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Missing (Golden) Boy


Faith prevail
Retired Staff

(Spooksy_ )

Character Chart

Character’s full name: Sigmar Eisen
Reason or meaning of name: His mother wanted to give him a 'strong' name. Something that might attract his father's attention, should he ever come back.
His last name was given to him by the Duchess Elizabeth. It means 'Iron' in Rede. It represents the strength of the Kaltstaat people.
Character’s nickname: Orphan. Boy.
Reason for nickname: His mother is dead. His father unknown.
Birth date: 2294
Speak - Fluent
Write - Fluent - Learned from Elizabeth.
Read - Fluent - Learned from Elizabeth. Reads often now.
Speak - Fluent - His mother's tongue
Write - Shakey - hasn't had the opportunity or necessity to write in it for awhile. Minor spelling mistakes, but grammar is good.
Read - Shakey - If he sounds it out, he's fluent, but he doesn't recognize all the words.
Speak - Level 3 speaker
Write - Shakey - hasn't had the opportunity or necessity to write in it for awhile. Minor spelling and grammar mistakes.
Read - Better than his writing. Can read better in Rede than in Lavish. This is due to many books being in Rede in Queensport.

Physical Appearance

Age: 16 (is still physically 15 due to Stasis)
How old does he/she appear: Every bit his age
Weight: 110 lbs
Height: 5'7"
Body build: A string bean. He's of a normal weight and height for his age, but he's now a lanky teen.
Shape of face: Square chin with angular face
Eye color: Oxford Blue
Glasses or type of aid for the eyes: None
Skin tone: Caucasian
Distinguishing marks: Scars on his legs, his back, and across his forearms
Predominant features: Thin frame
Hair color: Gold. Literal gold. Transformed by Strange. His neck hurts.
Type of hair: Wavy
Hairstyle: Reserved
Voice: Backwater Lavish/ Gutteral Lavoye.
Overall attractiveness: Average for a 15 year old. Starting to notice girls.
Physical disabilities: N/A
Usual fashion of dress: Has taken a propensity to wearing military apparel. Feels the need to be prepared at all times.

Favorite outfit: His ratty old Levy regalia
Jewelry or accessories:
A silver locket, with a blue and white sigil on it. He now knows what it means, but he is trying to find out what to do with that knowledge.
He also has an ancient coin given to him by Lisbet. It was found in Nid Arach. He doesn't know if it's important.
He has a white feather with teal edges that fell from the sky while investigating the backwards flowing rivers.
Lastly, he has a small piece of skyrock that fell.


Good personality traits:
Loyalty 0000000X00

Courageous 0000000X00
Faithful 000000
Industrious 0000X00000
Determined 000000
Bad personality traits:
Obsessed 000000X000

Workaholic 0X00000000
Cynical 000X000000

ISFJ: The Defender
The ISFJ personality type is nicknamed the "Defender" and belongs to the SJ Protector temperament. ISFJs are kind, loyal and considerate. They desire to serve and protect others sacrificially. They serve behind the scenes without seeking recognition. Defenders like routine and have excellent follow-through skills. They possess rich inner lives, are private and quietly friendly.

Mood character is most often in: Contemplative
Sense of humor: Can be crass, doesn't laugh as much as he used to. Jaded laughter.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Seeing others succeed.
Character’s greatest fear: The Cage.
Why?: His time in captivity with the Order did a number on Sigmar. He was tortured, beaten, bruised, whipped, half-starved, and slept on cold stone every night. He sometimes cringes at the touch of any other person, his body unsure if pain is to follow.

What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: It's already happened: The death of his mother.
Most ill at ease when: Talking about his captivity
Enraged when: He sees the undead.
Depressed or sad when: He thinks of his mother, his time in captivity, letting Pod down, thinking of making Lisbet sad.
Priorities: Finding time to read, and practice his writing, working on his swordwork, picking up a new weapon skill, practicing archery.
Life philosophy: Pain and suffering will happen. Break the cycle.
If granted one wish, it would be:To bring a smile to those he loves.
Why?: Having ingratiated himself into some sort of /family/ he doesn't want to let them down.
Character’s soft spot: The other children that he sees get mistreated.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: He fights to defend those who have no protection, even if it gets him beaten up.
Greatest strength: His 'grit'. This was reinforced in his battle with the badger. He survived the Order. He was one of the last ones standing at the Battle of Fort Wilderness Shrine. He fights to the last.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: He's a softy inside.
Biggest regret: Leaving his dying mother when she asked him to go, or getting captured.
Minor regret: Not eating more when he was younger.
Biggest accomplishment: Being one of the last ones standing at the battle of Fort Wilderness Shrine.
Minor accomplishment: Killing the badger.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: They know about it, but his capture by the Order and subsequent mopping around.
Why?: Self explanitory.
Character’s darkest secret: He keeps his locket under his shirt. He keeps it hidden for fear of thieves. Pod told him that he thinks this locket means he is the son of some old Duke. Guy is dead. I'm not likely his son!
Does anyone else know?: Pod.


Drives and motivations: Become a knight. Protect others.
Immediate goals: See above.
Long term goals: Find a home that /feels/ like a home. Become a knight
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Train, learn, get better.
How other characters will be affected: A better future.


Hometown: One of the larger cities. He doesn't really remember.
Type of childhood: Given his mother's... profession in the red light district, a dangerous childhood, but not necessarily a bad one with his mother.
Pets: None. The matron at the establishment wouldn't let him keep anything.
First memory: He doesn't remember
Most important childhood memory: The death of his mother and being forced out.
Why?: Life-altering experience
Childhood hero: The Knights he saw in the realm
Dream job: A knight. So he can help the helpless.
Education: Strangely, he is an autodidact, and as such has taught himself much of what he knows, but he still has no formal training or schooling. He's fairly illiterate.
Religion: Limited knowledge of
Ignisin the past. His Mother liked Valiant.
Finances: Non-existent

Present (Still Childhood)

Current location: Wandering with Pod, but his 'home' is Haven.
Currently living with: Pod
Pets: None
Religion: Nothing too strong. He likes Valiant and Ignis, but isn't too strongly attached. The boy is now torn: Between his love of Pod and Pod's love of Ignis and his own love of the tenets of Valiant.
Occupation: Ward
Finances: About a 1000 rads to his name, given to him by Francis de Courtnay, he doesn't spend it, but he's never had so much money in his life.


