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[Aug 2] The Compendium's Call For Evacuation


The Lurker
Retired Staff
That being siad If you actually want to move that to Blackstone I have to request you to wait whether Jstar is available. The gates were closed off months ago, and given Jstar's law I don't think I should raise them without him being there either.
Some of the people listed above are also at war with us.
;) No worries. It's just rumored that's where they're going.


The Green One
Retired Staff
Will be there
(Despite leaving, Kam would come back to help sick peeps)


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I've gotten a lot of pokes about this. I will write a summary later today of what happened in detail. If you were ICly still in Compendium, and would have left with the group, then you would have been in the journey in NPC mode and arrived in Linlea unharmed.

Details of that journey will come soon.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Summary of the Evacuation:

  • Duke Charles Kane organizes the evacuees as the fighters and the non-fighters.
  • The fighters mount up in a column of horses, but before people are able to get into the carriages, wolves come out of the wheat fields and attack. They are quickly dispatched. The group filters around the corpses of the dead arbori that had destroyed the supply wagon, and we get ready. Fighters are to ride along either side of the carriage, with points at the rear and front.
  • As the carriages roll out, there are screams of desperate people. "Don't leave us! Don't leave us behind!" The voice of Raalvara Mason calling out for help. Charles Kane leads the party onward at the head of the column, while James Varyn, Francis, and Elizabeth spur the group onward at the back. They believe it to be the work of the wendigos, and they begin the race to safety.
  • Before they get out of sight of the city, the wendigos make themselves known and jump from the brushes. There are a small handful of them, but they are felled as the carriages race onward.
  • There is a blockade on the road up ahead, where trees have been knocked down to impede the carriages path. Six limbed creatures, never before seen, race out of the undergrowth and their speed rivals that of a horse. Their joints are backwards and have bone protrusions, like spurs, which they use to attack and spear. Many people take injuries and a few horses fall, but the party is able to kill the bone beasts. The carriages are carefully maneuvered around the trees so that they can continue on.
  • The party pulls aside midway for a rest, as one of the wagon wheels breaks and it needs repair. By some mote of luck, they were able to get it repaired without incident.
  • Coming to another stop, this more horrific than the last, the evacuees see a sign of heartbreak and gore. A man, woman, and child appear to have been fleeing Storm's Landing and coming towards Compendium. Their bodies were mangled and their heads were placed on pikes on either side of the road. Ravens line the trees, watching them. There is a sound of.. breathing all around them, but coming from nowhere in particular. For fear of ambush, they push forward and roll the carriages over the viscera.
  • Somewhere along the way one of the wagons breaks down, and people cram into the remaining carriages, or ride two to a horse.
  • When they reach the swamps, the party encounters truly harrowing creatures. More mutants make themselves known as monsters of slime and ooze pull themselves from the swamp. Multiple eyes and made of black ichor. (There is another creature that attacks, but it was so chaotic I didn't catch what that one was.) A gryphon swoops in to join the fray. The party manages to fend off the attacks, but just barely. There are many injuries, and morale is low.
  • As they reached the edge of the swamp and left the forests behind, the incursions ceased. They made it safely to the ship, where they boarded and breathed a sigh of relief. Wounds tended as they set out into the waters, and discovered that the ship was not taking them to Blackstone, but rather to the ashen isles of Linlea.
  • They were tired, exhausted, and injured when they were greeted by Ashna. Infected Individuals were given badges and placed in the hospital, refugees were given purple badges, and a few others with Ashna's trust was given a higher tiered badge to oversee efforts.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
I totally could of gone to this yesterday.

Welp, next time.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Summary of the Evacuation:

  • Duke Charles Kane organizes the evacuees as the fighters and the non-fighters.
  • The fighters mount up in a column of horses, but before people are able to get into the carriages, wolves come out of the wheat fields and attack. They are quickly dispatched. The group filters around the corpses of the dead arbori that had destroyed the supply wagon, and we get ready. Fighters are to ride along either side of the carriage, with points at the rear and front.
  • As the carriages roll out, there are screams of desperate people. "Don't leave us! Don't leave us behind!" The voice of Raalvara Mason calling out for help. Charles Kane leads the party onward at the head of the column, while James Varyn, Francis, and Elizabeth spur the group onward at the back. They believe it to be the work of the wendigos, and they begin the race to safety.
  • Before they get out of sight of the city, the wendigos make themselves known and jump from the brushes. There are a small handful of them, but they are felled as the carriages race onward.
  • There is a blockade on the road up ahead, where trees have been knocked down to impede the carriages path. Six limbed creatures, never before seen, race out of the undergrowth and their speed rivals that of a horse. Their joints are backwards and have bone protrusions, like spurs, which they use to attack and spear. Many people take injuries and a few horses fall, but the party is able to kill the bone beasts. The carriages are carefully maneuvered around the trees so that they can continue on.
  • The party pulls aside midway for a rest, as one of the wagon wheels breaks and it needs repair. By some mote of luck, they were able to get it repaired without incident.
  • Coming to another stop, this more horrific than the last, the evacuees see a sign of heartbreak and gore. A man, woman, and child appear to have been fleeing Storm's Landing and coming towards Compendium. Their bodies were mangled and their heads were placed on pikes on either side of the road. Ravens line the trees, watching them. There is a sound of.. breathing all around them, but coming from nowhere in particular. For fear of ambush, they push forward and roll the carriages over the viscera.
  • Somewhere along the way one of the wagons breaks down, and people cram into the remaining carriages, or ride two to a horse.
  • When they reach the swamps, the party encounters truly harrowing creatures. More mutants make themselves known as monsters of slime and ooze pull themselves from the swamp. Multiple eyes and made of black ichor. (There is another creature that attacks, but it was so chaotic I didn't catch what that one was.) A gryphon swoops in to join the fray. The party manages to fend off the attacks, but just barely. There are many injuries, and morale is low.
  • As they reached the edge of the swamp and left the forests behind, the incursions ceased. They made it safely to the ship, where they boarded and breathed a sigh of relief. Wounds tended as they set out into the waters, and discovered that the ship was not taking them to Blackstone, but rather to the ashen isles of Linlea.
  • They were tired, exhausted, and injured when they were greeted by Ashna. Infected Individuals were given badges and placed in the hospital, refugees were given purple badges, and a few others with Ashna's trust was given a higher tiered badge to oversee efforts.
This is an awesome summary! Very detailed. The event was ver nice