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Warcraft Goonsquad


Lord of Altera
This thread is partially me checking how many Alterans are currently playing or interested in playing World of Warcraft, and partially me looking for people to have some casual fun with.

I am looking for a party of 5 players, me included, to adventure with. Im thinking we could all start at level 1 with a new character, and just goof around. Considering we would start at lvl 1, anyone can join. Even if you've never played WoW before, feel free to sign up and download the free trial here (You can play to lvl 20).

In order to be able to overcome any obstacle, we would need a proper party composition.

Tank: Kyle
Healer: Anithola
DPS 1: Padragin
DPS 2:
DPS 3:
Roles are not set in stone, I can fill whatever is left open.

This would probably not be a one time event, as its no problem to just log off and continue where you left off some other time. Let me know on this thread if you want to come along! Even if we cant get a full party we can still queue up for things, the only downside being there will be some strangers in the mix.

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Lord of Altera
This thread is partially me checking how many Alterans are currently playing or interested in playing World of Warcraft, and partially me looking for people to have some casual fun with.

I am looking for a party of 5 players, me included, to adventure with. Im thinking we could all start at level 1 with a new character, and just goof around. Considering we would start at lvl 1, anyone can join. Even if you've never played WoW before, feel free to sign up and download the free trial here (You can play to lvl 20).
Edit:hyperlink doesnt work for some reason, just google wow trial.

In order to be able to overcome any obstacle, we would need a proper party composition.

Healer: Anithola
DPS 1:
DPS 2:
DPS 3:
Roles are not set in stone, I can fill whatever is left open.

This would probably not be a one time event, as its no problem to just log off and continue where you left off some other time. Let me know on this thread if you want to come along! Even if we cant get a full party we can still queue up for things, the only downside being there will be some strangers in the mix.

Aide from myself I know two people who play WoW:



Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
I got bored of it.
Warlords was the epitome of boring.


Lord of Altera
I got bored of it.
Warlords was the epitome of boring.
True. Though Warlords is good if you do raiding or RP.

I imagine if we made a guild if enough people like this "try out" we could probably make Warlords fun.


Lord of Altera
True. Though Warlords is good if you do raiding or RP.

I imagine if we made a guild if enough people like this "try out" we could probably make Warlords fun.
WoW at this point is all about who you are playing with, not so much the content. I've never really gotten attached to a guild ingame, which is kind of why I try to play games with other hollowworlders :D


Lord of Altera
Well I play on Ravenholdt RPPVP US.

If anyone wants to join me I play characters named Padragin, Friosa, and Alessor.