Mother: He remembers her fondly, especially her smile and her lovely humming voice. She once told him that his father liked her for the very same things.
Relationship with her: Fond memories. But scarred by the memory that she died racked with illness.
Father: He didn't know him. Given the nature of his mother's 'work' it could've been anyone.
Relationship with him: None.
Siblings: None.
Relationship with them: N/A
Spouse: None.
Relationship with him/her: N/A
Children: None.
Relationship with them: N/A
Other important family members:
Pod - while not blood, Pod is the closest thing to a father the boy has, or could ever want.
Lisbet - while not blood, Lisbet cares for the boy, and the boy cares for her.


Color: Blue
Least favorite color: He doesn't hate colors
Music: He likes those puppet shows with songs in them.
Literature: Pod is teaching him to read.
Form of entertainment: While in the past, he'd worry about surviving, he is now more concerned about making himself better so that he never has to be in that pitiful state again. He does, however, enjoy climbing buildings, and listening in on conversations.
Mode of transportation: His gods-given feet
Most prized possession: His locket. (see below), He also has acquired a strange burnt sky stone from when he was at the tournament and the meteors fell.



Plays a musical instrument?: None.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Darwing up in his blanket to keep warm and dry.
Spending habits: Extremely frugal. He doesn't want to spend any of the money given to him.
Smokes: Nope.
Drinks: Water. Apparently tea now.
Other drugs: None.
What does he/she do too much of?: Thinking
What does he/she do too little of?: Acting
Extremely skilled at: Fighting.
Extremely unskilled at: Reading, Managing and Making money.
Nervous tics: Zoning out, staring at his mother's locket under his shirt.
Usual body posture: Rigid
Mannerisms: Tends to crack his knuckles when he's frustrated.
Peculiarities: He tends to sequester himself in social situations.


Optimist or pessimist?: Realist. He doesn't see the glass half full or half empty, rather he sees 'the container as twice as large as necessary to contain set liquid.'
Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert-Extrovert; a bit of both.
Daredevil or cautious?: Daredevil
Logical or emotional?: Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Messy
Prefers working or relaxing?: Who has time for relaxing?
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: An odd mix.
Animal lover?: Yes, however, he hasn't had the means to take care of pets.


How he/she feels about himself/herself: He wants to be better. He failed himself by being captured, but with time, his confidence has come back.
One word the character would use to describe self: Dedicated
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. Sigmar knows this, but just can't digest it. He wonders why his mother died, and why he is stuck fending for himself, but he doesn't always have time to worry about that: He needs to care for himself.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: His sense of justice.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: His way with money.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: He has a cute nose.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: He isn't that strong... yet.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: A boy that hides in the shadows of giants
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: His physical situation.


Wood chopping: Training 4/10
He has started chopping wood in the tavern. He can feel his hands getting rougher, as he grips the axe, and he may get stronger, but his skill at it is still lacking. Ugly chops, missed swings, and overswinging still plague him.
He has lost his axe to the Order. He may never get it back.
Stealth: Novice 4/10
He is small, and light, so he can quietly follow people, but he doesn't know anything about blending in, and not being seen. He was able to follow that group out into the woods. He was also able to follow Pod's group to the Sorrows and only later got found when the zombies came out.
One Handed - Axe: Novice 4/10
Comes with the territory of wood-chopping, but also from killing that badger. They compliment each other, the weapon ability and wood-cutting, so maybe he'll use an axe, maybe not. He was able to use it a bit when killing zombies.
He has lost his axe to the Order. He may never get it back.
Arm-Wrestling: Novice 1/10
A favorite of those around Queensport. He'll have to get better. His form is lacking. His strength, absent.
Climbing: Training 4/10
The skill few know about Sigmar. He's utterly fearless when it comes to heights, and so he tries to climb what he can, when he can. He's decently good at it, for a layman.
Fencing/Swordsmanship: Training 6/10
Jaden has started teaching the Boy about using a sword. Sigmar has taken it upon himself to practice his grip whenever he can, and makes big chopping motions with the sword in a proper grip until it feels comfortable and second nature. Still not able to stand up to real swordsmen. He has now had some serious experience under his belt.
Handling alcohol: Excuse Me 0/10
One glass did him in at the Ball. Never again.

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Faith prevail
Retired Staff


His mother.
I'm slowly coming to terms with her absence. I miss her, but I don't think she's back as a Revenant.

Podric (Luam )
Complicated. There is no other word for their relationship. I haven't talked to him about sides when it comes to Archon. Doesn't he know that The Grey Lady will sick those Reapers on him if she has her way? I worry that he will choose wrong. I FEAR that I will see him on the other side.

Lisbet (Elz )
I miss her. I hope her journeys have a happy ending. A shame I'll never show her how special her axe is now that's made of crystal.


Jaden (CloakedReaper )
Why must our relationship be as complicated as it is? What are you to me? A father figure? My teacher? The Ranger Sentinel? Sometimes you make me so mad, and other times you pull the most insane stunts out of your ass. Forcing me to let the Broodmother live when we confronted her nearly broke me, but then giving me the chance to execute her when we captured her nearly made up for it. You've opened up my world with magic, and taken me under your wing. I don't know where things will lead, but I suppose I'm still going to follow your old ass.

