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[IC Shop] Aleantar Wares


Events Staff
Very Sweet

"Syra's Seamstressing & Hairstyling Shenanigans"

She says shop, but it's a work-from-home kind of set up. Find her place in Grafjell, and she'll cut and style your hair for money, providing you trust her with sharp things near your face. She also sells clothing of various sorts. Several garments can be seen through the small windows, propped on mannequins.
(She'll possibly get a shop eventually. It's also very hard to find her right now, what with Grafjell moving staircases.)

The dresses that come with images cost radiants, priced here. OOC moneys. Once bought you can stuff 'em on your profiles and the like. Sadly I can't make skins for you, though.
The other bits are just RP moneys.

However all must be bought via RP accordingly.~
Advertised in Grafjell, Riseport, and Crossroads.

Haircuts and Styling:
"Tell me what you want or I'll think of something myself. One hundred per head, no matter how much hair. If you're bald then don't come here, idiot."

She can also shave those manly jawlines, if you trust her with a razor.​

Current Stock:
"I make nice things, but I don't make things you ask for since they're probably not as nice as my nice things. I'll tweak them to fit if you're a bit too fat or thin."

While she sells mostly dresses, she does dabble in making other things. Most of them come in white but can be dyed to a variety of colours. Such as;

- Blouses and Shirts
- Hair ribbons and ties
- Floral Hair Wreaths
- Breeches/Trousers
- Vest and Doublets
- Corsets (They're being improved upon. They're not high quality yet.)

Dresses ready to purchase:
These are on mannequins currently, stashed in her house-shop. Generally made to fit her own size, she can tweak accordingly. They have small name tags on the foreheads of each mannequin stand, and a price tag.

Sold Out!

Purchase Log

- Jacob: A black cloak, dark grey lining, purple thread. Similar coloured shirt, vest, and trousers. (2,000 IC only)
- Evelyn: Purple and Gold dress. Reduced price for Eve. (3500) [x]
- Nireth: Boss Lady garb for her daughter, Akasha. (3500) [x]
Jacob/Arcana's Char: Ranger Wannabe garb bought for Jacob's adopted Moor.(3200) [x]
Ansgar: Six sets of fine evening wear for himself. Features blue and purple colour schemes. Embroidery of house sigil. A corseted dress for Syra herself, for some reason. (10,000 IC only)
Lillium: 'Regal, Royal, and Rich' dress. White gown. (8,555) [x] [x]
Eala/Aryus: A ballgown for Eala. Teal with the use of dark blue and feathers from magpies and ravens. With mini cape. (2000, a ring, and a bag of coloured feathers from Riseport. IC only) [x] [x]
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Holy moly, that last dress is dazzeling...


Events Staff
Very Sweet
She does, yes. I just don't draw those things cause it bores me. xD Maybe one day.
You'd have to ask her what she can make.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Nah, it's generally only when the inspiration hits me to do fashion-y things and I've quite the backlog of art to do. Sorry.~


Lord of Altera
I think i'm going to have to come by and buy that ranger wannabe outfit. I really do want that.