Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Starfall Feedback


Legend of Altera
I’m not commenting on the recent event but more of events, as a whole, and it is also because I want to participate in this campaign, as I remember when it was first advertised awhile back.

But I really would like to participate in any future events associated with this campaign or any campaign. I find it very hard to join events because of my timezone. I’m from PST, and I’m a high student which falls into the age bracket that this server first let’s people whitelist/join.

All I’m wishing for is that there are more events that cater to American timezones. I really would like to join an event! I had the pleasure of joining the Elven King’s coronation, and I absolutely loved it. Hadley of course loved it too...? Although she made a HUGE SCENE! Haha! :p


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
I’m not commenting on the recent event but more of events, as a whole, and it is also because I want to participate in this campaign, as I remember when it was first advertised awhile back.

But I really would like to participate in any future events associated with this campaign or any campaign. I find it very hard to join events because of my timezone. I’m from PST, and I’m a high student which falls into the age bracket that this server first let’s people whitelist/join.

All I’m wishing for is that there are more events that cater to American timezones. I really would like to join an event! I had the pleasure of joining the Elven King’s coronation, and I absolutely loved it. Hadley of course loved it too...? Although she made a HUGE SCENE! Haha! :p
I feel you as i'm in PST also. Most events run based on east coast times as a good chunk of the server is east coast based or European. Events also land on the weekend when DM's can schedule it that way, so try to hit those ones.


Legend of Altera
I really enjoyed this event! It was my first proper combat event here and it went really well, Kam and Jas were very interactive with the players. The signs were helpful along the way too, nice touch. One thing I will say was that as an EU player it did drag a bit - again, as others have said, due to rolls. I don't feel every attack has to be rolled for and I feel like things would have also been made a lot easier if there had been a turn order established, as often times I was getting very confused with when to move, when to attack, etc etc. All in all though aside from those issues, fun event, I really liked how it went!


Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach
Try being a working adult...

Many time slots don’t work.
it's a mood. I'd say make timeslot priority events, one oriented for school people and one for working people, and maybe try to work EU/non North American folk into that if you want optimal attendance and player satisfaction


Lord of Altera
One of the big problems with making events that cater to a specific group in a timezone is that the DMs themselves are from different timezones. Jazzper is in the UK(?), and I believe the rest are in America. From the events I've attended, they already cut it close with Jasper staying up late to handle the EST events how they do.

Probably smaller versions of events could happen, but I don't think the big, full-on events people are wanting would be easy considering later in the day they'd be down a man each time they did it.

Edit Also clearly EST is the only timezone that matters, as The Courier always used to say


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
I'm Dutch, and last night was the earliest I've ever gotten to bed after a Starfall event, at 2am.

Will respond properly when on PC


Regarding this event:

The event was good around the parts where there was character conflict and tension, but I feel like my only complaint is that there was a great, awesome opportunity to provide the server with something to interact with outside of campaign events, and still feel directly involved in the campaign. I'm referring to the bird just being squashed when things were closing up and being discussed. I don't know how much of it was actual player influence, or whether or not it was never planned to have the bird survive, but I feel like it would have been only good and enjoyable to have the "deal" go through and have the bird fly around and interact with the rest of the people of the server who cannot make events. A real shame. The player conflict was good even if it stemmed from characters trying to make cool things happen vs those trying to prevent it. But again that's all IC so no fault to anyone for playing their characters.

My opinion is summarized in that the bird was a good opportunity to have campaign interaction outside of hoarding special items until they can be used to the next event and I am a little disappointed it wasn't how I wanted it to be.
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We demons of our solemn hour
Regarding this event:

The event was good around the parts where there was character conflict and tension, but I feel like my only complaint is that there was a great, awesome opportunity to provide the server with something to interact with outside of campaign events, and still feel directly involved in the campaign. I'm referring to the bird just being squashed when things were closing up and being discussed. I don't know how much of it was actual player influence, or whether or not it was never planned to have the bird survive, but I feel like it would have been only good and enjoyable to have the "deal" go through and have the bird fly around and interact with the rest of the people of the server who cannot make events. A real shame. The player conflict was good even if it stemmed from characters trying to make cool things happen vs those trying to prevent it. But again that's all IC so no fault to anyone for playing their characters.
Blame the halfling for the bird part.


The Green One
Retired Staff
Regarding this event:

The event was good around the parts where there was character conflict and tension, but I feel like my only complaint is that there was a great, awesome opportunity to provide the server with something to interact with outside of campaign events, and still feel directly involved in the campaign. I'm referring to the bird just being squashed when things were closing up and being discussed. I don't know how much of it was actual player influence, or whether or not it was never planned to have the bird survive, but I feel like it would have been only good and enjoyable to have the "deal" go through and have the bird fly around and interact with the rest of the people of the server who cannot make events. A real shame. The player conflict was good even if it stemmed from characters trying to make cool things happen vs those trying to prevent it. But again that's all IC so no fault to anyone for playing their characters.

