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[NationStates] Location, Location, Location


Lord of Altera
A recent roleplay has had Jungdu relinquish control of multiple territories, giving them to Sammaru. the total number of territories owned after this deal would be at least double Sammaru's capacity.

... I will note right now that this scenario reminds me of the Louisiana Purchase.

in any case, what should I do?
(I'll draw out what happened to borders when I stop being lazy)
(@Saelihn confirm?)


Lord of Altera
A recent roleplay has had Jungdu relinquish control of multiple territories, giving them to Sammaru. the total number of territories owned after this deal would be at least double Sammaru's capacity.

... I will note right now that this scenario reminds me of the Louisiana Purchase.

in any case, what should I do?
(I'll draw out what happened to borders when I stop being lazy)
(@Saelihn confirm?)
I need maps so I can denote which territories are transfered.


Lord of Altera
Well, we can't allow Sammaru to hold claim over more territories than it's allotted according to the claiming system, not unless Jungdu uses its own points to claim for Sammaru, but that is an extremely unlikely, and ultimately confusing, way of sorting this out.

My suggestion is that Sammaru and Jungdu agree to the creation of a third nation, an NPC nation, that is created in the territories surrendered by Jungdu. This smaller nation could then be agreeded to favor Sammaru in diplomatic relations and such.

For a historical example, refer to Armenia. Armenia was a nation between Rome and Parthia that was essentially a puppet-nation that switched sides from time to time based on treaties, wars, or other factors. At times, a Rome-friendly monarch sat upon the Armenian throne; at other times, there was a Parthia-friendly monarch in power. What Armenia would do in conflicts varied depending on who was in charge.


Lord of Altera
Well, we can't allow Sammaru to hold claim over more territories than it's allotted according to the claiming system, not unless Jungdu uses its own points to claim for Sammaru, but that is an extremely unlikely, and ultimately confusing, way of sorting this out.

My suggestion is that Sammaru and Jungdu agree to the creation of a third nation, an NPC nation, that is created in the territories surrendered by Jungdu. This smaller nation could then be agreeded to favor Sammaru in diplomatic relations and such.

For a historical example, refer to Armenia. Armenia was a nation between Rome and Parthia that was essentially a puppet-nation that switched sides from time to time based on treaties, wars, or other factors. At times, a Rome-friendly monarch sat upon the Armenian throne; at other times, there was a Parthia-friendly monarch in power. What Armenia would do in conflicts varied depending on who was in charge.
........ Sinclair, I have a question.
what in heck were we going to do if Sammaru had taken those territories in battle? it would be the same result.


Lord of Altera
........ Sinclair, I have a question.
what in heck were we going to do if Sammaru had taken those territories in battle? it would be the same result.
An option could be that she can keep those territories but can't claim anymore until she breaks even with enough points to support the territories and claim more.


Lord of Altera
An option could be that she can keep those territories but can't claim anymore until she breaks even with enough points to support the territories and claim more.
I think that would work well in the case for wars and such, but only to a certain percentage to stop huge over extension -

So something like if you hold 10 territories, you can support up to 3 over the limit gained from war, 20 territories up to 6 or such.


Lord of Altera
I think that would work well in the case for wars and such, but only to a certain percentage to stop huge over extension -

So something like if you hold 10 territories, you can support up to 3 over the limit gained from war, 20 territories up to 6 or such.
The larger over extension you have the larger area you have to defend and the more time you have to wait to claim more territories. It's both a bonus and a punishment in one.


Lord of Altera
I think Gaby's Louisiana Purchase is perfectly fine. It is however important that Gaby roleplays these territories as less policed than the rest of the nation (or vice versa if they're a priority), as her troops would be more spread out than before. Additionally, foreign nations going to war with Sammaru would likely find it easier to take these territories.

What I'm saying is, we should allow nations to expand like this, but not without consequences.


I think Gaby's Louisiana Purchase is perfectly fine. It is however important that Gaby roleplays these territories as less policed than the rest of the nation (or vice versa if they're a priority), as her troops would be more spread out than before. Additionally, foreign nations going to war with Sammaru would likely find it easier to take these territories.

What I'm saying is, we should allow nations to expand like this, but not without consequences.
Essentially, ghost claims?