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[ IC Business ] The Red Rose

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

~The Red Rose~

The Red Rose was a shop that specialises in selling books, potions, herbs, wood and unique crafted goods which is themed around the academic.
The shop acted as a mini museum for decorative, interesting items that were not for sale.

The Red Rose is also a charity.

The shop was established in 2307 with the Red Rose Bookstore in Astrum Isles.
A year later, the shop moved in Storms Landing in 2308.

Books for Sale

Potions for Sale

Items for Sale

Herbs/Materials for Sale

(( contact me with Wake#0098 on Discord! ))

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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
~Books for Sale~


Lost Locations: Mirage (by Gromm)
Lost Locations: Galo Gultch (by Gromm)
Lost Locations: Midnight Isle (by Gromm)
Lost Locations: Gemstone Isles (by Gromm)
Fantastic Dwarves and Where to Find Them (by Kublai Kulligar)
Old Places Part I (by Rahm Kennyson)
Old Places Part II (by Rahm Kennyson)
Engem’s Hound-Ru (by Rahm Kennyson)
Founding of Queensport (by Sebastien de Courtnay)
Tahkul Rimtar (by Azetol Telvanni)
History of Zima’Maloj (by Nireth Cerridwen)
Zima’Maloj (by Rahm Kennyson)
Lake Vera Guide (by Unknown)
The Opening of the Azarin Bank (by Raelor Adralei)
Census Island Guide (by The Census & Excise Office)
Exploration Log of the Castle of Doom (by Rosmund Oswell)
Evil Nether (by Rahm Kennyson)
Alpen Rose (by Azure Cerridwen)
Wonders of the Eastern Continent (by Lana Wake)
Around the Continent I (by Lana Wake)
Around the Continent II (by Lana Wake)
Around the Continent III (by Lana Wake)
Around the Continent IV (by Lana Wake)
Around the Continent V (by Lana Wake)
Around the Continent VI (by Lana Wake)
Around the Continent VII (by Lana Wake)
Around the Continent VIII (by Lana Wake)
Around the Continent IX (by Lana Wake)
Around the Continent X (by Lana Wake)


On Earthspawn (by Unknown)
Earthspawn (by Jerr’co Hakiaz)
Greyling Culture (by Podric)
Remember Syrien (by Unknown)
Evil Races: Syrien (by Gromm)
Demonology (by Kublai Kulligar)
Invisible Book Keepers: Demons (by Kublai Kulligar)
Evil Races: Demons (by Gromm)
Halflings (by Unknown)
Silver Elf Physiology (by Sylvar A. Yllaric)
Zustid’s Meaning (by Sylvar A. Yllaric)
Notes on Vyres (by Fronslin)
Notes on Vyres (by Anonymous)
Discovery of Vyres (by Ashna Kov’Gra’Sek)
Metaphysics X: Modern Vyres (by Lana Silveira)


Horgaahn Vol. I (by Gromm)
Horgaahn Vol. II (by Gromm)
Horgaahn Vol. III (by Gromm)
Basics of the Lavoyarde Language (by Carling Montilyette)
Conversational Lavoyarde (by Carling Montilyette)
Alteran Languages: Fae (by Lana Wake)
Alteran Languages: Common (by Lana Wake)
Alteran Languages: Rede (by Lana Wake)
History of Alteran Languages (by Lana Wake)