Duchess Elizabeth (NIAH )
How does one define an enigma? Or an enigma, wrapped in a puzzle, surrounded by a riddle? Elizabeth Kane is all these things, but she is also one of the most important people to me. Some days she feels withdrawn and emotionally unavailable. It's during those times that I feel like she only cares for a select few. However, other days she seems to welcome many into her circle, buys us drinks, tries to hug us, or gives us gifts. I don't envy Jaden for trying to understand this woman, but at the same time, I'm grateful to even know her. I hope she finds the peace she seeks, but she's just tenacious enough that she might just do it.


Duke Charles (Lannis )
Sometimes it takes physical exertion to really get to know someone. But while Sigmar lost, badly, to the arm-wrestling contest, he can't help but respect the Titanborn's natural strength and machismo. I've felt some distance to him since the whole assassin problem at the castle. I've heard whispers that he is gone... I don't know if he's truly gone.

Aryn (Lannis )
Once a glass-man, but always an elf, Aryn seems to be a good, albeit squirrely friend. I don't know what side of the fight he'll be on, but I do hope I'm not in his crosshairs.

Otto (Paint ) (Slowly forgetting)
I'm glad that you were sparked, and that we ignited our foci at the same time. I know you once desired to be a knight. Maybe you can still be one?

Fern (ForestRose )
The color of our lives. The joy in our home. Fern is the warmth where once there was only cold. She wandered in one day, and now I never want her to wander out.


Isaac (Joseph12Q ) (Forgetting - It's been years)
I don't even know his name, but the man was kind to me. He gave me a mended and altered tabard shirt to wear and taught me to take pride in my thoughts and dreams. I haven't seen him in awhile.

Charlotte (BrianAT16 )
What happened to her?

Bear-Cloak Lady (Blorbis83 ) (Forgetting - It's been years)
I didn't get her name, but she let me use her musty old bear skin. It's super warm.

Gil (Samwych ) (Forgetting - It's been years)
He made my leg feel better. And he seems kinda nice. Maybe shy. I don't like what he said about Pod, though.

Ayda (Ayda ) (Slowly forgetting)
Even though I didn't learn her name, she was nice enough to try and help me when I was sick after the ball. Why do adults drink those things? Yuck.

Kida (Elz ) (Slowly forgetting)
The pink one. She's small. But I think she's ok. She isn't one of the big murdering bird-people yet. I wish we could see each other again!

Emily (Sizzix )
She and Maxwell got my stuff back. She stuck around when things were rough, but I haven't seen her in awhile.

Maxwell (Rygan ) (Slowly forgetting)
He found my locket! While my sword and axe are important to me, I have the one piece of my mother back!

Mikolaj (Paint )
He has called off his war for now. I understand why, but it still feels like he won't accomplish anything unless he tries.

Uriel (BoredBrit )
I am genuinely glad that Uriel has sided with Archon.

Kopii (Omikuji )
I need to speak to him more. He's done more for me than I can every repay, but I don't really /know/ the man.

Katherine (Elz )
She isn't back to her old self even if she /is/ older. I wish that she would speak. I wish that we could be friends. I wish for her to be the bright joy that once brought sparkles to Elizabeth's eyes. Maybe with time she'll heal. Goodness knows we all need that.


Joseph (JoeJoe )
I still don't know how well I know him. He's a well-versed Evicist and can help me in my journey, but I still don't /know/ him.

Wolfgang (Rygan )
His intensity can be physically felt in the air. Sometimes he can be warm, but he always seems too focused for any kind of friendship. At least I know we can trust him in a pinch.

Sigmund (Scardrac )
From loyal Ignite to Cursed to a Vyre. This man has gone through so much. I don't know what's left on the inside of him.

Francis (BoredBrit ) (slowly forgetting)
I don't know why he thinks riding is important. My own two feet are pretty good. But the way he talks down to Pod seems to me that he has some role of importance around these parts. He did muss up my hair, and seems to want to push my dreams. I'll give him a shot.
I haven't seen him in some time. I think he may be dead?

Caerwyn of Blackstone (Rygan ) (Forgetting - It's been years)
I don't think I'll see the man again. While he wanted to help me become a knight, nothing ever became of it.

Raalvara (Raal ) (Forgetting - It's been years)
I've seen her a few times, but I wish I could know her better. I heard she really likes Valiant!

Florian (Cap ) (crystallized memory more than a relation at this point)
I liked that he did well in the tilts against that guy Cymic that beat Pod, and he seems like a good-enough knight to follow, but I don't know why Pod doesn't seem to like him, or why he doesn't like the Kanes.

Schmidt (Boofenshmirtz ) (Forgetting - It's been years)
He's kind of like what I want to be some day. A squire under a good knight. I got to see his sword, and it was super heavy, but something doesn't feel right about him. He doesn't seem like he's very nice. I haven't seen him since the meteor fell.

Reivos (Niko )
I haven't seen him in a long time. It's been at least 3 years. I'm not as afraid of him as I once was. I suppose that traveling around the continent does wonders for fear.

Arianne (Lily_ ) (Forgetting - It's been years)
She healed my wounds.

Katherine (Elz )
I wish she would take me up on my offer to train her, but I think she's got spunk. Definitely a Kane through-and-through. I wonder if she'll turn out alright though... with that much spice, she may someday burn.


Arthur (Morbid ) (Forgetting - It's been years)
Why was he asking me all those questions. He probably thinks I'm somebody else he's looking for.

Gael (Scardrac ) (Nearly gone)
I only saw him the one time. But he looked like he was going to hurt Pod in the cathedral. He seems like a dangerous man.

Fearful of
I used to think that dark rooms, cold alleyways, or an empty stomach was something to be feared.

Now I've encountered real fear:

The Butcher...


Holes in the ground
Badgers come from them.

Between Jishrim, those hatch spiders, and all those fucking pods, I'm sick of killing them.


