye was okay defending Faye that is in HER council.
  2. Faith had destroyed an Ignis Pendant at a shrine to Korog. Due to her tenant to only be obedient to him. It was rather painful, due to it being one of the first things that Faith has ever made as a carver before she had actually started to worship Korog. The day right before.
  3. Faith had made a giant ship made out of Birdwood. Due to her heading towards Korog's log [LINK] for climbing! Be as honest as thine work, for the crafter imparts themselves on their creation. It took months to make the ship along with getting help. Due to Faith not being a tailor herself to make the sail. As she remembered that Fjord's wife is a tailor going to her for assistance on this endeavor.
  4. Faith had taught Ruckus a lesson. As he had ventured to hell and has done multiple things. The man is petrified in the landing, not having a sense of true pride and own worth. Faith had taken him to the Forge to show that he can do something and to have a sense of pride in his actions. This includes getting him to stop and worry, becoming more neutral in the landing. As he had stopped stuttering around Faith.
  5. Faith had talked to Vowrawn. As she was fighting for her life, the man had to be pride. Taking everything in his own glory as Faith was unable to build in Grakanant. She had left Cor Votum taking the beating of her life from him. As she had faught with her allies before, defending the shrine from him. As he wished to tear down. She had finally defended her own pride and her own crafts from him.
  6. Faith had taught Gaelwyn some crafting with Alchemy. This includes getting the character into crafting. He had begun to reach out to Faith for assistance and to test out the unknown as Faith views everyone has the right to learn and being obedient to Korog in The Coast by making something. Even if it is the tiniest thing such as carving their first toy!
  7. Faith made a Trebuchet for Nid Arach. Remaining neutral towards Skraag praying over her cousin's shield to destroy the wall. As this happened. She protected the Trebutchet from the first beast striking true as her tenet declares so!
  8. Faith had got Gaelwyn to become an apprentice alchemist. Praying over his first alchemist craft as she went into more about what it takes. Giving him inspiration and pride for his craft. Including going into a long prayer for him.
  9. Faith had baptized Snaxkz an Immortal Construct. Taking him as an apprentice to teach the ways of Korog to him!
  10. Faith had remained neutral. As Vowrawn sent men into the hills. Allowing them to past for Grakanant. Even after their dispute and him trying to attack her, dragging her back into Grakanant for arrest! Leofwine had fought Branko Callas and lost. As vowrawn sent people to the kills to deal with some bandits he had found Leofwine bleeding out and saved his life as she was teaching Snaxkz!
  11. Faith had defended her claims and her property. As Sophie insulted Faith! Picking up the twins as she had trained her dog Moose the corgi well. Talking back and forth before leaving. As Laicelem had joked about eating her pet that is extremely close to her! Defend your name and claims, for pride in one's worth is warranted.
  12. Faith had taken Kaede as an apprentice! Assisting her in worshiping Korog or beginning to learn more, providing her a feast to celebrate the occasion to be a servant for the clergy and Kaede stated that she would listen to Faith. Which was a great day to have someone assist in building homes for other people. Kaede is a refugee from Linlea!
  13. Faith had taken an oath of neutrality swearing to always protect the balance free of pride and prejudice matters. By the iron and mead within my blood, I hold this oath to you Korog. That I will not give intention the deception of Ignis and her followers. I take this oath, that I will only uphold neutrality to protect the balance, Permanence and neutrality for the realm. I shall observer your direction. I will remain faithful as I have been through the beginning of my new life. As Albert dared to question my loyalty to you at the grand cathedral. I shall become wiser as my years to come listening to my ally's and foes the like to improve and act out your will. As a child goes to their father for approval. I shall go to you in prayer.
Hey there — thanks for your application. Our apologies for the wait here, there was IRL and inactivity to sift through. We’d like to ask you to make a divine ticket to discuss some of the acts in more detail, if you’d be willing. Currently there’s not enough here across the board to warrant a rankup through Korog, and discussing it out may be a good option to start.


Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2. [Since 07/28/2021]
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least five events which are of thematic significance to their divine.
  1. Hidden Hand.: Defended the Visage shrine from Jaxites. Killed for Visage, the first time he had ever taken a human life.
  2. All for Naught - The Door. : Utilized his ability to parse multiple languages to aid in opening the door.
  3. Those Late.: Sought answers for the whereabouts of the dead god Laets, in attempt to further the goals of the Apostles of the Sea and gain the knowledge for himself.
  4. All for Naught - Eternal Slumber.: Aided the crew in dealing with the spirits' unrest. Monitoring of the cult in both efforts to help distinguish Visage away from the sea as well as keep an eye on it.
  5. Astrakhan Ball.: Won the costume contest with his zombified guise.
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
  • It is by the grace of Visage that he remembers himself at all.
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
  • Emphasis is put on memory—legacy—more than anywhere else. Knowledge and documentation play a part in this.
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine.
  • Taught Luna about Silas and Laets among the other fallen divines, whilst helping her come to understand Visage.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above. [5/5]
  • Discerned another follower of Visage, Kadhab of Sool, without letting slip his own faith.
  • Killed to defend Visage's shrine--the first deaths he has ever directly inflicted. The bodies were cast out into the sea. The spells Obscurity and Illusion II were used. - Luna discovered his blessing as a result. She swore to secrecy when such was asked of her.
  • Copied the riddle upon the door to the Selthi Tomb, providing Luna with the notes afterward. Luna was able to find the last word, otherwise unresolved without their collaboration.
  • Created a separate identities for himself, with only a trusted few let in on the secret. Whilst generally shed since, "Braes" and "Sir Elam" still make occasional appearances.
  • Spoke with Ardaric about plans to intercede in Visage's court--and the creation of another sea god or goddess. Present for the formation of the Apostles of the Sea, he was able to meet some version of their patron.
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.
  1. Sailed to the Wreck of the Meridain, manning the ship and providing the designs for the diving bell used to salvage the wreckage.
  2. Attended Eliss' declaration, discerning and ousting Briarwood as a Visagite and designate himself as the "unbiased" intermediary between the Jaxites and Visagites.
  3. Attended the "Know" summoning in Candlewood, gathering the information the figment put forward and beliefs of those present. Managed to insert himself within the circle of trust for those that would try and revive Silas.
  4. Attended a meeting of the Candlewood minds, listening in on their plans as well as external proposals to unseat knowledge from Visage and grant it to Korog.
  5. Commissioned Laisa's talents for architecture in the construction of the Barental cathedral. Whilst shrines to the "Good" and "Neutral" Gods are present, none of the Dark Gods are given shrines. Visage is given one in a basin by the entrance, with no indication that such would belong to the divine.
  6. Housed Connor Hayden when he fled the law.
  7. Summons "Feast of the Gods" on the regular to serve to those none-the-wiser. The act is both intended as goodwill as well as blatant touting of his secret blessing.
  8. Distantly supplied ships to the Cor Votum naval blockade without any personal involvement.
  9. Inflated the value of items at Marigold's Auction in order to heighten charity donations in turn. Used "Suggestion" on a stranger to make them increase their bid.
  10. Shared his long-held research and theory with Connor Hayden and Veldric Alraun-Dugald regarding the methods of culling Qlippoth. Whilst unable to divulge his plans to the two, he means to call upon Visage to starve it of water and then destroy its hivemind.
  11. Pretended to reprimand Elis to spare him Rian's vitriol.
Hey Dee, this application is looking good. Apologies for the late response here, the divine team has been a bit busy IRL. We feel that all of these are good steps forward, but specifically the Feast of the Gods Act, Housing Connor, and the Apostles act do not directly fit the mold for Visage. With this in mind, we’re looking for 2 minor actors or 1 major act to go through with approval.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Theodra Tier 4​

