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Finished {Festival | February 16th} In Honor of our Mother [ Part II ]

Ruu Darling

ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎
Aware Single
Retired Staff

Posters are hung accordingly in neat fashion in Sanardu, Storms Landing, Mockingbay, Slyannen, Aelmere, and Astrakhan. Rumor spreads of another preparation baring slightly banners, flowers, talk of construction and chiefs preparing of roaring joy. An announcement has been made.

" Priestess Silveira cordially invites one and all who wishes to attend a Festival in honour of the Mother to All and a new beginning of seasons, seclusion from ferocity, in leisure and entertainment. Let this message reach for benevolence and goodwill for ones darkest of times. "



It's Valentines, baby

What?: Festival/Carnival in the name of Sallana
When?: February 16th, 4pm EST
Killing me with the TIMEZONES
Rating?: Moderate
Where?: Storms Landing

Additional Info:
Priest/Priestess/Religious Leader
: Sugar Silveira
Public or Private: Public. Like extremely, anyone can waltz in.
Temples or Shrines Involved: It's just out in front of the tavern.
Have you spoken with the town/region owners and are they aware of the risks to their region involved?: Yah mate

[ Info | OOC ]

+ Mains +

Small Speech for Sallana

For this festival is for the Goddess to gaze upon under her watchful eye, it is therefore held in her name where all come together in humble thoughts and tranquility. Let it be known all negativity will be put aside by the act of selflessness and kindliness for the well being of others. ( I'll try not to make it ridiculously long again. )

Dancing Competition

The event isn't complete without a dance! For those in couples, friends, or family, grab each other by the arm and lead to the dance floor. While contestants are dancing, judges will be walking through the crowd with an attentive eye. If you are tapped on the shoulder, you and your partner are out. The best dancing couple will be crowned Best Duet and receive a crown for each, whether baring a crown already or not.
Bowduim Fronslin
Each couple will roll 2 times before being judged, if rolls are both lower, you're out. If higher, you're still in. If they are both high and low, you automatically take the highest roll. When given the signal to roll, all must roll a 20; 1-5 you or your partner fails, y'all look stoopid. 6-10; you're wonky, though still in the competition. You're being carefully watched from afar. 11-15; So far so good, you and your partner are far from judged. 16-20; Effortless, such amaze much wow

Musical Chairs
Stumble and dance, for this game is for one and all! Contestants are to walk around a series of chairs during the play of whimsical music. Once the signal is given, the music stops and all must find a seat before they are all taken up. If you're too slow, you're out! The winner wins a sack of 3,000 radiants.
The money is OOC as well. No rolls needed, just be sure to left click the chair before anyone else does!

The Flowers of Promises

A charming ritual for the end of the event. Each person is given a flower lantern with a little draft on the bottom with their loved ones and will stand beside the water of the river channel. When lighting the flame, they hold their lanterns in their hands and make an affectionate promise or words of the heart to each other. This can work for couples of years, couples of new, family, friends, for whether they are alive or beyond this word, a small banter or to mend your mistakes and wrong you may have done. After making these, the lanterns are let go out to sea. After the ritual, the Priestess will give a prayer in song to send your lanterns off on their journey.

+ Mini Games and More +

Bobbing for fruits
Your typical apple bobbing, a favored game in all festivals alike! A row of medium sized barrels will be lined up consisting of a bushel of apples and pears. Dip your head into the barrel and try to catch one with your teeth for a small donation of ten radiants.
All attendees must roll a 20; 1 - 5 Miss. 6-10; A red apple was caught, this apple will be freshly caramelized to your liking. 11-15; A green apple was caught, you are allowed to take ONE prize from the top row in the prize chest. 16-20; A pear was caught, take ONE prize from the bottom row. Do not take more than you should, leave some for the rest of us!

Pie Eating Contest
Have a big appetite? Have a go at eating as many pies you want! The first one to finish ten rounds of pies without losing their fill wins. The competition will be closely watched by Dara Silveira before the winner is crowned King or Queen of Pies

Each person is to roll a 20 each round; 1 - 5 is the case of being physically ill, 6 - 10 you are too full to continue eating, 11 - 15 you start to feel full but are able to press on, 16 - 20 still going strong.

Scavenger Hunts
Solve the hints, find the clues! In the end, you will find your treasures. Complete a series of riddles that will take you on an adventure around the festival, make sure to take breaks in between!