Who needs them?
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Faith prevail
Retired Staff

First three by Spooksy_

Chibi by Cukie1
Raal doodle
Otto's Old Training Sword by Elz (Paint )

The famous badger-killing 'Wood-Chopper,' also by Elz
"Saving Sigmar" - Elz: A sketch by Elz depicting the rescue effort to spring Sigmar out of Nid Arach

Sigmar done by Samiwashere
An interesting take on mental illness and the events in Sigmar's life by Purgatoris

An updated work by Samiwashere
Lined Draft done by Kamaoe


Teenage Bust by Charybdis

Teenage Sigmar with Battleaxe by Ellievator

Traditional Drawing by Yuki_The_Witch.
Traditional Art by Raal
Completed and colored work by Kamaoe
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Faith prevail
Retired Staff

(Assuming he learns how to write, otherwise these are assumed to be thoughts he has during the day).

(Still illiterate, but he did lay down in his new bunk and think about the events for the days, so it may read more like a train of thought)
Winterfeast 24, 2305

This bed is comfy...
That fire is pretty warm too.
How did I get here? I mean, yeah, that nice guy gave me his cloak and fed me and put me in here, but why?
I'm just Sigmar. I don't belong in this palace. It's a place for nobles and other big people. I'm just... me...
He told me he wants to find my place here and do work. I mean, I don't mind work, but I want to learn how to fight. I want to protect people.
Maybe he'll let let train?
Well, this bed /is/ comfortable, I suppose I'll sleep and see what he wants, if not, I'll keep moving on.

Winterfeast 28, 2305
We got to Haven a few days ago. Lord Podric seems to have some business here, so I had to tag along. I don't know what is we're doing here but something is wrong.
Pod's eyes glow yellow.
Is he a demon?
I got to try tea. That's a first! It burnt my tongue though.
Also, this tabard shirt is clean! But super itchy!
Shame I didn't learn the one-eyed guy's name.

Winterfeast 29, 2305
I keep meeting all these strange men, but I never learn their names!
This new guy didn't /look/ that old, but he seemed like he had some sort of huge weight on his shoulders (Francis).
I don't know why he thinks riding is sooooo important, but I guess he wants to buy me a horse.
I don't know what he was talking about with Lord Podric, but they seemed to be super serious about it.
I only heard the words 'Thorne' and 'Linlea'.
I've never been to Linlea, maybe Lord Podric will take me there someday?

Winterfeast 30, 2305
I was out in the village playing. I was a knight and I had to kill a terrible monster. But Pod found me playing and wanted to talk to me.
He mentioned that he thinks he may be able to get me trained, but that it wouldn't be him!
He wants to give me a sword, a horse, and some light armor. I still don't know what he wants out of me. I don't think those rads that were given to me by the man named Francis will be enough.
Pod also told me the 6... tenets, I guess they're called, of Valiant. He told me that he follows Ignis and that he can't really teach me about Valiant. Aren't they all gods?
I hope that I get to go to Queensport soon. Maybe Duke Kane or this Francis will take me on?
Snowdown 1, 2305
Pod dragged me to Queensport.
Well, I mean, I wanted to go anyway. It might be my best chance at squiring, then I can make mom happy!
But they were climbing all over this cathedral and I don't know why they would do that!
But Pod left me.
There was this strange jerky man, why did he want me to go to that hunting lounge?
Those men who took me didn't seem to want me there.
They kept talking about babysitting and called me a "lil' shit".
They don't think I heard 'em, but I was upstairs and heard them down through that big hole in the floor!
So I left them.
Went back to the tavern to wait for Pod.
I hope he understands...
Snowdown 2, 2306
Another day in Queensport, and another day of adults doing weird things.
This time there was some sort of archery contest happening inside the ruined cathedral.
Isn't that place supposed to be holy or sacred ground or something?
Why do they keep doing things like that?
I mean, then again, there is that brothel down below.
Adults are weird.
But at least I got to climb it when Pod wasn't looking.
They keep acting like it's dangerous, but I'm light! It won't break under me!
Besides, I can get into spots they can't even get into!
Kinda met the Duke and the Duchess.
I don't think I made a big impression with them.
Pod kept apologizing for things. I don't even think they were all his fault, neither.
But they kept talking about and saying back things about that Francis guy.
I don't think he's a bad guy, he just doesn't seem to be able to find his way, that's all!
They were going to talk about me, but I guess it got too late.
At least I get to sleep in this nice, soft bed and dream of mama.
Snowdown 3, 2306
They keep moving me around.
Now I'm in more of a servant's room. The bed is still comfy though.
I've been exploring this place when no one is looking.
There's /so many/ rooms in this palace.
I answered the gate a couple of times when I found myself over there.
It seems that Lisbet has a number of men that come calling on her.
As long as I sneak back to my room in time, they don't know I'm gone.
Lisbet took me to the tavern tonight. I met some strange people:
Some guy who wanted to play a gambling game with me.
Another guy who seems to be a mercenary or something. He said he could train me.
I don't know if I can accept his offer. I want to be a knight, and he isn't a knight.
But I do think he could teach me to fight!
There was also a man outside who made a giant... block? of ice.
I went back to the palace with too much on my mind.
Snowdown 4, 2306
I've been moved out of the palace.
I don't know what I did wrong?
Did I make the Duke upset with me?
Lisbet says that it wouldn't be fair for me to replace the Duke's squire, but I didn't want to replace him!
I just wanted him to take me too!
Maybe I'll take that strange soldier man up on his offer?
Snowdown 5, 2306
I spent almost the whole day inside.
I mean, Lisbet /did/ say I should chop wood or something to be helpful.
So I'll chop wood.
I'm not that good at it.
But I did do some.
Pod doesn't understand though.
I /want/ to be a knight, but he isn't helping me.
Why isn't he helping me?
Snowdown 6, 2306
Pod said he'd help me learn to read.
It is something that knights can do, right?