Date of Tier 3
May 21, 2022
Listen, I know. Let's test out this new rank-up thing, yah?
Significant Deeds

[Intercession] Witness to the intervention of the Gods in the shifting nature of the portal. The presence of particular gods was based on the efforts of their faithful, and Som's efforts during the Ivory War contributed to Theodra's presence during this event.​
[Valorous] Som set forth with the Rangers, and was blisteringly lethal with her bow. However, as their assault on the keep began, she was struck with a ballista. It would have been fatal if not for two things: she had wisely prepared for the possibility of death beforehand with her​
Multiple conversations with Laicelem coaching him about thinking through his actions before acting rashly, in particular about how to do this in pursuit of his own faith in the Huntress.​
Is sought out by others, particularly younger Rangers, as a source of wisdom and strength, and they often ask difficult questions regarding her faith.​

Prominent Deeds

➼ [ Exorcism ] Originally simply a helper with the exorcism of Aleksei Ivanov, when Aryn and Jaden were occupied with the Lamentior that came through, Som took up the task and completed it.​
➼ [ Exorcism ] Relieved Bernard of his abyssal possession, when he was contracted to Geomorren.​
➼ [ Offering ] [Required for T2 in new guidelines, which I did not follow, so this is to meet that] Despite not remembering a thing of her life before the new continent, Som has carried a yew bow that she's had for far longer than she can remember. It was the bow given to her by her likely late husband, that she has born out of instinct this entire time. Leaving it in a wild place for the Huntress (OOC in the cathedral), she is acknowledging the impact that this past still leaves on her, and the steadiness that the Huntress offers to her life. And so she moves forward, unburdened by the unremembered trauma that has haunted her steps. Eyes forward, ears open, mind clear.​
(Som's yew bow was made long before Hollowcrafting was a thing, so this is my representation of it)​

➼ [ Meaningful Ritual or Practice ] [This is also required for T3, which Som achieved prior to the new guidelines] Som spends much of her downtime treking across the wild places of Altera. This itself is not her ritual. Nor is the serenity that flows through her with each arrow she fires from her bow - each a prayer. The focused, intentional ritual she has taken up is stalking as close to prey - or other predators - as she can without being detected. She does not hunt them, or kill them during these stalks. Instead she lingers near them with a mind like water - clear and still - and absorbs the wisdom that each animal has to teach her.​
A note on the following events: These almost all follow the "Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source." tenet, and sometimes the "You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world." Som's role in each was largely as a tracker and archer, and a tactician when necessary. I will be a bit brief in descriptions of her role in various events unless it's outside this, as many of the events are from well over a year ago and I have the fuzziest of memories. I know I am missing some, but I included as many as I could remember.
➼ [ Ivory Rift ] When the rift was opened above Storm's Landing, Som helped topple one of the ritual obelisks before she hopped in an airship and went straight to the source, seeking to drive the presence out of this realm.​
➼ [ What We Find In The Shadows ] With a group of Rangers, took down a general holding one of the towers that encircled the Ivory Keep.​
➼ [ The Missing Caravan ] In addition to the practicalities of tracking the Sooleran caravan in support of the Ivory War, this was a rite of passage for her protege Cieren. Som stepped back and let Cieren call the shots in order to evaluate her readiness to be a leader in her own right.​
➼ [ A Waltz of Arrows ] Scouting for the Ivory War.​
➼ [ Scour of the Silent ] A foray by the Rangers into the realm of the Ivory King to seek a firm foothold to push back against his forces.​
➼ [ A Surprise To Be Sure ] More scouting for the Ivory War.​
➼ [ Riots of War ] The first main push into the Ivory Keep.​
➼ [ The Air Was Abuzz ] During the efforts against the Twisted Star, Som went scouting with some of the Rangers and learned valuable lessons about bugs.​
➼ [ Solstice ] A culmination of sorts, where Som and her cohort stood against the forces trying to give strength to Dranoden. Though they did not win the day, they survived to a person, and​
➼ [ Halls Unknown ] Venturing into the lair of the Night Star in the wake of his ascension, the Rangers sought answers - and perhaps something they could use against him if it became necessary.​
➼ [ To Dethrone ] Pushing deeper into the lair of the once-archfiend, Som and her allies faced demonic generals.​
➼ [ The Bachelorette Party ] On the eve of Marian's wedding, there was a hunt. The gryphons that were found did not behave as expected, and the group realized they were not the bloodthirsty creatures others had encountered before. Som now wears a feather of one of the adults they slew before they realized their mistake, to remind herself to always re-evaluate situations that seem straightforward. To not kill without necessity.
➼ [ The Poachers ] A fellow hunter invited Som and some of the Rangers to hunt poachers that were within his territory. So soon in the wake of the gryphon hunt, the poacher's actions and treatment of the young arbori drove her and Yrdl to treat the poachers with no mercy.​

Exalted Deed

➼ [ The Ivory King ] The final assault within the Ivory Keep, which saw the death of both the Ivory King and his spawn. Som was among those left standing in the aftermath after getting pretty up close and personal.​

Total: 20

I would prefer an in-game rank-up.


