Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished [Private] [November 19th] Enthronement of Crown Seymour I

What time works best for you, November 19th.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Better than sliced bread

Yes-- I've still a ton more threads to push out, such as a hierarchy thread and such, but i need to wait until I can for a few reasons. Anyhow, as Sangria reforms to a kingdom-esque form of rule, with a new hierarchy, it'd need an event to make things official.

Sangria Coat of Arms.png

You have been cordially invited to witness the enthronement of Crown Cymic Seymour I of Sangria, as well as to enjoy the festivities in celebration of the event.

Starting off with a clashing of horses and lances, which anyone may sign up for. There is a medical tent nearby, to aid the injured. The jouster victorious to come out on top will be allowed an option of three prizes revealed at the end of the joust.

Feast & Enthronement
At the conclusion of the joust, you may join the party for a feast within the manor of the Crown. Before the feast would begin, there will be a few words said to inaugurate the enthronement. Gifts may be given, but this is only optional, and not required.


Time/Date: November 19th, 6 PM EST (May change.)
Classification: Moderate

Tournament style, and first to three points. The opponents (/roll a d20), a difference of 3 or less is a tie, a difference of 4-11 is a splintered lance, and anything 12-19 difference would result in a dehorse. The goal is to gain three points.
Tie- 0 points.
Splinter- 1 point.
Dehorse- 2 points.

Jouster List:
- Sir Maceo de Courtnay
- Sir Peter Longtree
- Lord Orvar Walanescu of Ghoul's Bridge
- Ebon Sentinel Creak Walsh
- Spirit Lucas
- Sir Ronn Holztorc
- Duke Berndt Eberhall

Invitation List:
Ebon Sentinel Sir Creak Walsh Colonelgames
Lady Jessamine Noakes StarWillow2000
Elmond Engem ironassassin
Inkwell Sentinel Lady Azariah Ralotumal Asirel Luik
Emeric Ralotumal CyberChaosV2
Lady Lillinette Le’Roux TinyBlueberry
Lord Jhaeros Maendir-Seymour Rang3r0wns94
Joe The Wanderering Ranger
Spirit Lucas SpiritTheLightning
Soul Lucas SpiritTheLightning
Lord Tryg Strand godfather1
Lord James McGuffin The Tottot
Hazel Clearwater Spooksy_
Regiment Sentinel Capp Kam Kamaoe
Sir Azgir Jazzper
Aspen Malavar JustTooRadical
Cyreden Horuss
Lord Nwalme Fuvur (and two +1s) blargtheawesome
Isabell Goodman Ruulu
Baron Nikolche Variclav Niko
Lord Jeroxia Azerwind Jeroxia
Lady Diamond Azerwind mokwar
Lady Chestnut MorbidGabby
Princess Alison Kane (and two +1s) Elz
Stephiir Garretson LordCreepington
Lord Remi Wise Ddaug
Odette Samiwashere
Lady Niallrys Lirakitty
Tol'fen'ke Lillium Shink'maho, Tol'ke of Natri'Evar Cukie1
Rystel Azur
Bairn'ke Koren Sophe
Sir Peter Longtree Sir_Arc
Sir Maceo de Courtnay BoredBrit
Sir Ronn Holtzorc SirLuamTehDoge
Lord Orvar Walanescu Sir Andrew Wallins
Kethron of House Dramaign Heie
Lord Kharn Sicarus Warwolf


If you do not see your name on the list, you may apply for invitation. You may be accepted or denied.
Character Name w/ titles


Anyone may participate in the joust, if they are on the invitation list, you just need to make sure to fill out the form below.
Character Name w/ titles
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Non sum qualis eram
Sincere question, out of curiosity, not spite. Based on the invitation list, are there any characters in HW extant that are /not/ considered nobility at present?


Better than sliced bread
Sincere question, out of curiosity, not spite. Based on the invitation list, are there any characters in HW extant that are /not/ considered nobility at present?
I posted this with very little sleep- Yes. I just pushed a title in front of everyone's name for uniformity/respectg. I'm going to run through and only hold the titles for those with nobility.

EDIT: I do think a lot of them are of nobility due owning land. If anyone would see the wrong, lack of, or unnecessary title in their character's name, let me know.
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Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
Character Name w/ titles:
Tol'fen'ke Lillium Shink'maho, Tol'ke of Natri'Evar

Rystel as her partner/guard

Bairn'ke Koren, her daughter

Azur Sophe
On my phone, need anything else PM me/Skype or I dunno.


Lord of Altera
And another nation falls to the Tyranny of monarchies...
Vives les Republiques! les Peuples Libres!


Burner of Worlds
Sincere question, out of curiosity, not spite. Based on the invitation list, are there any characters in HW extant that are /not/ considered nobility at present?
Probably very few since nobility is so intimately bound with owning land and there are about as many regions as players currently.


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
Character Name w/ titles:
Sir/Lord Ronn Holztorc


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
To be fair to the folks playing if there aren't events or campaigns there is only so much RP folks can do. Advancing the social ladder is one of the few things folks can do in the downtime with their characters. With the downtime between campaigns and server events having been so long the past two years well can't say I'm surprised everyone and their mother are nobles now.

That said good luck with your event Cymic would be all where's mah invite but every time I try to make an event these days work calls me in. :/


Bored Brit
Character Name w/ titles:

Maceo de Courtnay -
-Sir Maceo 'The Golden' de Courtnay
-Graf Maceo de Courtnay of Gerichtsland
-Heir to de Courtnay


Slightly offended your old goat friend wasn't invited :p

Anyway enjoy the event!