Timeline of Altera (by Gromm)
The Blood Moon (by Kublai Kulligar)
Cold Cave Report (by Kam Hakiaz)
Archon’s Release (by Kublai Kulligar)
Dwarven Visit to King Peter I (by Krummi Stenahurr)
History of the Dwarves (by Gromm)
Horgar History (by Ancient Dwarves) - Written in Horgaahn
Dwarves (by Krummi Stenahurr)
Dwarven Origin I (by Unknown)
Dwarven Origin II (by Unknown)
Trip to Thraall (by Rahm Kennyson)
The Truce (by Krummi Stenahurr)
Yearnen’s Tragedy (by Krummi Stenahurr)
Yearnen’s Fall (by Krummi Stenahurr)
Locum’s Fall (by Krummi Stenahurr)
Horshed’s Fall (by Fadast)
Fighting Chaos (by Rahm Kennyson)
Battle of the Airdocks (by Galim Aeltus)
The Duel of Queen Leminth against Tavish the Demon (by Galim Aeltus)
Assassination [attempt] on the Queen of Altera (by Unknown)
Hunt of the Bastion Stones and Fall of the Northern Kingdoms (by Azure Cerridwen)
Azure’s Notes (by Azure Cerridwen)
Meeting Minutes of the Anhald-Amalfia (by Unknown)
Three Nations Pact Treaty (by Theodosivs Herennivs)
Beyond the Ward (by Leofaren Venna)
Storms Sickness (by Alfonso Casares)
Skraag’s Touch (by Ater Impes)
Battle of Marr (by Peter Hallon and Landir Sigurd)
Book of Fallen Light (by Squid-Beard)
Yunda da Osso, Fall of Old (by Set’iki)
Mbaku da Grun, da Bwabo Kibwana (by Set’iki)
History Vol. I (by Azure Cerridwen)
History Vol. II (by Azure Cerridwen)
Complete History of House Saeradan (by Kublai Kulligar)
The Great Headmaster Kublai Kulligar (by Kaarina Dynall)
Lost Scribe Vol. I (by Rahm Kennyson)
Lost Scribe Vol. II (by Rahm Kennyson)
Lost Scribe Vol. III (by Rahm Kennyson)
Lost Scribe Vol. IV (by Rahm Kennyson)
Lost Scribe Vol. V (by Rahm Kennyson)
Lost Scribe Vol. VI (by Rahm Kennyson)
Voyage Part I (by Rahm Kennyson)
Voyage Part II (by Rahm Kennyson)
Voyage Part III (by Rahm Kennyson)
Voyage Part IV (by Rahm Kennyson)
Voyage Part V (by Rahm Kennyson)
Voyage Part VI (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus Prequel (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus I - I (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus I - II (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus I - III (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus I - IV (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus II - I (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus II - II (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus II - III (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus III - I (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus III - II (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus III - III (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus III - IV (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus III - V (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus III - VI (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus III - VII (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus III - VIII (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus III - VIV (by Rahm Kennyson)
Exodus Sequel (by Rahm Kennyson)
The Alteran Calendar (by Lana Wake)
Historical Annals of House Kane (by Lana Wake)
The Blackrush Succession and a Brief History of House Varyn (by Lana Wake)
The Great Book Wipe of 2228 (by Lana Wake)
Immortals and the Cradle (by Lana Wake)
2305: The Blight (by Lana Wake)

Guides and Professions:

Owl Training (by Kublai Kulligar)
Vernicus’ Smithing Guide (by Vernicus)
Guide of Known Minerals and their Application in Glassblowing (by Niko Variclav)
Redstone Guild Notation Guide (by Archaz)
Guide on Crafting Arrows (by Unknown)
Dye-Making of the Soolerans (by Jin Elsattir)
Machinations (by Unknown)
Harp and You (by Bjorn Bainard)
How to Grow Sugar Canes (by Lemarc Duggan)
The Pox Arcana (by Asero Crow)
Dragon’s Breath (by Asero Crow)
A Guide to Fletching (by Rook Corvus)
Weaving Thread (by Woven)
On Ciphers (by Unknown)
Stone-Cutting and Chiseling 101 (by Alexander Payne)
Beginner’s Guide to Booze Making (by Yorrick Goldfist)
Beginner’s Guide to Brewing (by Kublai Kulligar)
Advanced Guide to Brewing (by Kublai Kulligar)
Injuries (by Unknown)
Frostwarts Book of Medical Flora (by Lana Wake)
Lana’s Book of Medical Flora (by Lana Wake)

Fighting, Tactics and Politics:

Naval Warfare I (by Unknown)
Naval Warfare III (by Unknown)
Naval Warfare IV (by Unknown)
Naval Warfare V (by Unknown)
The Kaiser (by Thure Hardanger)
The Ruler (by Thure Hardanger)
Imperialism (by Marcus Arcturus)
Disruption War: Theoretical Doctrine (by Woven)
Sorrowland Tactics (by Unknown)
Drakate: The Martial Art (by Vlad)
Swordplay Intro (by Azure Cerridwen)
The Art of Doppeltanz (by Unknown)
Art of Combat (by Rook Corvus)
Longsword Stances (by Unknown)
A Thousand Swords (by Aelnic Brynn and Rhaedral Brynn)
Defense of Turia (by Unknown)