Loyal Servant of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Initial T1 App For Visage

Character Name
: Lily
IGN: thechibikiwi
Character Profile: x
Blessed Link: X
1 month since creation of profile Yes
Character must be older than 16: Yes

Create or find a shrine that your character prays at regularly
Shrine is at/near 6364/-8056

+ 2 prominent deeds from the list above

Personally accomplish a significant achievement that God would be impressed by (repeatable)

Became baptized (Jan 13, 2024)

Make a meaningful material offering to your character’s patron (once)
Created a handcrafted mask and offered it to Visage,( chest at 6364/-8056 ) (Jan 13,2024)

I also want to include all the work I did before the new tier system, if it can be taken into accountability if the above is a bit weak
Divine Progress:
07/10/23 - Met in Drakenport at Visage shrine with a follower of Visage. Was accepted as a student.

07/12/23 - Started work on a 'secret' cookbook with intent to follow the tenet Selectingly giveth thy knowledge.
07/12/23 - Started 'research' on how Visage became a god. Traveled from Linistel to the White Temple and spoke to the exalt of Ignis Aleksei to find out how Harateth fell, as she learned that Aldred, the beast that killed Silas was also killed by the same blade that killed Harateth and she wants to know more about the blade. She was directed to House Varyn in Queensport to learn about the blade.

07/13/23 - Requested an audience with a member of House Varyn (rp set up for future, requested in discord)
07/13/23 - Wrote a letter to Jishrim Exalt Cassandra , as she learned that Visage was born from Jishrim and wanted information on how. Continuing to persure the tenet
Seeketh far thy words of worthe.
07/13/23 - Started to keep a 'book of secrets' of things she hears that others shouldn't know.

07/21/23 - Met with Bennet of house Varyn and inquired about Dawnbreak in an effort to find out how it killed Aldred. Found out, it was given by Rahas to Gelyk to kill Harateth. It was then given to an unknown person to kill Aldred.

11/11/23 - Learned about Harateth being corrupted


Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.

7.10.23 - Current - Asked for lessons about Visage from a masked follower. Getting weekly lessons on how he came to be, his mission and how to worship him.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.

7.10.23 to 11.11.23 - Learned the secrets and back story of visage, and kept it to herself

07/10/23 - Met in Drakenport at Visage shrine with a follower of Visage. Was accepted as a student.

07/12/23 - Started 'research' on how Visage became a god. Traveled from Linistel to the White Temple and spoke to the exalt of Ignis Aleksei to find out how Harateth fell, as she learned that Aldred, the beast that killed Silas was also killed by the same blade that killed Harateth and she wants to know more about the blade. She was directed to House Varyn in Queensport to learn about the blade.

07/13/23 - Requested an audience with a member of House Varyn (rp set up for future, requested in discord)

07/13/23 - Wrote a letter to Jishrim Exalt Cassandra , as she learned that Visage was born from Jishrim and wanted information on how. Continuing to persure the tenet
Seeketh far thy words of worthe.

07/13/23 - Started to keep a 'book of secrets' of things she hears that others shouldn't know.

07/21/23 - Met with Bennet of house Varyn and inquired about Dawnbreak in an effort to find out how it killed Aldred. Found out, it was given by Rahas to Gelyk to kill Harateth. It was then given to an unknown person to kill Aldred.

1.13.24 - Was Baptized

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)

The mask she made when she started to learn of visage. (6364/-8056)
Last edited:


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Everyone, please make it clear in your application what divine you are applying for, and what Tier.

TheChibiKiwi can you do a quick edit up there, just so we got everything squared away? Thanks!


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Initial T1 App For Visage

Character Name
: Lily
IGN: thechibikiwi
Character Profile: x
Blessed Link: X
1 month since creation of profile Yes
Character must be older than 16: Yes

Create or find a shrine that your character prays at regularly
Shrine is at/near 6364/-8056

+ 2 prominent deeds from the list above

Personally accomplish a significant achievement that God would be impressed by (repeatable)

Became baptized (Jan 13, 2024)

Make a meaningful material offering to your character’s patron (once)
Created a handcrafted mask and offered it to Visage,( chest at 6364/-8056 ) (Jan 13,2024)

I also want to include all the work I did before the new tier system, if it can be taken into accountability if the above is a bit weak
Divine Progress:
07/10/23 - Met in Drakenport at Visage shrine with a follower of Visage. Was accepted as a student.

07/12/23 - Started work on a 'secret' cookbook with intent to follow the tenet Selectingly giveth thy knowledge.
07/12/23 - Started 'research' on how Visage became a god. Traveled from Linistel to the White Temple and spoke to the exalt of Ignis Aleksei to find out how Harateth fell, as she learned that Aldred, the beast that killed Silas was also killed by the same blade that killed Harateth and she wants to know more about the blade. She was directed to House Varyn in Queensport to learn about the blade.

07/13/23 - Requested an audience with a member of House Varyn (rp set up for future, requested in discord)
07/13/23 - Wrote a letter to Jishrim Exalt Cassandra , as she learned that Visage was born from Jishrim and wanted information on how. Continuing to persure the tenet
Seeketh far thy words of worthe.
07/13/23 - Started to keep a 'book of secrets' of things she hears that others shouldn't know.

07/21/23 - Met with Bennet of house Varyn and inquired about Dawnbreak in an effort to find out how it killed Aldred. Found out, it was given by Rahas to Gelyk to kill Harateth. It was then given to an unknown person to kill Aldred.

11/11/23 - Learned about Harateth being corrupted


Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.

7.10.23 - Current - Asked for lessons about Visage from a masked follower. Getting weekly lessons on how he came to be, his mission and how to worship him.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.

7.10.23 to 11.11.23 - Learned the secrets and back story of visage, and kept it to herself

07/10/23 - Met in Drakenport at Visage shrine with a follower of Visage. Was accepted as a student.

