Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Counter Strike : Global Offensive


Lord of Altera
I feel like we should mention which region we're in so we don't all MM and get horrible ping. NA Here.


Lord of Altera
Play almost daily, GN2 rank aiming to continue to get higher, Play with a MGE friend. US west zone(or whatever).

Im always looking for a few trades, got a whole list of stuff I want. Not sure if I have anything that is worth it but just thought I would drop in here.


Lord of Altera
I've got an Huntsman Knife Night FT, worth around $80. Willing to add if anyone has a higher value knife that they're trying to downgrade.


Lord of Altera
Wish I had something worth trading for that knife. I have been after a good huntsmen knife.


Lord of Altera
Wish I had something worth trading for that knife. I have been after a good huntsmen knife.
IMO the best flashy skin for a knife is the Fade, but for a regular skin for a knife the Night in MW or FN looks good.


Lord of Altera
Not looking for something flashy. I like the overall look of the huntsmen. So really I would take anything that isnt that safari puke.


Lord of Altera
If you're GN1 or 2, we should get together some time to play. My Steam is LastGladius if you're interested. I'm not great, but we can make it work!


Lord of Altera
If you're GN1 or 2, we should get together some time to play. My Steam is LastGladius if you're interested. I'm not great, but we can make it work!
Gold Nova 3, currently- but I could still play some time.