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[Business] The Searing Stag Smithy


Lord of Altera

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Searing Stag Smithy

The Searing Stag Smithy is ran by yours truly, Malark Tallstag. I have dedicated myself to this craft since I arrived in Storm's Landing and have built my reputation as the best smith in the Landing. I pride myself in the various blades and weapons I can make up, willing to work specifically to your precise requirements.
Daily labour cost: 400 radiants per day
Priority fee: 400 radaints per days current orders will take


- Generic Great Swords (Greatswords, Axeswords, Dwarvern greatswords)
- Generic Large Swords (Longswords, Claymores, Crusader blades, Bastardswords)
- Generic Medium Swords (Falchions, Falx's and Machete's)
- Generic Polearms (Halberd's, Glaives and Warscythes.)
- Generic Short Weapons (Axes, Maces, Flails, Warhammers, Hatchets)
- Generic Short Swords (Daggers, Knives, Shortswords, Rapiers, Scimitars)

- Generic Spears (Spears, Lances)

Armor & Shields

- Set of Custom Plate Armour (Cuirass, Full Helm, Gauntlets, Greaves)
- Set of Munitions Plate Armor (Cuirass, Full Helm, Gauntlets, Greaves)
- Set of Scalemail (Scale haubrek, leggings, sleeves)
- Half-Plate Harness (Covers chest, upper thighs and shoulders)

- Set of Butted Chainmail Armor (Chain coif, chain gloves, chain haubrek)
- Set of Riveted Chainmail Armor (Same as above)

- Buckler
- Shield

- Arrowheads - Horseshoes - Nails
- Collars - Iron Wall Hooks - Crossbow Firing Mechanism's
- Engraving tools - Keg Hoops - Simple Rings
- Farming tools - Manacles

Metals & Staves/Hilts

Refined Steel - The strongest, most reliable metal a sword can be made from. Per ingot used, I charge 220 each. (20 for coal used.)
Steel - Stronger than both Iron and Irzis-Fyr, a refined version of Iron. Per ignot used, I charge 110 each. (10 for a coal used.)
Iron - A strong and reliable metal, good for any decent sword. Per ingot use, I charge 50 for each.

Irzis-Fyr - As strong and reliable as iron, however it holds a heat able to scald and burn skin. I charge 200 for each.
Refined Irzis-Fyr - With the same strength as steel and the heatness increasing greatly to melt flesh in a matter of seconds, taxing on ore needed to craft. I charge 650 per ignot used. (Weapons will require an Eizholz wood hilt/stave.)

Glimmersteel - An incredibly sharp and rare metal, able to cut through plate. 4500 per ore used, 2 required for 1 ingot.
Machanite - An extremely flexable and near unbreakable metal. 4500 per ore used.
Bloodied Silver - As strong as refined steel, able to do great harm to undead creatures such as Vyres, ghosts etc. 4500 per feather used.
Viridescence - A metal as strong as the strongest steel, able to come to the weilder whenever they want. Price to be negotiated.

I have gold, silver, platinum and bronze in stock for more decorative pieces. Prices will be negotiated for.

Copper - Not as strong as iron, and not so reliable. Not really useful for weapons.

I stock myself with Eastlander Chestnut, Oak and Maple staves. Eastlander Chestnut is stronger than Oak, Oak is stronger and more reliable than maple. I charge 500 for Eastlander Chestnut staves/hilts, 400 for an Oak stave/hilt to be used, 200 for a Maple stave/hilt. I offer leather grips when needed.
* I will soon have Eizholz wood to be specially used for Refined Irzis-Fyr blades. Rare material, Price TBD, likely 4-5000ish.


To order, come in the shop and we can talk specifics!

(OOC: Message me on discord to meet my character to discuss an order StevePart2#3722)

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Legend of Altera
- Generic Medium Swords (Various Longswords, Falchions and Claymores to fit your needs.)
I might be very wrong about this, but these aren't the qualifications for a "Medium" weapon through the system. It should be the length of an arming sword, give or take. Claymores and Longswords fall under Large after you specialize in Weaponsmith.


Lord of Altera
Yep, I have wrote this at 5am, so I probably am wrong. Will check again tommorow ^^


Lord of Altera
Journyman reached!

- Generic Large Swords added
- Crossbow Firing Mechanisms added
- Simple rings added
- Steel available now

- Price for Eastlander Chestnut hilts/staves added


Lord of Altera
Expert Reached!

- Generic GREAT swords, oh boy they're here now
- Munitions plate armor added
- Added prices for shields/bucklers
- Prices for Eizholz wood added

- New metals! Glimmersteel, Refined Irzis-Fyr, Refined steel, Machanite all added with prices tagged. (*Some prices are left out in certain areas, to be discussed IC.) Gold, Silver, Platinum and Bronze are there too, but I rarely will use these, so prices would be discussed if so desired.

- New location, map directions changed to show this.

*OOC Note, Starblood may be available, but not publically advertised