07/12/23 - Started 'research' on how Visage became a god. Traveled from Linistel to the White Temple and spoke to the exalt of Ignis Aleksei to find out how Harateth fell, as she learned that Aldred, the beast that killed Silas was also killed by the same blade that killed Harateth and she wants to know more about the blade. She was directed to House Varyn in Queensport to learn about the blade.

07/13/23 - Requested an audience with a member of House Varyn (rp set up for future, requested in discord)

07/13/23 - Wrote a letter to Jishrim Exalt Cassandra , as she learned that Visage was born from Jishrim and wanted information on how. Continuing to persure the tenet
Seeketh far thy words of worthe.

07/13/23 - Started to keep a 'book of secrets' of things she hears that others shouldn't know.

07/21/23 - Met with Bennet of house Varyn and inquired about Dawnbreak in an effort to find out how it killed Aldred. Found out, it was given by Rahas to Gelyk to kill Harateth. It was then given to an unknown person to kill Aldred.

1.13.24 - Was Baptized

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)

The mask she made when she started to learn of visage. (6364/-8056)
As evening makes room for nightfall and Lily finds herself scribing the pages of her book, she'd find herself joined by the sensation of an audience watching her work. The feeling of being watched coming from all around but there's nothing she can see causing it. Then the quiet choir of whispers begins, echoing the secrets on the pages to her, but only so loud that she can barely hear it. It last just long enough for her to take notice, and when they fade, she feels a surge of quiet power within her.

Congratulations, Knowledge Seeker, you have achieved Tier 1.


Thank you for using baptism for one of your acts, it pointed out a gap in our list. We've included it now for future T1 apps to use (but won't be eligible for higher tiers).

I also want to say for folks who will use the 'Do something that impresses God' prominent deed, we are looking for something that makes us go 'wow, that's cool.' We want to allow for creativity, but these are more than conversations, and need to be concrete accomplishments. Conversations and smaller acts that the god would approve of can make the difference if we're on the fence on prominent deeds, but we won't count them for themselves. Still good to keep a log like this!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Faith Meadow - T3
[Divine profile]
[Character profile]

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.


Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
- (1) Faith held a drinking contest. As Kristoff brought booze he made it, including gathering people to meet others. She defended her money and her friends since she takes pride in them completely at bliss!

- (2) She had started to create a clergy for Korog! This is for her own faith and there not being a currently active one. This includes working on a temple behind her home for people to worship in the mountains.

- (3) Faith had participated in Nid Arach. Due to her tenet to remember who her liege is. After destroying the pendant of the inquisition at Korog's shrine. She has persuaded Valtae to join remaining neutral and casted Unmoving on her shield. Faith had helped in destroying some bits of Branko's hold.

- (4) Faith had defended the last bastion. As she said a prayer afterwards heading back. As the fight was finally over, Faith had held true to her tenet to strike true with the bow she had made earlier. She had rebuilt it holding up the wall around as undead went to destroy her craft and kill her! Remebering her tenets to strike true with her craft against the threat that was threatening the balance at the sorrows and finishing the job she had promised the dwarf Judah Leatheraxe!

- (5) Faith ventured into hell to find the twisted horn's soul vault. She has listened to Laicelem and his guidance striking down quickly a demon saving an elf in a cage that was being tortured.
View attachment 140755

The character must have earnest and genuine faith in their Divine.

Faith had discovered a unique outlook on Korog. As a lot of them are not grounded. She views Korog to be the very thing that keeps everyone grounded. You must fall back to it, even the smallest of creatures go back to the ground to eat and drink. Something that has definitely been unique. Finding her true Faith in Korog as she gave up the other divines and worshiping them. She truly believes that Korog is the way for the future. Being the very sound of the metalic voice ringing out as she speaks trying to understand the world.

She believes that Korog is the very foundation that he is the giver of everything that is made and taken. Including the metal that takes people's lives. She has made an Archblossom longbow by the Lionheart due to nobody apart of Korog betraying their promises. Unlike Leonhardht and Iuno. That had promised to teach her but failed to do so. This includes Aleksei saying that he would teach her brother, Josiah Meadow as he had not reached out. Viewing Ignis as corrupt for being so ‘noble’ of her followers. This bow is at (1981, 70, -9857)

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.

I feel like my post for making a clergy is enough. This includes the events that I have hosted before. [Link], [Link], Faith has persuaded. Ruckus to join and got him to finally understand and speak normally towards her!

She had begun to assist others in their faith. Gathering Edger and others out of their caves for previous events to begin to discuss. For their own way and everyone's own sense of pride. Teaching others her own way of thinking for the faith, having pride in your heritage, family, friends, and most importantly your own craft. Everyone can be neutral but there are different aspects of being neutral. Lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, and evil neutral. To keep the balance, you must do what you think is right for your friends, family, and more. Which has led her to be seen as prideful.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith
- (1) Faith had a talk with her apprentice Gaelwyn .Showing her own unique way of pride. For her craft and friends. Not minding too much for herself. An idea for family and friends! You need multiple parts of a craft to work! So, she believes this is important for Korogites!

- (2) Faith had explained to her apprentice Kaede. About what Korog means to her and to obey your true liege. This includes bowing. Which makes Faith a tad uncomfortable. Due to her not being the Exalt or the like! Be obedient to your rightful liege.

- (3) Faith had debated with Valtae about the gods. Including on what their true domains are. As no pantheon member declares the domain as mercy or the domain as Sound. Faith's voice booms out with a metallic ring due to her being a part of a cult and her members. Yet, it does not make sense. Only specific members of the pantheon have true music or true sound. You need sound to speak, hear, and more.

- (4) She had climbed the mountain nearby behind where the temple was located to get a bird's eye view. She has rescued a horse that was injured. Descending the mountain with a new companion believing that Korog is merciful to those that go to him in dire situations. Faith Meadow has to work on her horseback riding skills to rival Aleksei and Branko. Needing to be much quicker than Vowrawn on horseback. She'd recall her previous conversations with Valtae and Frost. Especially after yesterday, giving Valtae an invention to save lives or an idea. Of Mother's Embrace gloves. Beginning to gather the materials and using the horse to gather some stone once descending the mountain for her craft.