I followed a group out of the tavern.
I mean, I was bored.
They went to the castle and tried to get Lisbet to go, but, I followed them agian back to the tavern.
They keep talking about some exploration or something.
When they left the tavern, I grabbed that fire-wood axe and followed them.
I still don't know where they're going.
Deep through the forest I followed them.
Over hills.
Under trees.
Sticking to the shadows.
They didn't know I was there.
Until I stuck my head in a hole.
Some furious and ferocious thing lunged out at me.
I didn't know what it was until Joseph told me.
Apparently it was a badger.
Something as big as me, and furious enough to fight bears.
It bit me in the leg. I didn't know what to do, I just swung and swung.
I must've done something, because it was on the ground and Pod had picked me up when I came to.

I'm now in the Hunter's Lodge.
My leg hurts.
But I did it.

I killed the beast.
Snowdown 7, 2306
I woke up in pain.
Joseph's bandages seem to be working, but I can't really go anywhere. I'll probably just have to hop.
There's this strange woman, I think she told me her name, but I'm not really sure I heard it. Raalvara or something.
Weird and foreign.
She said she could heal my leg.
I don't know how she could do that, but she seemed jumpy.
Like she didn't want people to know she was there.
I hopped downstairs and Lisbet made me some sort of cheese bread.
But I tried those weird purple pickles I found last time I was there.
They're kind of sour and taste like brimstone.
I'll have to try them again.
Snowdown 8, 2306
I was able to put some weight on my leg.
But some goat-man named Gil showed up.
I guess he was sent by that Raalvara lady.
But my leg feels so much better after Gil looked at it.
I don't know what he did, but Pod said it was magic.
What kind of magic does that?
I got to arm-wrestle the Duke though.
I lost.
But I will get better!
Snowdown 9, 2306
A boring day in the Hall, so I went out for a walk.
My leg is doing /much/ better today, but it's not perfect.
I found Pod talking to the Lady Kane at the castle.
She walked us over so some nice district of Queensport where the houses look like castles themselves.
She gave Pod one of these castle-houses!
I didn't know people would just /give/ those away!
Snowdown 10, 2306
I started training with 'Jerky man' Jaden.
I think he still may want to kill me after my question earlier, but he showed me how to grip my sword.
I'm going to keep practicing with this sword if it kills me!
However he seemed to gather all of us together for some sort of questioning thing.
I don't know why we did that...
Snowdown 12, 2306
I went to the Ball.
Or, at least I /think/ I went.
My head is killing me.
I think I did something stupid.
I also think that Pod might be mad at me, or worse, disappointed in me.

I'll never touch that stuff again as long as I live.
Snowdown 15, 2306
I tried practicing my stances today.
It led to Pod and Jaden showing me some sort of practice bout.
at least that's what it was supposed to be.
It looked more like a bar fight or like those times that guys got thrown out of my mother's brothel.
But at least I got to work on parrying with Jaden.
Only for them to leave me with that bird-man again.
I /know/ he killed a bear! It's meat and fur and bones are in the Hall's kitchen!
What's the say he won't kill me?

I hope that Francis is ok and that they all come back safely from the trial.
Snowdown 16, 2306
Bored. Bored. Bored.
I've already practiced as much as I can when no one is around.
However, the Duke and Duchess stopped by.
They asked how I was doing and who else was around.
I mentioned Reivos eating bears.
They took me to stay at the Palace while Jaden and Pod are gone.
The Duchess did play a mean trick on me though...
she said that Reivos and other bird people /do/ eat people.
I believed her at first.
Snowdown 17, 2306
Jaden is apparently back in town.
So they want to let me go back to training with him and staying in the Guild Hall.
I was enjoying reading all those nice maps in the library, but I'm really confused by this one map.
It has some drawing of Queensport on it.
But it's not the Queensport I'm in...
I don't know what this second one is.
Unless it's a /really/ old map.
But the streets are all wrong.
At least I can resume training.
Snowdown 19, 2306
While practicing in the Guild Hall, Otto stopped by.
He wanted to see how my training was going.
He gave me his old training sword.
It's an old wood sword, but it looks like he loved it.
It's really heavy though...
I also snuck off again to follow Pod.
They wanted to fight the undead.
I didn't know that at the time...
I'm just glad I brought the bow with me.
It came in handy.
But I can tell that Pod is really mad this time.
I was lucky that I didn't get super hurt, Lisbet looked like she got hurt.
We made it back to the Queensport spa.
I enjoyed all the hot water!

But those birds were there.

I guess I can deal with them.
Something was wrong with Lisbet though.

Maybe it was that alcohol?
That stuff was terrible...
Snowdown 20, 2306
I have been training a ton in the Guild hall recently.
I'm not happy with my jabs.
My slices are ok now.
But a lot of... them showed up.
One tried to show me how to jab.
He handled my sword like a spear.
I don't know what they were saying, but it seems like Reivos was... correcting him?
They left almost as soon as I saw them.
That weird spear hold works though...
The small pink one dropped a feather.
I found it.
It's pretty...
Snowdown 25, 2306
I don't really know what happened.
I was watching the jousts.
They were so exciting; the flags, the horses, the shiny armor, and the tilts!
Pod lost his and was kicked off his horse, but it's ok.
I wasn't sure who I wanted to win though... that strange guy from the Ball, Florian, or that prince I fought with against the zombies.

But it doesn't matter.
There was some sort of firey rocks coming down from the sky.
I thought they were the fireworks, but Pod carried me away from the field.
Lisbet got hurt a little,
and my arms are scratched up.
We saw a dead woman.
I... don't know...
Why did she have to die?
I stared at the rocks that were falling from the sky.
I don't know why, but they helped me.
I found a really pretty one.
It's in my pocket now.

