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[Public Notice] The Kaiser claims the Imperial Marches


Lord of Altera
Then you should do this IC so that people can react IC, instead of doing things OOCly through a forum post. If you plan on expanding your empire, don't just add to the ghost town problem we have. Work on what you already have. Make RP for yourself.
public notice means 'poster in public places' means it's IC lol

You're never IC to stop him. You don't even RP here anymore.
ok so i wasnt at the event last night where i made an important political announcement and lit an ignis bonfire and Elz won't be able to confirm that, gotcha

I'm taking IC to OOC on this, because I don't agree with folks being able to make these claims without being active IG to do it. I can't take it IC because none of my characters are near or care, but as a player, this does not feel right to make claims of thousands of blocks, without buying anything, and subjugating existing regions, without discussion beforehand.
you're right that it's stupid, it's supposed to be a stupidly big imperialist land claim to provoke people. congratulations

It bypasses consent, because you did not give them a chance to say, "No, I don't want to my lands to be within your borders." There was just a post one day that decreed such and suddenly, no one can criticize because "take it IC."
already said i won't interact with any regions currently existing in the area, only future ones

I've said my piece and I'm not going to continue to harp. But I just wish you would have talked to region owners BEFORE doing this, and worked on your own existing regions, before laying IC claim over other peoples' work without the war consent rules to stop you.
they're talking to me now i dont see the problem


Lord of Altera
Your salt is older than Harambe memes dude, just stay at the other end of the playground already. Cap said if you have a problem take it up IC.
I love this post and think it applies still


Lord of Altera
To be frank, I think it's ridiculous to be fielding land claims when infrastructure isn't finished IC.


Lord of Altera
To be frank, I think it's ridiculous to be fielding land claims when infrastructure isn't finished IC.

jesus christ guys pardon my foul language again but are you reading my posts or do you just see the title and get upset because anhald has done something mean and anti-hugbox again


Lord of Altera
Or learn to take criticism. Could do that.
i've responded to the criticism

i have no OOC way to support these claims because all my players hate HW more than i do and refuse to log on

i will never establish infrastructure or police the area heavily

but no one is gonna challenge me in RP so it doesn't matter


Lord of Altera
There's something bugging me about this thread, and it's the fact that Cap has given a legit response in the form of: "This is IC. Yes it makes no sense OOC, if you want to dispute it, bother me for some RP and we'll talk it out". Instead of focusing on that, people just keep arguing about what? A map that shows the "claims" of Anhald, even though Cap has admitted he has no way to actually enforce the claims, and that it's just his character being himself?

Holy hell. People need to find something else to get mad about. 90% of the people arguing and making a fuss aren't even affected by these claims, yet you decide to take time out of your day to try arguing about something that the dude who made the thread even admitted is IC and that it OOC doesn't make sense.

Who needs a calm, collected community anyways, guys? Clearly us all being a good community to each other only applies when it's good for us.


i think it's retarded because i know for a fact consent prevents this from ever being held up (aside from anhald being in limbo with 30000 vassal states) but that's not the point

yes oocly it's fucking stupid but demanding that caprex makes choices that are logical OOC using his IC character is stupid

ooooh he put my region on his stupid map that he can't ever do anything about i'm done for


Lord of Altera
I would like to see some rp from master Caprex. You know there's a void
There's something bugging me about this thread, and it's the fact that Cap has given a legit response in the form of: "This is IC. Yes it makes no sense OOC, if you want to dispute it, bother me for some RP and we'll talk it out". Instead of focusing on that, people just keep arguing about what? A map that shows the "claims" of Anhald, even though Cap has admitted he has no way to actually enforce the claims, and that it's just his character being himself?

Holy hell. People need to find something else to get mad about. 90% of the people arguing and making a fuss aren't even affected by these claims, yet you decide to take time out of your day to try arguing about something that the dude who made the thread even admitted is IC and that it OOC doesn't make sense.

Who needs a calm, collected community anyways, guys? Clearly us all being a good community to each other only applies when it's good for us.
Thank you for your input but when it's made public everyone has a right to post their thoughts regardless of whether they are affected or not.