- (5) Faith had held a charity event. For animals nearby building the stalls. As she believes that the snow rabbit was to assist Faith in getting over her fear fully. Believing it to be a gift of Korog. She had gathered Edger and her apprentice Snaxkz as the two discussed on what they wish to be in the faith. A great deal for the clergy for the two of them to finally meet! Which has made her go into a meditation state with her kitten snowflake afterwards at the shrine viewing that Scion's are not at fault and can be blessed. Along with Constructs for Korog. Due to now two of them reaching out to her!

- (6) Faith had attended the fire ceremony at Frost light to burn people's greatest sins on a piece of paper. She took this as a chance to be forgiven, promising Korog that she would leave Nid Arach alone and destroying a book of the necromancer's fort at Nid Arach. Faith believes that such a book is a problem. Especially with her cousin Glory Reeves worshipping Skraag. She is proud of her cousin Glory. But does not believe such a thing should be shown to Glory due to her still working for The Necromancer and not going to her!

- (7) Faith had finally prayed about getting a crafting station at the Underforge expanding! She said a prayer heading back from Storms landing making some nails for the cathedral. Once Albert had casted restore order on Faith while she was working being outraged, she bit down her tongue going back to what she was doing.

They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.

  1. Faith had remained neutral in a bar fight at the tavern in storm's landing. This was a fight with Rogal, Faye, and some more. As Rogal took someones tongue. Instead of going back into the fight she went to leave once seeing that Faye was okay defending Faye that is in HER council.
  2. Faith had destroyed an Ignis Pendant at a shrine to Korog. Due to her tenant to only be obedient to him. It was rather painful, due to it being one of the first things that Faith has ever made as a carver before she had actually started to worship Korog. The day right before.
  3. Faith had made a giant ship made out of Birdwood. Due to her heading towards Korog's log [LINK] for climbing! Be as honest as thine work, for the crafter imparts themselves on their creation. It took months to make the ship along with getting help. Due to Faith not being a tailor herself to make the sail. As she remembered that Fjord's wife is a tailor going to her for assistance on this endeavor.
  4. Faith had taught Ruckus a lesson. As he had ventured to hell and has done multiple things. The man is petrified in the landing, not having a sense of true pride and own worth. Faith had taken him to the Forge to show that he can do something and to have a sense of pride in his actions. This includes getting him to stop and worry, becoming more neutral in the landing. As he had stopped stuttering around Faith.
  5. Faith had talked to Vowrawn. As she was fighting for her life, the man had to be pride. Taking everything in his own glory as Faith was unable to build in Grakanant. She had left Cor Votum taking the beating of her life from him. As she had faught with her allies before, defending the shrine from him. As he wished to tear down. She had finally defended her own pride and her own crafts from him.
  6. Faith had taught Gaelwyn some crafting with Alchemy. This includes getting the character into crafting. He had begun to reach out to Faith for assistance and to test out the unknown as Faith views everyone has the right to learn and being obedient to Korog in The Coast by making something. Even if it is the tiniest thing such as carving their first toy!
  7. Faith made a Trebuchet for Nid Arach. Remaining neutral towards Skraag praying over her cousin's shield to destroy the wall. As this happened. She protected the Trebutchet from the first beast striking true as her tenet declares so!
  8. Faith had got Gaelwyn to become an apprentice alchemist. Praying over his first alchemist craft as she went into more about what it takes. Giving him inspiration and pride for his craft. Including going into a long prayer for him.
  9. Faith had baptized Snaxkz an Immortal Construct. Taking him as an apprentice to teach the ways of Korog to him!
  10. Faith had remained neutral. As Vowrawn sent men into the hills. Allowing them to past for Grakanant. Even after their dispute and him trying to attack her, dragging her back into Grakanant for arrest! Leofwine had fought Branko Callas and lost. As vowrawn sent people to the kills to deal with some bandits he had found Leofwine bleeding out and saved his life as she was teaching Snaxkz!
  11. Faith had defended her claims and her property. As Sophie insulted Faith! Picking up the twins as she had trained her dog Moose the corgi well. Talking back and forth before leaving. As Laicelem had joked about eating her pet that is extremely close to her! Defend your name and claims, for pride in one's worth is warranted.
  12. Faith had taken Kaede as an apprentice! Assisting her in worshiping Korog or beginning to learn more, providing her a feast to celebrate the occasion to be a servant for the clergy and Kaede stated that she would listen to Faith. Which was a great day to have someone assist in building homes for other people. Kaede is a refugee from Linlea!
  13. Faith had taken an oath of neutrality swearing to always protect the balance free of pride and prejudice matters. By the iron and mead within my blood, I hold this oath to you Korog. That I will not give intention the deception of Ignis and her followers. I take this oath, that I will only uphold neutrality to protect the balance, Permanence and neutrality for the realm. I shall observer your direction. I will remain faithful as I have been through the beginning of my new life. As Albert dared to question my loyalty to you at the grand cathedral. I shall become wiser as my years to come listening to my ally's and foes the like to improve and act out your will. As a child goes to their father for approval. I shall go to you in prayer.
I added 1 thing


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Theodra Tier 4​

Date of Tier 3
May 21, 2022
Listen, I know. Let's test out this new rank-up thing, yah?
Significant Deeds

[Intercession] Witness to the intervention of the Gods in the shifting nature of the portal. The presence of particular gods was based on the efforts of their faithful, and Som's efforts during the Ivory War contributed to Theodra's presence during this event.​
[Valorous] Som set forth with the Rangers, and was blisteringly lethal with her bow. However, as their assault on the keep began, she was struck with a ballista. It would have been fatal if not for two things: she had wisely prepared for the possibility of death beforehand with her​
Multiple conversations with Laicelem coaching him about thinking through his actions before acting rashly, in particular about how to do this in pursuit of his own faith in the Huntress.​
Is sought out by others, particularly younger Rangers, as a source of wisdom and strength, and they often ask difficult questions regarding her faith.​

