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Upcoming [9 July] Riptide: Setting Sail [DANGER: 6/10]


Lord of Altera
Speaking of which- Are we going to be allowed to have more then one ship?


Retired Staff
Quick question.. Is this [DANGER: 2/10] the danger rating or how many people are currently on board?
DANGER represents the odds that someone will die horribly in the event.

I'm a sadist with god powers, expect all kinds of hazards both IC and OOC.


Retired Staff
He paid Kharn Sicarus to use the master shipwrights of Aeyeras to build him a ship, or so I've heard
You can have as many ships as you can reasonably crew, though only some of this event will be sea-bound. DMs will have a somewhat lighter load than usual due to how I'm setting this up.


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Will bring Sangria Boys and extras to fill in

Sangria i wish to take:
Aspen You're going you pleb.
Charybdis Dragging Knox along, if you wish to play her.
Spooksy_ Don't care, i'll input a hammock.
SirLuamTehDoge I need my dwarf plebeian.
JustTooRadical I need Sangrian Malavar, yes.
Colonelgames Quartermaster inbound.
Rang3r0wns94 Useless one-armed twig is fine.
FlairHare If i can drag Matalina along, i shall.
LordHeffalump Would also enjoy big-man Hadriaan.
HollowBlue If Blue could make it, that'd be great.

Deathmoron Ben's everlasting smile would fit somewhere.
solus Met your character in the forum RP, would be gr8 to snatch up another.
The Tottot I can't argue with bringing big man Victor.
Jeroxia A jester to keep up morale; Try not to throw him overboard.
Heie (If interested) I wouldn't mind scooping up my favorite scribe.

Ship: The Vineyard (Sangria Warship)
Supplies: Pending
Consider favorite scribe scooped. That is if day is free.


Retired Staff
With some interesting new plot developments, I'm cranking the danger up to 5/10. Characters dying is a very real possibility.


Retired Staff
It'll be after the 25th, possibly on the 1st-2nd, highly likely on the 8th or 9th.


Magus of Nothing
Are Hawklight (Aeyeras) good to get involved in this with a new ship, crewed by Hawklight, Baron?

We have all of the required things (in fact, we could manage a ship each) so all we need to know if it's ok with you as the DM?


Dark Council Elite
The first plan of action should be putting everyone on one boat that's small enough for everyone participating to man. Too few sailors per boat is going to end in a sunk ship.


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
The first plan of action should be putting everyone on one boat that's small enough for everyone participating to man. Too few sailors per boat is going to end in a sunk ship.
Considering the number of people on both lists, I'd honestly suggest using a single Hawklight ship. They're plenty big enough and well equipped, along with giving everyone a proper roll on the ship, rather than having several people staring off to nowhere because of a crowded deck.


Lord of Altera
my only issue with hawlight ships is that they belong in the 18th century not the 14th reeee


Magus of Nothing
The first plan of action should be putting everyone on one boat that's small enough for everyone participating to man. Too few sailors per boat is going to end in a sunk ship.
We're bringing one along per player, so that everyone gets the full captain experience.