Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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{ Seeking Tutor for the Lady Katherine Kane }


The Lurker
Retired Staff

My name is Grand Duchess Elizabeth Kane, and my young daughter is Lady Katherine Victoria Kane. At the moment of writing, she is soon to be six years old. While I oversee most of her learning currently, she is at an age where I am seeking another to bring into our household. I am seeking to employ a full time Governess, or tutor. Living quarters will be arranged upon successful interview, and a weekly stipend of 1,000r per week for personal spending. When the family moves location, this position will move with the family.

Candidates will be expected to instruct the child in the matters of literature, arithmetic, and the histories of Altera. Special subjects are encouraged, upon approval by myself or by Jaden Seeker. Candidates must be comfortable with being around the arcane, and must be firm of will with her. Priests need not apply.

Inquiries shall be sent by letter to myself, Elizabeth Kane, and a meeting may be arranged from there.

OOC Notes: Definitely looking to bring in a new player into our little group! I wouldn't mind if folks wanted to make a new character entirely to fill the position, or if you have an existing character that you think will fit. We are most active from 6:00pm EST and onward, though Elz (who plays the child) can get on a bit earlier as well!
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don't sit on ladybugs
Lore Staff
bouncing in my seat im sorry katherine is too cute


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Ah pity its full time! Otherwise she's always welcome to come once a week to Frostwarts for recurring lessons in different subjects! I think Kublai could do a wonderful job at teaching her things her parents might not really agree with :))