Prominent Deeds

➼ [ Exorcism ] Originally simply a helper with the exorcism of Aleksei Ivanov, when Aryn and Jaden were occupied with the Lamentior that came through, Som took up the task and completed it.​
➼ [ Exorcism ] Relieved Bernard of his abyssal possession, when he was contracted to Geomorren.​
➼ [ Offering ] [Required for T2 in new guidelines, which I did not follow, so this is to meet that] Despite not remembering a thing of her life before the new continent, Som has carried a yew bow that she's had for far longer than she can remember. It was the bow given to her by her likely late husband, that she has born out of instinct this entire time. Leaving it in a wild place for the Huntress (OOC in the cathedral), she is acknowledging the impact that this past still leaves on her, and the steadiness that the Huntress offers to her life. And so she moves forward, unburdened by the unremembered trauma that has haunted her steps. Eyes forward, ears open, mind clear.​
(Som's yew bow was made long before Hollowcrafting was a thing, so this is my representation of it)​

➼ [ Meaningful Ritual or Practice ] [This is also required for T3, which Som achieved prior to the new guidelines] Som spends much of her downtime treking across the wild places of Altera. This itself is not her ritual. Nor is the serenity that flows through her with each arrow she fires from her bow - each a prayer. The focused, intentional ritual she has taken up is stalking as close to prey - or other predators - as she can without being detected. She does not hunt them, or kill them during these stalks. Instead she lingers near them with a mind like water - clear and still - and absorbs the wisdom that each animal has to teach her.​
A note on the following events: These almost all follow the "Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source." tenet, and sometimes the "You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world." Som's role in each was largely as a tracker and archer, and a tactician when necessary. I will be a bit brief in descriptions of her role in various events unless it's outside this, as many of the events are from well over a year ago and I have the fuzziest of memories. I know I am missing some, but I included as many as I could remember.
➼ [ Ivory Rift ] When the rift was opened above Storm's Landing, Som helped topple one of the ritual obelisks before she hopped in an airship and went straight to the source, seeking to drive the presence out of this realm.​
➼ [ What We Find In The Shadows ] With a group of Rangers, took down a general holding one of the towers that encircled the Ivory Keep.​
➼ [ The Missing Caravan ] In addition to the practicalities of tracking the Sooleran caravan in support of the Ivory War, this was a rite of passage for her protege Cieren. Som stepped back and let Cieren call the shots in order to evaluate her readiness to be a leader in her own right.​
➼ [ A Waltz of Arrows ] Scouting for the Ivory War.​
➼ [ Scour of the Silent ] A foray by the Rangers into the realm of the Ivory King to seek a firm foothold to push back against his forces.​
➼ [ A Surprise To Be Sure ] More scouting for the Ivory War.​
➼ [ Riots of War ] The first main push into the Ivory Keep.​
➼ [ The Air Was Abuzz ] During the efforts against the Twisted Star, Som went scouting with some of the Rangers and learned valuable lessons about bugs.​
➼ [ Solstice ] A culmination of sorts, where Som and her cohort stood against the forces trying to give strength to Dranoden. Though they did not win the day, they survived to a person, and​
➼ [ Halls Unknown ] Venturing into the lair of the Night Star in the wake of his ascension, the Rangers sought answers - and perhaps something they could use against him if it became necessary.​
➼ [ To Dethrone ] Pushing deeper into the lair of the once-archfiend, Som and her allies faced demonic generals.​
➼ [ The Bachelorette Party ] On the eve of Marian's wedding, there was a hunt. The gryphons that were found did not behave as expected, and the group realized they were not the bloodthirsty creatures others had encountered before. Som now wears a feather of one of the adults they slew before they realized their mistake, to remind herself to always re-evaluate situations that seem straightforward. To not kill without necessity.
➼ [ The Poachers ] A fellow hunter invited Som and some of the Rangers to hunt poachers that were within his territory. So soon in the wake of the gryphon hunt, the poacher's actions and treatment of the young arbori drove her and Yrdl to treat the poachers with no mercy.​

Exalted Deed

➼ [ The Ivory King ] The final assault within the Ivory Keep, which saw the death of both the Ivory King and his spawn. Som was among those left standing in the aftermath after getting pretty up close and personal.​

Total: 20

I would prefer an in-game rank-up.
This is approved - reach out to me for a time for us to do the IG rankup. :)


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2. [Since 07/28/2021]
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least five events which are of thematic significance to their divine.
  1. Hidden Hand.: Defended the Visage shrine from Jaxites. Killed for Visage, the first time he had ever taken a human life.
  2. All for Naught - The Door. : Utilized his ability to parse multiple languages to aid in opening the door.
  3. Those Late.: Sought answers for the whereabouts of the dead god Laets, in attempt to further the goals of the Apostles of the Sea and gain the knowledge for himself.
  4. All for Naught - Eternal Slumber.: Aided the crew in dealing with the spirits' unrest. Monitoring of the cult in both efforts to help distinguish Visage away from the sea as well as keep an eye on it.
  5. Astrakhan Ball.: Won the costume contest with his zombified guise.
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
  • It is by the grace of Visage that he remembers himself at all.
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
  • Emphasis is put on memory—legacy—more than anywhere else. Knowledge and documentation play a part in this.
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine.
  • Taught Luna about Silas and Laets among the other fallen divines, whilst helping her come to understand Visage.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above. [5/5]
  • Discerned another follower of Visage, Kadhab of Sool, without letting slip his own faith.
  • Killed to defend Visage's shrine--the first deaths he has ever directly inflicted. The bodies were cast out into the sea. The spells Obscurity and Illusion II were used. - Luna discovered his blessing as a result. She swore to secrecy when such was asked of her.
  • Copied the riddle upon the door to the Selthi Tomb, providing Luna with the notes afterward. Luna was able to find the last word, otherwise unresolved without their collaboration.
  • Created a separate identities for himself, with only a trusted few let in on the secret. Whilst generally shed since, "Braes" and "Sir Elam" still make occasional appearances.
  • Spoke with Ardaric about plans to intercede in Visage's court--and the creation of another sea god or goddess. Present for the formation of the Apostles of the Sea, he was able to meet some version of their patron.
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.
  1. Sailed to the Wreck of the Meridain, manning the ship and providing the designs for the diving bell used to salvage the wreckage.
  2. Attended Eliss' declaration, discerning and ousting Briarwood as a Visagite and designate himself as the "unbiased" intermediary between the Jaxites and Visagites.
  3. Attended the "Know" summoning in Candlewood, gathering the information the figment put forward and beliefs of those present. Managed to insert himself within the circle of trust for those that would try and revive Silas.
  4. Attended a meeting of the Candlewood minds, listening in on their plans as well as external proposals to unseat knowledge from Visage and grant it to Korog.
  5. Commissioned Laisa's talents for architecture in the construction of the Barental cathedral. Whilst shrines to the "Good" and "Neutral" Gods are present, none of the Dark Gods are given shrines. Visage is given one in a basin by the entrance, with no indication that such would belong to the divine.
  6. Housed Connor Hayden when he fled the law.
  7. Summons "Feast of the Gods" on the regular to serve to those none-the-wiser. The act is both intended as goodwill as well as blatant touting of his secret blessing.
  8. Distantly supplied ships to the Cor Votum naval blockade without any personal involvement.
  9. Inflated the value of items at Marigold's Auction in order to heighten charity donations in turn. Used "Suggestion" on a stranger to make them increase their bid.
  10. Shared his long-held research and theory with Connor Hayden and Veldric Alraun-Dugald regarding the methods of culling Qlippoth. Whilst unable to divulge his plans to the two, he means to call upon Visage to starve it of water and then destroy its hivemind.
  11. Pretended to reprimand Elis to spare him Rian's vitriol.
Hey Dee, this application is looking good. Apologies for the late response here, the divine team has been a bit busy IRL. We feel that all of these are good steps forward, but specifically the Feast of the Gods Act, Housing Connor, and the Apostles act do not directly fit the mold for Visage. With this in mind, we’re looking for 2 minor actors or 1 major act to go through with approval.
+ 2 months since Tier 2
[Since 07/28/2021]

