Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Application for Dungeon World Access


Lord of Altera
Usernames: Just me so far

Example of Work: I'm terrible at taking screenshots of my builds, but I'll post a few:
Event Layout: The idea is that it's a rescue quest. Not a big one. Just a small dungeon. An NPC is missing along with some others and their guards. The last known location was that they were heading to <insert location>. Players follow the path they would have taken until they find an old monastery up in the snowy mountains right as a blizzard hits. Players would take refuge inside and find evidence of the lost NPC inside. They'd explore around it and then be attacked by giant spiders. In the basement, there would be a wall knocked down revealing a tunnel leading to a cave system that is a spider's nest. Players will have to navigate the nest, fend off spiders, rescue the survivors, then escape. The area itself doesn't even need to be big. The monastery itself can be surrounded by a snow wall to simulate a blinding blizzard to hide how small the area is. Not sure what would be a good reward for this kind of quest, but I imagine that detail can be figured out later. I am more focused on the dungeon itself for now.

I have a few other ideas, but I figure I should start small for now.


Usernames: Just me so far

Example of Work: I'm terrible at taking screenshots of my builds, but I'll post a few:
Event Layout: The idea is that it's a rescue quest. Not a big one. Just a small dungeon. An NPC is missing along with some others and their guards. The last known location was that they were heading to <insert location>. Players follow the path they would have taken until they find an old monastery up in the snowy mountains right as a blizzard hits. Players would take refuge inside and find evidence of the lost NPC inside. They'd explore around it and then be attacked by giant spiders. In the basement, there would be a wall knocked down revealing a tunnel leading to a cave system that is a spider's nest. Players will have to navigate the nest, fend off spiders, rescue the survivors, then escape. The area itself doesn't even need to be big. The monastery itself can be surrounded by a snow wall to simulate a blinding blizzard to hide how small the area is. Not sure what would be a good reward for this kind of quest, but I imagine that detail can be figured out later. I am more focused on the dungeon itself for now.

I have a few other ideas, but I figure I should start small for now.
If you get accepted, keep in mind that the far more efficient method of formatting your build will be:
Ask staff to WE a mountaintop to build your monastery in creative, and have it ported into the main world. Then, have a door/entryway to the underground built into the monastery with nothing behind it. It will act as a place to teleport the players into the dungeon during the event. (In summary, only the underground is built in the dungeon)

If you have any questions, just ask.


IGN Username: WaifuToast
Example of Work: Here are some WIP builds I am doing on the server. Currently, I have no fully finished build projects here on HollowWorld.

Event Layout: A party of participants is sent on an expedition to unravel the mysteries of an abandoned mining operation. This is likely to include PvE and CRP, a few interactive puzzles, and several instances of DM to PC RP.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Will get you perms sorted via another staff member, but the event premise is nice and relatively simple enough - Approved


Bored Brit
I, too, require perms. I uh can go to the dungeon world but it puts me there in survival and not creative.