But it smells funny.
We went to some super large building in Storm's Landing.
I heard them call it the Cathedral.
But this is /way/ bigger than the one in Queensport, even if that one is just a big pile of rocks.
That guy who defeated Pod in the tilt smashed open the metal rock from the sky.
I looked in it.
There were rainbows and other lights inside.
So he smashed it again.
Some shiny rocks were inside, I think they're called crystals.
One glows.
Lisbet tried to look at it in the light, but then she started to try and eat it.
What a weird thing to do.
But did it taste good, I wonder?
Pod and this Cymic guy chased everyone away.
They went upstairs and I followed them. That squire that works under Florian was there.
Eventually a bunch of guys with big swords came up.
One was that Florian guy, another was this guy Pod kept calling Gael.
I didn't know who the others were, but they looked dangerous, and they kept looking like they were going to attack Pod.
I decided to go sit down then, but then Pod made me leave.
I guess he'll have to clean that chamber pot I found upstairs and used...
Outside I ran into Jaden and the Duke and Duchess. Lisbet was there too. I don't know where she ran off to.
They said something about the Nether and going off into it.
I think I'm strong enough to do it!
I told them I killed at least 20 zombies in the last raid!
But they sent me back to Hilde in Queensport.
At least her pies are good.
Snowdown 26, 2306
I don't know how long I'll have to spend in this tavern.
Hilde's pies /are/ good, but I get bored so easily.
I keep going back to the Guild Hall to work on my stances and my swordsmanship, but it's not the same when people aren't around.
I didn't get to experiment with those fancy dice that Hilde keeps around though.
But watching Lisbet get trounced by the Duke does seem weird.
Not that she lost, but that the Duke would do the beating up himself.
Snowdown 30, 2306
I saw some men get off the boats at dock.
They seemed well-armed and well-sure of themselves.
I don't know why they're here, so I followed them.
They went up to the Palace.
Apparently they wanted help avenging that Gael man.
I didn't know he'd been killed.
I'm freezing out here.
Snowdown 31, 2306
I went on a mini-pilgrimage to the big cathedral at Storm's Landing.
I wanted to find the shrine to Valiant.
I succeeded in finding it, but I don't know what to do.

How does one pray?


I later went and explored the other shrines.
Maybe they would've given me a hint how to do it?
I don't like this dark room that I found.
The shrines here are... evil... dark... something is twisted in them.
One of them is Skraag's shrine!

Why in the Name of the Gods is /that/ thing in a cathedral?
We FIGHT the undead. WHY is it here?

Skraag needs to die.
Floodlock 16, 2306
I went to the cathedral at Storm's Landing. I heard there were interesting things happening there, but I also wanted to find Pod.
However I saw something, but I'm not sure what I saw.
It was some sort of giant.
I think he said he served Valiant!
I asked him how to serve!
He left before telling me...

Why can't I be working towards something?
Springrise 20, 2306
I went with Pod to some place called Compendium. He says he's going to some sort of meeting.
I wasn't to be let in, but I decided to listen through the door.
I couldn't hear anything...
However, there was a perfectly good window that I climbed up to see into.
The old leaded glass was a pain, but I could make out some of those people.
They all look powerful and important.
However I feel on my butt.
They let me in, but Pod sent me upstairs.
He seemed upset, but I didn't care, there were maps!
I stared at quite a few, including one for some city of Helbed.
Weird name.
But I fell asleep at that table.
Springrise 22, 2306
Met a little girl. Her name is Charlotte.
Apparently Jaden has been taking care of her.
I never knew.
But as we were talking in the main hall, the Kanes came out cover in blood. The Duke had a knife in him...
Springrise 23, 2306
I worry greatly about those assassins.
However, Charlotte and I found a bunch of hiding spots around the castle.
No one will find us.
Ate too much again...
Springrise 30, 2306
I don't remember too much about this day, but my head hurts.
Pod told me I capsized my boat in the rapids.
That I must've hit my head on a rock or something.
I just want the pain to go away.

Truebirth 21, 2306
Why does everyone want to hurt my head?
I was in the tavern most of the day, reading that map of Storm's Landing.
However, as I left, I turned around to the sound of these two dark strangers following me.
They smacked my head. Hard.
I woke up in some sort of cage.
I want to go home.
Sporebloom 1, 2306
I don't know how long I've been here.
I only know that I've watched the Sun rise and set many times.
A week?
These people. I talked back to them. I thought Pod would come sooner, but these people... they... did things to me...
My back is ablaze with pain. I don't know what they did, but it was a white-iron rod with a shape on it.
It hurts when I move. It hurts when I breathe. It hurts when I don't do anything at all.
And now. Now, it stinks.
I think I'm going to die here.
They cut me.
They beat me.
I think they used chains...
The screams, they're non-stop.
I heard them elsewhere.
I was surprised to learn they were my own.
Why do they do this?
I don't know what I did.
But they seem to blame me.
I... I blame me...

I should have been stronger.

Sporebloom 2, 2306
I hear sounds.
However, I always hear sounds here.
The fortress groans.
I swear it's alive.
Screams haunt my nightmares.
My pain is huge, but I don't know how much long I can hold on.
I'm seeing things...
My head is hot...
They're opening the door again... I think...
I can't fight them anymore...
I hope they end it.
I can't take any more.
I'm ready.
I'm sorry I failed you Pod.
(At this point Sigmar was rescued by Nwalme blargtheawesome and Gerry Jeroxia , however, Sigmar doesn't remember. He wakes up in Sanardu with no memory of how he got there).

Sporebloom 4, 2306
Why am I alive?
Everything hurts.
I want to be dead.
Am I dead?
No, that pain in my back is there.
Why won't they leave me alone?
I'm broken...

Sporebloom 7, 2306
I wish I were dead.
I failed.
They may have healed my wounds, but I can feel them there...
beneath the surface...
The laughing, the blood, the fire, the darkness...
I'm not me.
I can't be me.
But then again, /that/ me failed.
So I'm no one now...
I'm not even Sigmar...

Sporebloom 10, 2306
How long have I been in this tavern?
I don't want them to feed me anymore. I don't want to go outside.
But they knocked on the door.
This... Emily and some man.
I guess his name is Maxwell.
They apparently went to that hell hole, my personal prison.
They found Otto's sword...
my locket!
Oh mother! I'm so sorry, you raised a failure.
The tears stream down my face...
However, I feel a small part of me has returned.