Notable Deeds:
  • Teach another character something about something relevant to your character’s faith
    • Taught Luna about Silas and Laets among the other fallen divines, whilst helping her come to understand Visage.
  • Have a conversation about your character’s faith
    • Seldom directly ousting his faith, James is wont to discuss the archival and memory of past events and divines.
      • Such is done with Connor, Luna, and others.
    • Shared his long-held research and theory with Connor Hayden and Veldric Alraun-Dugald regarding the methods of culling Qlippoth. Whilst unable to divulge his plans to the two, he means to call upon Visage to starve it of water and then destroy its hivemind.
Prominent Deeds [15/10]:
+ Must have completed the ‘meaningful ritual or practice’ deed for any tier
  • See Prominent Deeds.
+ Must consistently adhere to the tenets and values of their patron
  • The character's worship is of the utmost secrecy, and presents to others as unblessed. Only a sparse few are aware. "Selectingly giveth thy knowledge."
+ Must not be actively cursed by their patron
  • Not actively cursed.


Loyal Servant of Altera

+ 1 month since creation of profile

+ Character is 16 years of age
Yes, She is 17

+ Create or find a shrine that your character prays at regularly
Note: I also live at Storms Landing, so The Cathedral also works.

+ 2 prominent deeds from the list above
- Joined the Storm Landings Guard 4/7/2024. This includes her first lesson and Andrew about Valiant.
- 10/17/2023 Estella had sacrificed Iron scaled leggings that were meant to protect her brother for training in the future. As war grows so must Estella. (In the old system)
- 8/11/2023 Estella went to train with Leofwine. For when she was younger and just learning how to wield a sword.
- 8/23/2023 Estella had discussed with Leofwine about the changes in Grakanant along with Vowrawn's changing eyes from their color. He has been acting a bit strange not wanting to discuss the grey lady which put Estella in a bit of a panic. This is due to it not being a part of the Cor Votum empire. (He had renounced the grey lady for Vowrawn and discussed what to do about it since she is one of the Heirs) Once talking to her mind, Sydri it was made clear that she was not a heir and did not have to worry about it as she was old enough to be indoctrinated into the war. Due to her status writing to Valtae to go and prey too Valiant. When full of rage she refused to send a letter to Ashna for her father being kidnapped. 'Do not abandon diplomacy out of lust for war.'

+ Must decently adhere to the values of their prospective patron.
» 'Do not betray thy companions, people, or traditions tenet' She continues living as a Caparii keeping in mind of her current clan with Vowrawn and their ideals. Due to the culture of Grakanant and her family she has also learned Mok'yra.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Leofwine Bauer

2 months since Tier 2
Ya (don't remember the exact date, but its been more than 2 months I'm pretty sure.)

10 Total Prominent Deeds

9/3/2023: Went to hell (for a final time hopefully) to escort Melarue and Xander for Aleksei. Claming a demon's head to return to Aleksei

9/8/2023: Faught Branko in the Storm's Landing Cathedral... Fighting valiantly until his end... He was ressurected as a zombie shortly after.

8/19/2023: Was knighted by Aleksei von Ivanov, professing that he would never break the Valiant tenets. After of which he faught in the melee taking out two opponents before (though putting up a good fight) being finished off by Vowrawn.

9/30/2023: Went with Hiedric and Xiqu to a cave, After Hiedric fell into frozen water he dived into it to get him out of it. (Hiedric's Sparking event)

10/18/2023: went to linlea and tried to focus on diplomacy in getting vowrawn released by meeting with ashna, though ultimately failed.

10/27/2023: During a very heated moment, Leofwine used his artifact to stop what he saw as a possible conflict.

11/15/2023: Challenged to a duel by Glory, won and then tended to their wounds. Leofwine then talked to them about honor.

11/25/2023: Leofwine went to Nid Arach, with Aleksei and some others. Moving through a beastmasters trial building, managing to get through it and even calm his nerves enough to face a giant spider. Next they moved to a library where Leofwine assisted in burning it down

12/11/2023: Leofwine faught with branko, finding him along the roads near windkeep. Not fighting him at first, Branko invited leofwine to strangle him to death. Leofwine declined, Branko threatened innocent people if he didn't. Leofwine denied instead deciding that Branko did not deserve to choose his death, before fighting... Where Leofwine went down like a bag a of bricks and Branko claimed his sword once more.

1/7/2024: Leofwine and a group went to a swamp to figure out what was attacking livestock and took someones son. After killing two Fluichs, they went and found a child who was deathly wounded. Faith healed one of their wounds but made another one slightly worse. Leofwine stepped up and offered to take the childs second worse wound (A lethal) which he did taking the wound upon him self leaving him unconscious. Though he managed to survive the ride to a eark settlement. Once he was returned to consciousness they returned the child to their father.