Philosophies, Studies and Theories:

Books Importance (by Rahm Kennyson)
C1: Alteran Change (by Rahm Kennyson)
C2: The Five Spheres (by Rahm Kennyson)
C3: Place and Space (by Rahm Kennyson)
C4: Matter and Form (by Rahm Kennyson)
The Invisible Book Effect (by Kublai Kulligar)
GL: Spirits (by Ashna Gov’Gra’Sek)
On the Craters of Altera (by Rosmund Oswell)
On Meteor Showers (by Rosmund Oswell)
Treasie on the Nature of Alteran Time (by Alak Briza)
Spiral of Silence (by Rahm Kennyson)
Compliance Gaining (by Rahm Kennyson)
Mental Medicines (by Eastoff Altham)
Truth of Sand (Lazarus Snowbeard)
Craftsman Philosophies (by Fadast)
Comprehensive Introduction to Corruption Theory (by Aeondi)
Dilk Kilk’Niffa: The Book of Meaning (by Ashna Kov’Gra’Sek)
Spherical Altera (by Xzel of Arget)
Script about Strong Attitudes (by Rahm Kennyson)
Charisma (by Rahm Kennyson)
Persuasion Paths (by Rahm Kennyson)
The Six Swords of Power (by Septimus Aetherson II)
Slack’ilm Report (by Mr. Raven)
Metaphysics I: Gravity (by Lana Wake)
Metaphysics III: Time (by Lana Wake)
Metaphysics IV: Corruption [Newer Version] (by Lana Wake)
Metaphysics V: Evolution and Design (by Lana Wake)
Metaphysics VII: Spiritblessed (by Lana Wake)
Metaphysics VIII: Constellations (by Lana Wake)

Journals, Rules and Notes:

Gromm’s Farewell: Autobiography (by Gromm)
Laws of the Guardians (by Fronslin)
Declaration of Freedoms, Rights of House Stirling (by Wollston Cerendor)
Scriptures of the Second Meeting of the Brass Council (by Kublai Kulligar)
Engem Initiation (by Unknown)
Azarin Family’s Rise to Power (by Kublai Kulligar)
House Reps (by Unknown)
Unco Babin (by Krummi Stenahurr)
Blackfire’s Fall (by Azure Cerridwen)
Mar Dolk Demands (by the Mar Dolk)
Edicts of the Order of Hospitallers (by Omriel Usuyl)
The Silver Watch (by Axex Hawklight)
Journal of Nine-Fingers (by Nine-Fingers)
Expedition Journal (by Azure Cerridwen)
The Key (by Valcor) - Written in Elvish
Archaz’s Journal (by Archaz)
Journal de Cesario E. Sadin (by Cesario E. Sadin)
Accounts, Adventures and Happenings of Cedric Lydel (by Cedric Lydel)
Aura Fae’s Journal (by Aura Fae)
Worn Journal (by Kopii Blue)

The Gods, Titans and Figments:

Divinity I: Shalherana (by Fadast)
Divinity II: Jishrim (by Fadast)
Divinity III: Sallana (by Fadast)
Divinity IV: Ignis Synnove (by Fadast)
Divinity V: Valiant (by Fadast)
Codex of Flame: The Testaments of Fire (by Samuel du’Montant)
Seeker’s Recount (by Jaden Seeker)
Crusade (by Elarinya Wise)
The Grey Lady (by Elarinya Wise)
Ignis Synnove (by Elarinya Wise)
Jax (by Elarinya Wise)
Korog (by Elarinya Wise)
Rahas (by Elarinya Wise)
Sallana (by Elarinya Wise)
Shalherana (by Elarinya Wise)
Silas (by Elarinya Wise)
The History of Silas (by Athryl Mithtanil)
Tenets of Silas (by Kethron) - Written in Elvish
Theodora (by Elarinya Wise)
Vermella (by Elarinya Wise)
Vermella’s Legend (by Dorothy Plug)
Vermella Preach (by Ventare Seymour)
GL: Beliefs of the Faithful (by Ashna Gov’Gra’Sek)
GL: Acolytes (by Ashna Gov’Gra’Sek)
GL: Priests and Priestesses (by Ashna Gov’Gra’Sek)
The Grey Lady (by Ventare Seymour)
The Veil: Lingering Spirits (by Jin Elsattir)
Lingering Musings of a Lover (by Florence Valhart)
Shalherana (by Citrine Azerwind)
Reflections on Shadows (by Pierrot)
The Great Game (by Moonlight)
Guardians of Immortality Vol. I (by Dum’ni Plug)
Guardians of Immortality Vol. II (by Dum’ni Plug)
Lesser Gods (by Unknown)
Vorar Chat (by Unknown)
Divine Balance (by Volare)
Book of Beyond (by Melzar)
Treatsie Against Jishrim (by Lana Wake)
The Ashen Blight and Qlippoth (by Lana Wake)
Metaphysics IX: Gods and Titans (by Lana Wake)

The Arcane:

Four Disciplines (by Kethron) - Written in Elvish
Magic of Body and Soul: Mysticism (by Rose)
Metaphysics II: Magical Energy (by Lana Wake)
Metaphysics VI: Enchanting (by Lana Wake)



The Tiny Spider (by Azure Cerridwen)
The Bunny, Rabbit and Hare (by Sylva Atkinson)
Wurbeld and John Jingles (by B. Olini)
The Adventures of Jimmy “Slim Jim” Daniels (by H. H. Doyle)
Everlasting Fire (by ELO)
King Grisly-Beard (by Unknown)
A Pumpkin Tale (by Kublai Kulligar)
A Mug of Ale (by ELO)
The Story of the Ridge Runner (by Peter Wise)
The Tale of the Young Greyling (by Peter Wise)
Gold and Glory (by Ignattin Lily)
Collection of Tales from the North (by Unknown)
Tusks on the Potter’s Wheel (translated by Kam Hakiaz)
Yunda o Bwana, Fire Lesson (by Set’iki)
Knight of Dirt (by Kopii Blue)
Flock of Wings (by Kopii Blue)
The Highest Fish (by Kopii Blue)
Descent (by Unknown)
Journey of Glain (by Krummi Stenahurr)
The Dark Tomb (by Krummi Stenahurr)
The Call of Crows (by Aelnic Brynn)
Sun and Moon (by Athryl Mithtanil)
The Portal (by Woven)
The Crown (by Woven)
The Dancers (by Woven)
The Path (by Woven)
A Raven’s Voice (by Woven)
The Tree’s Scar (by Woven)
Da Magerdashadur a da Altavada (by Borgrus Greatbane) - Written in Horgaahn
Murrgarog Part I (by Unknown)
Murrgarog Part II (by Unknown)
Murrgarog Part III (by Unknown)
The Great Book Wipe (by Rahn Kennyson)
The Great Empire (by Dav’id Engem II)
Clarissa (by Scar Enthrel)
Ghostly Pipe (by Gharid Grabstick)
The Tale of the Strangling Scarf (by Gharid Grabstick)
The White Bear 1 (by Aesi Ro'van)
The White Bear 2 (by Aesi Ro'van)


The Gambler’s Grimoire (by Balatro Wise)
DarkShine (by Kublai Kulligar)


Poetry Bundle (many authors)
Words of the Heart (by Nireth Alec)
Dark Rangers (by Unknown)
Skiera’s Knights (Septimus Aetherson II)
The Dwarven Mountain (by Zartox Zarafar)
Port Silver (by Rahm Kennyson)
Dwarven Desire (by Krummi Stenahurr)
Id've Thought (by Aesi Ro'van)
Rhythm Ramble (by Aesi Ro'van)
The Elder Tree (by Leofaren Venna)
Shadow over Vinterhaven (by Lola de Cronus)
Andel’s Tale (by Cedric Lydel)
Praise to Kublai (by Lana Wake)
Bell of Wendigo (by Woven)
Frostwarts (by Septimus Aetherson II)
Poems (by Asero Crow)
Cloud’s Clear (by Rahm Kennyson)
Elven Poem (by Unknown)
Anonymous Sonnet (by Unknown)
A Lover’s Hand (by Anwar Attia)


