Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Warcraft Goonsquad


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
I'm very tempted to get back into it once I move back into my dorm.. The internet is stable and I got two weeks to do nothing before school starts.. so it seems like a smart move :p

I'll let you guys know if I get back at it, My main is at 91-92? I think.


Lord of Altera
I'm very tempted to get back into it once I move back into my dorm.. The internet is stable and I got two weeks to do nothing before school starts.. so it seems like a smart move :p

I'll let you guys know if I get back at it, My main is at 91-92? I think.
This thing has kind of been abandoned due to people being on different continents and somesuch. These days a handful of us are playing on a private server called Nostralius though, we'd love your company!


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
This thing has kind of been abandoned due to people being on different continents and somesuch. These days a handful of us are playing on a private server called Nostralius though, we'd love your company!
Meh, going on a private server isn't something I really want to do, unlike most of the people I've read up on this thread, I don't mind the game as it is, yes it isn't as good, but I still enjoy what it offers :p

Edit: Not meant as a insult or being sour, everyone is entitled to their own opinion :p


Lord of Altera
We could probably make two threads, one for EU the other for US. See who wants to join and all that.