Must have completed the ‘meaningful ritual or practice’ deed for any tier
On a Daily basis he trains for atleast 2 hours in his burden set (Hellmetal Custom Plate + full hellmetal greatsword), to prepare for when he must use it. His burden armor being named so as it means he has failed in trying to use Diplomacy to end a conflict , thus his burden of failure.

Must consistently adhere to the tenets and values of their patron
He does, he despises bloodlust, often preferring to talk things out rather than fight. As well as protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

Must not be actively cursed by their patron
Hes not


Lord of Altera
Events Staff
Andrew D’Amryun - Valiant Tier 3

· · ─ ─ ────≺ Prominent Deeds ≻──── ─ ─ · ·

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
Approved on November 13th 2022 [x]

1 - Attend an event directly related to your character’s faith

Andrew attended a jousting tournament held in the Landing festival grounds under the herald "Making you wish you should've messed with someone your own size, it's the everso valiant Andrew D'Amryun!". He may have not won, but he put up a fair fight. [“Fester not thy body to disrepair.”] X

1 - Attend an event directly related to your character’s faith

Andrew along with several other people fought to reclaim a trading post taken over by presumed scavenging Kaltics. As they snuck into the castle Andrew and his companions attacked a couple kaltic guards, however it was only afterwards it was revealed the Kaltic people had valid reason to take over the trading post to which Andrew still remains regretful to this day. [“Do not betray thy companions, people, or traditions.”] X

1 - Attend an event directly related to your character’s faith

After being caught in a scouting mission to Warped Eden, the party had to both defend themselves against demons, while resisting mind tempering. In combat against a Viand aiding Kharn, he stabbed its knee, but got himself stabbed in the shoulder, rendering his dominant swinging arm hardly able to use. Though Andrew still assisted, casting the spell Call Of The Banner to try and strengthen Marian in resisting illusions. Later casting Bolster in an attempt for all to retreat safely. [“Tremble not upon the field of battle, but always remember the better part of valor.”] X

1 - Personally accomplish a significant achievement that God would be impressed by

He was promoted for the position of Lieutenant, then Guard Captain in Storm’s Landing, having served for two years since taking his oath. [“Defend those that cannot defend themselves.”] X

1 - Personally accomplish a significant achievement that God would be impressed by

He fought the abyssal Reinhard Strussen Blud with Laicelem in the Landing to keep his guard’s oath of protecting Storm’s Landing. Andrew’s leg was broken in the fight, but he managed to immobilize his opponent enough to yield. [“Hold true to thy given word.”]
Andrew’s Report:
Officer Name: Andrew D’Amryun
Suspect Name: Reinhard Strussen Blud
Accused Crimes: Attempted Murder, Physical Assault, Fleeing Arrest, Consensual Possession
Reportedly Adda used magic to get the biting bugs off of Reinhard. The bugs caused a lot of noise, agitating the armored Reinhard further and causing him to attack at Adda. He took his mace and tried to kill him. Laicelem said he tried to intervene which is when Reinhard summoned a demon soldier to keep him at bay. Only when Laicelem yelled at Reinhard to stop did he back down. I arrived at the scene as Reinhard shouted insults at Adda and the demon soldier disappeared. Reinhard would leisurely leave against my demands of an arrest. I attempted putting cuffs on him, but he fled, breaking through the back window. The chase was brief, ending with three of us dueling in an alley. He eventually yielded when there was no other escape than death. With the help of Laicelem and Reinhard was brought to the Guardhouse.

1 - Attend an event directly related to your character’s faith

In Astrakhan during an event to search for soldiers who would join the legion of Astrakhan, Andrew would win the games of javelin throwing and the horseback archery, though he yielded in the wrestle game against Tiek who he has broken the nose of in combat. Andrew made a blood oath in the name of Valiant and joined the legion. [“Defend those that cannot defend themselves.”] X

1 - Describe a meaningful ritual or practice that your character demonstrates their faith by

He is committed to his faith. As a morning ritual, before going on guard duty he prays at his humble shrine that for the remainder of the day he’ll do anything to protect the people around him. [“Do not betray thy companions, people, or traditions.”]

2 - Host a sermon in worship of your character's god

He held a sermon by a bonfire in the festival grounds. He preached the strength that Valiant embodies to him, to fight the odds, remain hopeful and never lose sight of those that may need your strength. [“Do not betray thy companions, people, or traditions.”] X

1 - Attend an event directly related to your character’s faith

Andrew along with a small party went to investigate the theft of a necklace in the Landing. While the thief remains a mystery, they found a Halfling child by docks who was bit by a Crooner. Once the child was healed they uncovered a hidden Crooner nest in the sewers which they would clear out so no other person would ever be attacked. After which Andrew would find the necklace in the Crooner nest, however unbeknownst to him it was occupied by a demon. [“Defend those that cannot defend themselves.”] X

1 - Make a significant personal sacrifice to keep true to your character’s patron’s values

Andrew would exorcize himself, after the demon within him had robbed him of numerous nights and started to break apart his mind. Knowing this can’t continue he asked Eliss Olliran to perform an exorcism on him, sacrificing “The Dragon Slasher” in the ritual. A wooden sword made from his childhood bed frame. The sword next to his current masterwork blades still remains his most prized. Andrew doesn’t recognize the worth of an object by its monetary value or the power it possesses. It’s simply the significance it holds, being the first sword he ever created when he was six and still in Linistel sparring with his childhood friends. [“Fester not thy body to disrepair.”] X

· · ─ ─ ────≺ Notable Deeds ≻──── ─ ─ · ·

Andrew has talked with Estella, a soon to be blessed of Valiant about who wishes to be in the future, what she wishes to do when she’s blessed and how not every fight should be approached with blunt force. Afterwards they spared briefly, Andrew taking a very offensive approach and Estella struggling with her footing.

Andrew took personal interest in the case of a dead councilmember and a missing citizen. He had interrogated the guard at the scene, who had not told him the whole story out of a fear he’d get fired or worse, killed for being a Vyre. Andrew promised by the tenet of Valiant [“Hold true to thy given word.”] that he will keep his vyrcism a secret if he tells him what he knows.

Andrew is not cursed by Valiant.
its two years later and i can get t3 now. imma go sleep. gn