Sporebloom 11, 2306
Pod dragged me to Mockingbay.
I haven't been here since I first hit my head.
It's ok.
But I saw Pod carrying Lisbet.
There's blood.
By the Gods, I hope she is ok.
She's on the opium again.
She's never herself when she's on it.
But she told me she loves me?
I don't know what that means?
I don't remember my mother really telling me that.
Pod knows.
He knows about my locket!
But he says that I'm some son of the Duke of Thorne.
I don't know if I believe that!
I'm just Sigmar
I'm just... a bastard.
I can't be a duke. I don't even know all those fancy forks and spoons that the nobles use!
Sporebloom 29, 2306
I tagged along, as I usually do.

We went back to where all the undead were, but this time it was to a fort that I've never seen.
I think it's a shrine to Ignis, because of all the white stone and gold, but the place looked... wrong.

However, I didn't have time to look at the place too much, as we were attacked by the undead.
I don't know why this time was so bad.
Everyone was falling left and right. I thought I was the only one really left.
I fought lots of regular undead, lots of those husk ones, and lots of those horrid drowned ones!
Those tridents were the worst! One got me in my leg!
Pod lost most of his armor, most of the others were badly hurt or knocked out.
What about Uriel?...
Lightshine 11, 2306
It's been a few exhausting weeks since the fort attack. I now know that Uriel is alive, but he survived by the grace of the gods.
I've spent most of my time by myself. I don't know where Pod is most of the time and Lisbet seems just as flighty.
At least I've gotten some good chances to work on my swordsmanship and my languages!
Fogwater 9, 2306
It has been some time since I last picked up this journal.
It has been two years...
I don't know what I'm doing with my self, but I seem to have slowly gained some skill.
An old armory in Haven seemed to have some old Anhalder levy gear in it.
Not the best fitting for a young man, but comfy and warm.
I've found my way back home... to Thorne... apparently there is trouble in the area.
I've somehow made it in with some group of men who are fighting for the Eberlands.
I know not really who this Mikolaj is, or why /he/ needs to win over this d'Arras guy, but
just the way that that Arras guy captured that other youth and tortured him and burned most of Ackerland tells me all I need to know about him.
I'll see about this war... perhaps Valiant has something for me in it?
Fogwater 22, 2306
I found my way to Eastwatch, desiring to talk to the Duchess about the war, her stance in it, and if she would help or intervene. Jaden happened to also be there... something seems different about him...
They told me that that I'd have to decide for myself what my future looks like, and where my loyalties lie...
Do I side with those I know, or do I side with my fellow Lavish who rule in Ackerland?
I mentioned that the sides of the war weren't my only struggle... that I need to know who I am...
I came back later in the day... after waiting I was led into a dark room... is this... the dark room I was originally told about?
Ghostmoon , 5 2306
Spirit in QP Cathedral
Ghostmoon 11, 2306
Saw Lisbet again
Ghostmoon 12, 2306
Investigating the Hamlet, nearly going deaf
Ghostmoon 13, 2306
My ears got fixed by the Formicists
Ghostmoon 14, 2306
Left on the '
Heir' for the Sorrows. Nearly sacrificed a goat
Ghostmoon 15, 2306
Landed and forced to come back. Made it back to Queensport alright.
Ghostmoon 17, 2306
Spoke with Uriel. He is going to try to talk to Valiant and get his opinion of me.
Ghostmoon 19, 2306
I had a conversation in the Storm's Landing tavern with Elizabeth, Jaden, Niko, and Wolfgang about my choices and my future.
Ghostmoon 20, 2306
After praying to Valiant, he told me that my path was my own and that he would support me no matter my choice. Shared this information with Elizabeth and Jaden. I think I may just continue training for awhile. Maybe the answer will show itself to me.
Ghostmoon 26, 2306
Went to Veraci to see the opening of the
Silver Moon Forge.
Ghostmoon 27, 2306
Elizabeth forces Sigmar's hand. He now has to choose.
He has chosen.
Ghostmoon 29, 2306
Played piano at the Storm Hall. Panty-dropper and all. Strange people wandered in.
Stormwind 2, 2306
We went to the Tear.
Stormwind 9, 2306
Went to the Nether. Killed three pigs. Broke a finger from a club hit. Cracked my skull due to a brick. Almost got heatstroke. Karsten prevented that.
Stormwind 10, 2306
Fog came into Storm's Landing. It was Strange. My hair turn INTO gold. I killed a doppelganger. I got stabbed clean through with my sword from behind by the fog. What the hell was that? Chopped the head off the steel bear at Storm's Landing, brought it back to Stormhall, took some place steel plates from the bear. Went on the scouting excursion to the Tear. Saw Sigmund get impaled by a spear. He was healed and his armor fixed with a jewel-like substance. Came back to Stormhall. Edger came by with my new Heater shield. My hair is slowly turning from gold metal to cloth of gold.
Stormwind 16, 2306
Went to a sermon in the dwarvish lands. A waste of time besides learning about these metal golems used to fight Archon. Apparently we might be siding with him now...
Stormwind 17, 2306
Went to talk to Know. He had already given out the knowledge to someone else. It's a stake in the heart to cure Vyres. Also went to the Tear again. I can't do this... I can't decide between Pod and the Kanes. It's too much. Niko became a pancake and is now a ghost. We were attacked in Stormhall. I defeated a few fog men, but it wasn't good enough. Elizabeth and Katherine were taken. Karsten and I ran to Storm's Landing to alert them. We ran back. I had to clean out the stables and kill a horse. I... can't keep doing these rough days...
Stormwind 20, 2306
Boy was sparked.
Stormwind 22, 2306
Went to the cathedral for a gathering of the Blessed. The Grey Lady made herself appear, as did Skraag. Eimar challenged Valiant... his own god. Idiot got thrown out the door after being impaled.
Stormwind 23, 2306
Sailed with the Earthspawn to some island that Kam was informed about. Took many 'days' to get there.
Stormwind 24, 2306
The island is heavily jungle-infested. It's covered in the tombs of Earthspawn. We discovered a village. The place is overrun with the undead. We found a few books and journals that detail what happened. Apparently it's some bad plague caused by Skraag or something. We put a large Earthspawn to rest in his tomb.
Also, went to the Tear again. Almost convinced that dwarven golem to hand over his cannon. I would've destroyed him with it. We talked to Archon again. However, the Order tried to mess with Archon. The white one was tossed like a ball, or like Thordil from before. Jaden bolted the other one. He STOPPED me from removing her head.
Stormwind 25, 2306
I'm still big angry about me not being able to kill that Order woman. We've moved to Compendium now.
Stormwind 27, 2306
Met a weird woman at the Storm's Landing tavern. She wanted to touch my hair. She also wanted to touch everyone's hair. Glad I got out of there. We successfully summoned Know in Compendium. I asked for mastery in swords. I think he... traded my skill in knots with my skill in blades. I guess I can use my sword better, but I'm down to like 3 knows...
Stormwind 30, 2306
I helped capture Broodmother in the Kraken's Den. We hauled her to the Kane estate in Storm's Landing. There, after healing her, we interrogated her. I was presented with the option to end her life... even if it's futile. I chose not to. Beheading Broodmother would've brought me some small measure of peace, but it was not justice. Did I do the right thing?
Winterfeast 1, 2306
Went back to Compendium. We're going to summon Know again.
He came.
Strange came.
The two of them fought. Strange dropped green buttons everywhere. I collected them.
Know was badly damaged.
Some Caparii tried to steal Know's bell. Jaden got it back.
We summoned Samaritan. He patched up Know and gave him some of his power.
Jaden brought back the bell. Know is as good as new after he did something with that weird drooly guy.
He gave most of us some upgrades. He messes with Jaden's focus, and he gave Uriel and me these crystal weapons that can supposedly hurt Strange. Aryn turned... see-through... and Sigmund has stone legs. Most importantly, Katherine was returned to us. She is like 10 or 11 winters now, and doesn't speak, but she is home.
We left the Stormhall for Queensport again. I think Jaden means to induct us...
That would mean he'd have to train us... I don't know how that'll go... he isn't even doing anything for those of us that he sparked.
Winterfeast 2, 2306
Went to Queensport's Palace. We were going to check on Broodmother. However, there were fleshy bits filled with spiders everywhere. Apparently Otto was sparking and zapping all the spiders, but I got bit. I think these Jishrim spiders had something in them. I saw spiders. I couldn't speak right. I must've done some insane things. I think I attacked Pod and Jaden. I may have taken a swipe at Broodmother... not that I would've minded now. I'm fine now, but I now regret not killing her...
Also, I saw Wolfgang's focus activation. The sky is still red.
Winterfeast 3, 2306
Found cat and kitten with Aryn.
Winterfeast 4, 2306
Heartstone ignition.
Winterfeast 7, 2306
Spider trip with Aryn, Eimar, and Vlad. Slew many hatchdoor spiders.
Learned to draw energy from fires. Learned a magnetic spell.
Winterfeast 8, 2306
Finally cast the magnetic spell. Learned a lightning, zapping spell. Decorated my house.
Winterfeast 10, 2306
Practiced spells, did Detect Energy with Attract/Repel. Looked at all the energy around the camp. Felt wood and saw kinetic and thermal energy. Only didn't see electric energy. Attempted to look at my axe. Didn't see anything weird, other than a lack of lodestone energy. Accidentally zapped Fern. Joseph looked at my Heartstone.
Winterfeast 11, 2306
Archon is in the camp. We begged him to consider negotiating with The Grey Lady. We want to place him under Shalherana.
Winterfeast 12, 2306
Pigmen outside the Tear fort. There's hundreds. From what I've gathered, they're here because they were hired by the forces arrayed against Archon. They wanted gold... and apparently women. We're not likely to pay them and we certainly won't give them the latter. We did buy ourselves some time though... Jaden taught me a flashing light spell.
Winterfeast xx, 2306
We won.
We did it.
Winterfeast 28, 2306
Fern is pregnant! And engaged! What?!?
Snowdown 9, 2306
Learned the last three spells.
Snowdown 10, 2306
Mastered the last three spells. Became a Journeyman. Went to Blackrush, now apparently fighting heretics... great.

