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Assassin's Creed Characters


Lord of Altera
Connor yup, of course I loved the Assassin during the American Revolution. Nobody would have ever guessed it.


Lord of Altera
IMO Connor had no emotion and was just like "I see bad guy, I kill bad guy." The whole game.
He really didn't show any emotion to anything at all and the whole game was like, "I only want to save my people...whoops looks like my village is gone."

#RememberYusufTazim he was best character.


Lord of Altera
The Seven Years War could be explored -so much more- in Assassins Creed
The American Revolution has nothing on the 7 years war


Lord of Altera
The Seven Years War could be explored -so much more- in Assassins Creed
The American Revolution has nothing on the 7 years war
Muh 'Murica though.

Assassin's Creed 3 definitely got me off the series. They just /had/ to remove all historical authenticism and add an american tomahawk wielder.


Lord of Altera
The Crusades are one of my most fav parts of history along with the 7 years war, i think The War of Spanish Sucession would be good


Lord of Altera
I like Shay Cormac. He counts right? He was a really cool character IMO. His accent is amazing as well.
If he doesn't count then imma have to go with Ezio.


The more they progress forward in time, the less I want to play. The American Revolution was my favorite time period (which is mostly why I like AC3 the most, plus I am interested in Native American customs). I'd like something more ancient. Victorian/Industrial is just too much for me. I played black flag, but I think pirates was kind of a lazy choice. I'd love the hell out of an AC original remake and remaster.


Lord of Altera
The more they progress forward in time, the less I want to play. The American Revolution was my favorite time period (which is mostly why I like AC3 the most, plus I am interested in Native American customs). I'd like something more ancient. Victorian/Industrial is just too much for me. I played black flag, but I think pirates was kind of a lazy choice. I'd love the hell out of an AC original remake and remaster.
Assassins Creed Roma Invicta.