My opinion is summarized in that the bird was a good opportunity to have campaign interaction outside of hoarding special items until they can be used to the next event and I am a little disappointed it wasn't how I wanted it to be.
I do not often release intent, but it was heading that way. IC influenced events in that case.
I have a few things floating around that can bring more of that in and will be doing it within the coming week as I will have a bit of a break as I transition from one job to the next.


Lord of Altera
Generally for me, if it'd be way more interesting outside of the event itself, to allow a figure/creature to interact with others- that should trump people's actions in trying to get it killed. Although I wasn't there, I can only go off of, and agree with Scardrac 's notion.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Generally for me, if it'd be way more interesting outside of the event itself, to allow a figure/creature to interact with others- that should trump people's actions in trying to get it killed. Although I wasn't there, I can only go off of, and agree with Scardrac 's notion.
I just wanted to add, even though I agree with you, if Kam does "trump people's actions in trying to get it killed," she'll just get negative responses. People who want to kill the creature and don't get to because the DM said so will most likely throw a fit about it.


Lord of Altera
I just wanted to add, even though I agree with you, if Kam does "trump people's actions in trying to get it killed," she'll just get negative responses. People who want to kill the creature and don't get to because the DM said so will most likely throw a fit about it.
Generally if that is what a person is concerned about for their events- you'll always run into issues running those events. Saying directly that you "can't kill it, no" would be bad, but directing the event to not allow as easy of a chance to kill something important like that is the fine line that has to be walked for the most part, I feel.

You're always going to have people unhappy. People are always going to complain about something, the difference usually comes from the number. In the case like Scardrac brought up, it might've been neat to see a creature like that wander around and offer more event interactions outside of the campaign itself; so it'd arguably worth it to upset a few people that they were unable to kill something rare, for the chance to possibly offer way more RP to people who can't always make these events.


Lord of Altera
I'll be honest; this is the first real event I've attended fully, and so this review can only have significance in the light of this particular event.
I felt that the event as a whole was disorganized and while I assume it was a 'random' event, it did not give off an air of a Campaign Event to me; it seemed more like a joke. The event brought no new information forward campaign-wise and everything that happened seemed aimed to spur amusement from us roleplayers instead of being at all significant to the campaign or event itself (Turtle getting shot, bird poop, Jaden's foot getting shot). While I do appreciate amusement, I'd also appreciate meaningful roleplay. I would recommend that the event team try to add some unpredictability and surprise into these random encounter events; actual combat, more interactivity between DM and players, or new bits of campaign information.


Better than sliced bread
I'll be honest; this is the first real event I've attended fully, and so this review can only have significance in the light of this particular event.
I felt that the event as a whole was disorganized and while I assume it was a 'random' event, it did not give off an air of a Campaign Event to me; it seemed more like a joke. The event brought no new information forward campaign-wise and everything that happened seemed aimed to spur amusement from us roleplayers instead of being at all significant to the campaign or event itself (Turtle getting shot, bird poop, Jaden's foot getting shot). While I do appreciate amusement, I'd also appreciate meaningful roleplay. I would recommend that the event team try to add some unpredictability and surprise into these random encounter events; actual combat, more interactivity between DM and players, or new bits of campaign information.
it's called comedic relief, lighten up. Near every staff member makes jokes in their emotes on occasion. Honestly, it made things more interesting in my opinion. Also, you were roleplaying a little girl. why would you even care about combat during this event?

This event is assumingly to serve as exposition. Get your attitudes out of mad town :mad: and stop being so critical over little things like this that aren't criticized by any other DMs.. You can't ask for action, interaction, etc. in an exposition event that isn't meant to have any. She saw plenty of people at SL and decided to run a small exposition event. Not every event is going to be full of exciting things. The first event that you attended wasn't even a real event. -- Here's my genuine advice - I think you should try to attend the other events to get a feel for how most of them go, and if you don't enjoy the events or the comedic relief that comes out from time to time, perhaps you shouldn't attend the events. Now, hear me out- I'm saying DMs all have their own style of DMing. Some are very unforgiving in combat, some let you get away with a bit more. Some DMs enjoy the act of DMing itself. Kam is not only the Starfall DM, but the one who manages Storm's Landing. She decided to make something interesting come up at Storm's Landing and it revealed something interesting in tow. An infestation in Sanardu of cream colored mime volans.
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