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[Aug 2] The Compendium's Call For Evacuation


The Lurker
Retired Staff

The Compendium's Call for Evacuation

Compendium has fallen.

The city is to be evacuated immediately under the order of Lady Elizabeth Kane and Duke Charles Kane. Carts are being prepared within the Compendium and crates of supplies are being loaded. The word begins to spread within the city that the evacuation is imminent, but there has been no given time yet. By the sound of talk, citizens are to be ready at any given moment to make the run away from the forest. Rumors speak of the citizens leaving for Blackstone. Some say they are going elsewhere.

In the wake of the second dragon attack and the incursion of wolf packs, citizens are ordered to travel in groups until the evacuation is complete. Safety is the biggest priority.

Do not walk alone.
Do not engage any beasts.
Do not take unnecessary risks.
Keep weapons close.

Keep travel bags ready to go for when the order falls.

When: August 2nd @ 6:30 pm EST
(It is not known by any IC when the evacuation happens. This is just to make sure people are online when it happens.)

Forlorn Staff:
Elz blargtheawesome Niko Squidziod

Compendium Residents:
Elz Scardrac Electric Lannis

Physicians, Researchers, Injured, Infected, & Lollygaggers:
Rossu Omikuji Smurf BoredBrit Luam CloakedReaper Raalvara The_VALKYRIE Fronslin TheDeester JoeJoe Shankster Kamaoe French Roast The Tottot Jinny PBnH9000 Raphael Payne RagingLunacy Samiwashere Vincentius Joseph12Q Arcana

Solus because reasons :)

(If there is a frequent visitor, please tag them. Forgive me if I've missed anyone!! )


The Lurker
Retired Staff
This is tomorrow. I am sorry that this is so last minute notice, but with the way RP has been going, it's needed sooner rather than later.

For those that are not able to make it, we can work out details. Perhaps they went ahead early. Maybe they lingered behind. Maybe they were NPC mode brought along. If you can't make it, that's fine. That doesn't mean your character has to be abandoned because you couldn't make it.

This will be a violent event, most likely. Just taking a guess.


Lord of Altera
Well... Linden obviously can't make it. Early morning shift and all, aka I'll likely be asleep by the time it even starts.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Very late for me so I’ll just say Laisa went ahead early. Hope everyone had fun!


Lord of Altera
Welp that starts right when I’m starting work. I’ll be home at like 10ish and that will probably be way long after the event is over. I’ll try and figure out what Kopii does, probably bails out early with some others.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Welp that starts right when I’m starting work. I’ll be home at like 10ish and that will probably be way long after the event is over. I’ll try and figure out what Kopii does, probably bails out early with some others.
Depending on how long it takes, you could show up at the tail end. I am sure there will be after RP. Maybe say that Elizabeth sent Kopii ahead? Up to you!


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I should mention, if you can't make it and your character would ICly go along, just send me a PM and we'll work out details. There's some details being obfuscated on the post. ;)


Legend of Altera
I can try to make it, gonna be a bit busy tomorrow with some friends though.

Edit: Yas probably would bail out with Leo if I don't get on in time.


don't sit on ladybugs
Lore Staff
I am not part of this so *finger guns and slowly backs out* Fetus will be good


Lord of Altera
That being siad If you actually want to move that to Blackstone I have to request you to wait whether Jstar is available. The gates were closed off months ago, and given Jstar's law I don't think I should raise them without him being there either.
Some of the people listed above are also at war with us.