Cake Wars
It's time to go to war! Throw on your armor and arm yourself! In this playdown, two members of a team will dress in light leather gear painted in the same color with deep pockets on the sides and are handed a pouch of exactly 15 small rounded cakes. There are loots of treasure and 'ammo' sitting in chests if you so run out of your current stash. If your person is hit 3 times, you're out so you better have a good arm and dodging skills.~ A small donation of 10 radiants for entry. ( Tl'dr; it's paintball/dodge-ball with cakes. )
Roll 1d20 1-5; A complete miss. 6-15; Just barely grazes them, still a hit but the enemy has a chance to roll for a dodge. 16-20; Bullseye, your shot hits the ememy torso up. A 19 or 20 is a headshot. But enemy still has a chance to roll. :)
Roll 1d20 1-10; A hit, one life is taken from you. 11-15; You just barely dodge it but safe. 15-20; A complete dodge, you might as well be James Bond.
If an enemy hits your blind spot, you lose one life by default. So you better pay attention to your surroundings. Once you're out, you forfeit all loot you have gathered and it belongs to the enemy team. A bit like kill and loot the body type of thing.

Mending Hearts
( Permission given by the lovely Lirakitty from her last years valentines :heart: )
To each attendee, you will be given a token of half a heart. Find your other half and win a unique prize in the end. Contact the Priestess once you have found your other half, together.

Kissing booths
All for laughs and banter, a small donation of 10 radiants for a small kiss. If you would like to run a kissing booth and woo a few ladies or men, contact the Priestess or Jerr'co Hakiaz.
The Tottot

Romantic Boat Ride.

Take your sweetheart and take them on a boat ride on the river channel. The boats are decorated with flowers and ribbons and spend the time alone together for a while with the rock of the sea's waters to calm your nerves.

Toss the Ring { Doll Prizes }

Simply Toss the Ring! You are given at least two rings and with it, you have to try and hoop the pin either in the back or front. A kindly donation of 10 radiants for each entry.
Roll 1d20 1-5; A complete miss. 6-10; It was very close, but you still missed. 11-15; you hoop the front row, take ONE ITEM from the bottom row. 16-20; you hoop the back row, take ONE ITEM from the top row


OOC Note:
I'm still a nervous wreck. And Sallana is still a ho. But I'd appreciate it if people would refrain from causing trouble OOCly, please and thank you!

Lannis Elz Kamaoe The Tottot RagingLunacy @other people

Rossu for some of the formatting
Tempy_ for helping me build :heart:
@Other people I can't be bothered to tag
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Ruu Darling

ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎
Aware Single
Retired Staff

Musicians and volunteers needed, if you are interested please send a letter to Storms Landing regarding Sugar Silveira!
Anyone with musical knowledge is widely welcomed and encouraged.

Dara Silveira RagingLunacy
NPCs probably


( when in doubt, disgusting NPC's. )
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Bored Brit
["Can You Feel the Love Tonight" Scene]

{They are rubbing heads. We hear Timon sigh; camera
switch to show them watching from the bushes.}

Timon: {Heavy sigh} I tell you, Pumbaa, this stinks.

Pumbaa: Oh. Sorry.

Timon: Not you. Them! Him. Her. Alone.

Pumbaa: What's wrong with that?


{Parenthetical part is spoken by Pumbaa.}

I can see what's happening
And they don't have a clue
They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line
Our trio's down to two.

{In a sarcastic mock-French accent}

Ze sweet caress of twilight

{Back to normal, but still sarcastic}

There's magic everywhere
And with all this romantic atmosphere
Disaster's in the air

{The scene passes from Timon and Pumbaa to Simba and Nala
in front of a waterfall.}

Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things

{After walking around each other, taking in each other's movements,
they stop to drink at the water.}

So many things to tell her
But how to make her see
The truth about my past? Impossible!
She'd turn away from me

He's holding back, he's hiding
But what, I can't decide
Why won't he be the king I know he is
The king I see inside?

{During the Chorus the following occurs: Simba looks at
Nala, smiles, and runs off stage. He runs back on stage,
grabs a vine in his mouth and splashes into the middle of
the pond. Nala looks out over the still water. Suddenly
Simba lunges up under her and pulls her in the pond
playfully. She immediately comes out dripping and miffed.
When Simba comes out, she pushes him back in. The scene
switches to them tussling. They end up play fighting.
After tumbling down a hillside, Simba ends up pinning
Nala for a first. She gives him a tiny lick, resembling a
kiss. Simba looks startled and stares at Nala. Close-up
of Nala, as she stares back with a seductive smile. Close-up
of Simba, whose expression changes from a surprised one to
a comprehending one.. The two rub heads (a cat-style kiss)
as the last lyrics are sung.}

Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things

Can you feel the love tonight?
You needn't look too far
Stealing through the night's uncertainties
Love is where they are

{Camera switches back to a tearful Timon and Pumbaa.}

And if he falls in love tonight {Pumbaa sniffs}
It can be assumed

{Timon hugs Pumbaa, tearfully.}