Maceo (by Bart the Bard)
Halbed (by Bart the Bard)
Linlea (by Bart the Bard)
Tale of Scourge (by Bart the Bard)
Song of Korog (by Bart the Bard)
Love Wasn’t Kind (by Bart the Bard)
Dwarven Kings (by Bart the Bard)
Alta eta Ghul (by Bart the Bard)
God of Luck (by Bart the Bard)
Been Everywhere (by Bart the Bard)
The Mountain and I (by Bart the Bard)
These Times (by Bart the Bard)
Light of my Life (by Bart the Bard)
Queensport (by Bart the Bard)
Balatro (by Bart the Bard)
Aewin’s Shanty (Cedric Lydel)
The Yearning (by Aesi Ro'van)
Half of my Money (by Rahm Kennyson)
The Song of Kharuz Korum - Diggy Diggy Hole (by Gromm)
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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

The Snowdown 2309 Collection:
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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
~Items for Sale~
These items are lore'd!

Altera Four Globe:
Cross-Shop Created! Carved by Valerie Gerharde and painted by Lana!
Commission yourself a unique globe that represents the entire known Realm of Altera Four! Carved from yew, the ball represents the Realm in accordance to known maps with Xzel of Arget's theory of a round Altera. Once commissioned, it shall take a few days to carve and paint before being ready to display in your home. It even spins!
Price: 2000 radiants

Small Wooden Mannequin:
Carved to represent a humanoid, the little figure has movable arms, legs and head. It is perfect for sketching around and/or using for anatomy demonstrations.
Price: 400 radiants

Mini Catapult:
A small toy for the military desk: a tiny catapult that is carved to function! Fling tiny balls of clay at insects!
Price: 400 radiants

Ash Hound Oil:
Only one in stock!

Recovered by Theodoran hunter Rook Corvus, the Ash Hound Oil proved the theory that the Ash Hound's natural ability to set itself aflame is due to the oil it naturally coats itself with. Still filled and perfect for single-use in making something/someone completely fire proof for a brief period of time, the Ash Hound Oil can be yours.
Price: Negotiable. About 25'000 radiants desired

Phial of Purification:
Only one in Stock!

Gifted to all whom attended the Respite event, Lana is selling her one within the shop. A single drop of this phial's tonic shall diffuse any harmful, unclean chemicals within water and purify it! Helpful for the traveling adventurer or man lost at sea.
Price: Negotiable. About 1200 radiants.

Assorted Basket:
A fresh basket of assorted flowers, perfect for home decorations.
Price: 50 radiants

A Rose Basket:
A fresh basket of roses, beautifully grown and cared for by Lana and Linden. Perfect for romantic evenings and home decorations.
Price: 50 radiants

Sandalwood Scented Candle:
A pleasant scent of nature.
Price: 50 radiants

Lavendar Scented Candle:
A pleasing scent of comfort, refreshment and cleanliness.
Price: 50 radiants

Glowstone Pendant:
A silver chain with a casted piece of glowstone- a little trinket.
Price: 100 radiants
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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
~Herbs and Materials for Sale~

Important Note:
These are counted in stacks due to me not wishing to update this thread with every harvest- instead, with every stack.
The more rarer items shall be listed individually.
If you are looking for an individual item, I should have a little more than listed if needed.