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The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
As long as this doesn't turn into an assassin, I support the tiny orphan.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
Shoot, there goes his entire character arc! I was going to get revenge too with my dual blades style!
I'm going to have to temp ban you. If you had listened to the podcast you would know assassin ninja orphans are a nono. We shall see you again in 2020.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
I'm going to have to temp ban you. If you had listened to the podcast you would know assassin ninja orphans are a nono. We shall see you again in 2020.
Hey, I didn't mention anything about ninjas!

Now, a samurai with a wakizaki! /That's/ what I was aiming for!


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
First journal entry. He can't write yet and doesn't have a journal, but these are his thoughts as he lies in the servant's quarters bed, trying to deal with 'all this'.

Will also be updating relationship with Pod.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Updated journal entries for yesterday and today.

Sigmar has been up to some crazy antics in Haven, and seems to be meeting all sorts of new people.

Relations updated to include Isaac and Francis (Joseph12Q and BoredBrit )


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Updated again for the events from yesterday, ala, his journal.

Sigmar hopes he gets to go to Queensport; sooner, rather than later.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Couple of days worth of journal entries.
Went to QP, got into trouble, got into trouble again, met a bunch of weird and new folks, some friendly, others dismissive of the Boy.

Also, updated Pod (Luam )

Poke for other relations. I forget.
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