Lord of Altera
I would like to see some rp from master Caprex. You know there's a void
i asked at least five times in this thread for people to coordinate RP times with me

what part of 'my schedule is extremely limited' and every variation of that which i've posted do you people not understand

also 'caprex' is not my username

The Courier

Lord of Altera
I thought the new thing about the server was to not get mad and to let RP be RP and try to fix things that are making people inactive. News flash everyone, consent rules do make people inactive. There's 23 people in the Anhald Skype Chat that I'm in, only 5 of those people are actually active, that's myself included. Wanna know why those
RP Combat gurus with their technicalities.
are inactive? It's because we can't do shit when it comes to actually making any type of war or any type of conflict in this God forsaken place. There's nothing.

Also lmao at trying to say the only reason people are good at CRP in Anhald is due to 'technicalities'.


Lord of Altera
I thought the new thing about the server was to not get mad and to let RP be RP and try to fix things that are making people inactive. News flash everyone, consent rules do make people inactive. There's 23 people in the Anhald Skype Chat that I'm in, only 5 of those people are actually active, that's myself included. Wanna know why those are inactive? It's because we can't do shit when it comes to actually making any type of war or any type of conflict in this God forsaken place. There's nothing.

Also lmao at trying to say the only reason people are good at CRP in Anhald is due to 'technicalities'.
the anhald skype chat originally hovered at around 30 to 35, but when skype perms broke and it became a non-announcement chat several people left permanently to avoid having to listen to it

The Courier

Lord of Altera
the anhald skype chat originally hovered at around 30 to 35, but when skype perms broke and it became a non-announcement chat several people left permanently to avoid having to listen to it
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. So many people don't know about /alertsoff


Lord of Altera
So wait, is this whole land claim thing supposed to be stupid IRPly? Your motives are rather fuzzy friend.
If you want to provoke war, how about you actually just declare war? Claiming lands isn't really doing anything except cause threads like these, which aren't really helpful.

I also kind of have to agree that war here seems rather difficult just from what I've heard- as in- there is a lot of consent that can cause befuddlement. I guess this gives smaller nations/peaceful nations a way out, but perhaps it is time to put a restriction on who can just not consent to war, and put up some staff-threads on how war should work here...?


is Barken
So wait, is this whole land claim thing supposed to be stupid IRPly? Your motives are rather fuzzy friend.
If you want to provoke war, how about you actually just declare war? Claiming lands isn't really doing anything except cause threads like these, which aren't really helpful.

I also kind of have to agree that war here seems rather difficult just from what I've heard- as in- there is a lot of consent that can cause befuddlement. I guess this gives smaller nations/peaceful nations a way out, but perhaps it is time to put a restriction on who can just not consent to war, and put up some staff-threads on how war should work here...?
who the hell even are you


Lord of Altera
So wait, is this whole land claim thing supposed to be stupid IRPly? Your motives are rather fuzzy friend.
If you want to provoke war, how about you actually just declare war? Claiming lands isn't really doing anything except cause threads like these, which aren't really helpful.

I also kind of have to agree that war here seems rather difficult just from what I've heard- as in- there is a lot of consent that can cause befuddlement. I guess this gives smaller nations/peaceful nations a way out, but perhaps it is time to put a restriction on who can just not consent to war, and put up some staff-threads on how war should work here...?
it's supposed to be stupid OOC. i know for a fact there's no OOC reason to claim that.

if you want to criticize my RP motives, then negotiate an RP time with me and do it in person

The Courier

Lord of Altera
So wait, is this whole land claim thing supposed to be stupid IRPly? Your motives are rather fuzzy friend.
If you want to provoke war, how about you actually just declare war? Claiming lands isn't really doing anything except cause threads like these, which aren't really helpful.

I also kind of have to agree that war here seems rather difficult just from what I've heard- as in- there is a lot of consent that can cause befuddlement. I guess this gives smaller nations/peaceful nations a way out, but perhaps it is time to put a restriction on who can just not consent to war, and put up some staff-threads on how war should work here...?
My dude, two years ago myself and many others tried to write war rules. We've been promised war rules since Valonyx was relevant. Nothing has come and nothing has changed, all because some can't understand that the strong conquer. As for the claims being stupid, they're OOCly retarded, but ICly they're something he can indeed claim. He wants to get some activity going and so he did this ICly to get some activity going.

Of course, as this place is notorious for, anything not hugboxing or circle jerking ends up being bombarded against and attacked ravenously.

man I remember when IC disagreement lead to one of the biggest role play events in history and was moderated by staff
You want people to actually RP and not just get everything handed to them and their projects completely protected by God's mysterious hand? Come on now. . that's not dynamic RP!