Helpful Links:
Hollowcrafting Thread
Flora of the Eastern Continent

Forlorn Flora

Last Updated: 19/01/2022

3 stacks

Nettle Bush: 3 stacks

Gazer Berries: 5 stacks

Thornpest: 4 stacks

Muckvine: 4 stacks

Faerieshroom: 3 stacks

Turmeric: 2 stacks

Black Bryony: 3 stacks

Bioluminescent Lichen: 2 stack

Chokevine Seeds: 4 stacks

Chokevine Leaves: 4 stack

Spirit's Wail: 4 stacks

Chickweed: 1 Stack

Bistort: 2 stack

Dreamvine Leaves: 2 stacks

Dreamvine Seeds: 2 stacks

Magebloom Leaves: 3 stacks

Magebloom Roots: 3 stacks

Magebloom Stem: 3 stacks

Honeyflower Berries: 2 stack

Honeyflower Leaves: 3 stacks

Rosemary: 3 stacks

Garden Sage: 2 stack

Peppermint: 3 stacks

Valerian: 3 stacks

Toadstool: 1 stack

Passionflower: 2 stack

Chamomile: 2 stacks

Prickly Ash Root: 2 stack

Calendula: 2 stack

Wintergreen: 1 stack

Cat's Claw: 2 stacks

Wolfsbane: 1 stack

Button Mushroom: 2 stack

Royal Teeterer: 2 stack

Bloodvine: 2 stack

Witch Hazel: 2 stack

White Snakeroot: 1 stack

Brooklime: 2 stack

Dog's Mercury: 2 stack

Atfax Fiber: 2 stack

Ginger: 2 stacks

Bespeckled Gentleman: 2 stack

Volbus Chelak: 2 stack

Great Burnet: 2 stack

Ashthistle: 1 stack

Ashthistle Leaves: 1 stack

Amberleaf Flower: 3stacks

Shimmer Root: 1 stack

Glaeswyrt Flower: 1 stack

Glaeswyrt Stem: 1 stack

Ashen Bloom: 1 stack

Spotted Elf: 2 stack

Aloe: 2 stack

Livewood Leaves: 2 stack

Wolfsbane: 1 stack

Water Hemlock: 1 Stack

Deadly Nightshade: 1 stack

Silverbloom Leaves: 29

Silverbloom Vines: 26

Silverbloom Flower: 30

Bittertooth Bark: 30
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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
The thread is complete from its WIP state =)

Considering that the title literally is "Journal of Cesario E. Sadin" ... I think the author is quite clear :)
How did you even find that amongst the intense amount of books there. Corrected it >_>


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Good God that's such a large book collection, you really scoured the world for every single journal or book huh

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Good God that's such a large book collection, you really scoured the world for every single journal or book huh
Not at all! Lana made a deal with Frostwarts to sell the books. It has a collection of 732 books currently.
Lana has only taken the one's she believed people would purchase ((the lore friendly and helpful books, not the strange ones like "how to build a Nether Portal," "Orcs" or "Scalliborn")).


I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Added a new book from the Halloween Event, published by Gharid Grabstick--- the Tale of the Strangling Scarf!
Thank you Bartooliinii for the donation :)

Whilst I was in the British Museum, I saw this in the gift shop. This is what the
Mini Catapult for 400 radiants looks like!


I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Shop updated!

Added some screenshots, added 3 more books and the resources are constantly updated anyway almost daily :)

Id've Thought and The Yearning by Aesi LyricalArtist have been added!

Lana's new publication, Metaphysics X: Modern Vyres is exclusively purchased at the Red Rose. I will not be adding them to Auction House for a while, if at all.
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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
In an effort to raise money rapidly as Lana realised her niche business model:

-Rare materials are now being sold on AH

-Metaphysics X: Modern Vyre is for sale on AH

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Because it is far easier, I have removed the wood, silk and chokevine from the resource list. I shall now sell them in bulk on Auction House when I get half-stacks or stacks. Rarer resources, like Mirrorwood and Mother's Embrace, I shall also endeavour to sell.

If you see these being sold on Auction House, they are sold directly on behalf of the Red Rose.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
In pursuit of money (as I made myself penniless giving radiants at the Christmas Event in Blackrush), I have just put up some rare resources on Auction House.

Birdwood, Mirrorwood, Mother's Embrace, Eizholz, Irrut-- etc.
I hope they sell so I can fund a region project in the (hopefully) near future :)

Edit: nnnndddd they sold fast, thank you adam_unavailable and TagTeamChampion :heart:
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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
The Red Rose shop in the Storms Landing has closed as a result of heretical fears from the owner herself (in what manner heresy and heretic hunting scares Lana is not public information).


The business itself shall continue through mass wholesale of products at the end of each month in the form of 'Collections.'

At the end of the month, the "Snowdown 2309 Collection" shall be released with various products on the Auction House.

See you then :)