Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Francis

French Roast

Lord of Altera
it was weird but I don't quite get what the OOC issue is, especially since it seems like all of you who werent there are taking issue with it when literally nobody who was actually present was bothered at all, or if they were they didn't say so.


Loyal Servant of Altera
it was weird but I don't quite get what the OOC issue is, especially since it seems like all of you who werent there are taking issue with it when literally nobody who was actually present was bothered at all, or if they were they didn't say so.
i was bothered by it tbh, it was plain weird and uncomfortable to RP.
Yeah, I think the biggest issue was the weird "licking ear" part. Honestly, I felt like the rp wasn't going too smooth and it seemed very random and weird.


Better than sliced bread
Sounds like memeing gone wrong

Probably stemming from that greyling where he goes around licking peoples ears


Magus of Nothing
Sounds like memeing gone wrong

Probably stemming from that greyling where he goes around licking peoples ears
I don't recall ever doing that personally (unless it was a different greyling).


Lord of Altera
Sounds like memeing gone wrong

Probably stemming from that greyling where he goes around licking peoples ears
This sounds like the plot to one of those weird Japanese “horror” movies from the 80s or something.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
View attachment 93283
Elizabeth Kane - NIAH
His first friend. He feels guilt for not having helped her in the past, when she needed it, but intends to make things right now that he has another chance. Though he does not like how much things around him have changed since he last saw her and just wants things to go back to how they were.
I take up the whole relation section. Great success.