Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Brian Does Skins (Closed)


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Gender- female.
Race- forest elf
Skin Tone- tan.
Hair Color & Details- her hair is a touch wavy, and a bit long. It's light brown, and she usually braids it away from her face.
Clothing- oo, any colour! I'd like this to be for the upcoming ball, if it can be finished by then o: so a little fancy, perhaps?
also, she always wears one particular necklace. two, actually, but i totally understand that even one can be hard to put into a skin- i've tried! if you could manage that, it'd be amazing, but if not, that's ok too!
Eyes- green, whichever size you think works best!
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- she's pretty feminine so maybe smaller is best.
Anything on the armor layer?- no thanks!
Skin?- this is the skin I use currently!
View attachment 63061 View attachment 63062 View attachment 63063
Picture References?-
something like one of these would be cool! i'd like for it to have long sleeves o:
View attachment 63087 View attachment 63088 View attachment 63089
What you want done- new clothes, please!
Can you re send me your skin..? That skin appears to be bugging out- For some reason my skin program wont load it..

EDIT: Nvm I figured it out! Working on your request now. :D


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Second batch of skins are done. Two slots are open-
Will get to Niah's and what ever other requests I get tomorrow.


Lord of Altera
: ) ?
What you want done- I specifically want this skin changed for more "appropriate" hair matching her arts, and for the new dress!

Gender- Girl
Race- Silve Elf
Skin Tone- Pale pinkish
Hair Color & Details- sandy blonde, long, le elven bangs
Clothing- fancy dress. picture below.
Eyes- Light Blue, 2x2
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?-
Anything on the armor layer?- shouldn't be? maybe her hair
Skin?- It's Serella Caedit ok here u go
serri w cloak.png
Picture References?- ye baby I gotchu~

Serri Dress.png


The Brainz
Retired Staff
: ) ?
What you want done- I specifically want this skin changed for more "appropriate" hair matching her arts, and for the new dress!

Gender- Girl
Race- Silve Elf
Skin Tone- Pale pinkish
Hair Color & Details- sandy blonde, long, le elven bangs
Clothing- fancy dress. picture below.
Eyes- Light Blue, 2x2
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?-
Anything on the armor layer?- shouldn't be? maybe her hair
Skin?- It's Serella Caedit ok here u go
View attachment 63171
Picture References?- ye baby I gotchu~

View attachment 63169
Unrelated note but that drawing reminds me of Priness Zelda- xD
I love it.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Gender- Female
Race- Human
Skin Tone- Fair
Hair Color & Details- Blond hair. Long. Straight.
Clothing- Fancy noblewoman dress. Can be any colors, except blue & grey. But she's a weird one now and bright colors don't really suit her. Maybe black and something else. No rainbows on this one, though.~
Eyes- 2x2
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- 3
Anything on the armor layer?- What is this armor of which you speak?
Skin?- Exalted Cena.png
Picture References?- Art galore over her profile.
What you want done- I want an Alex skin for Aracena, basically. Can keep the hair and face the same.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Gender- Female
Race- Human
Skin Tone- Fair
Hair Color & Details- Blond hair. Long. Straight.
Clothing- Fancy noblewoman dress. Can be any colors, except blue & grey. But she's a weird one now and bright colors don't really suit her. Maybe black and something else. No rainbows on this one, though.~
Eyes- 2x2
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- 3
Anything on the armor layer?- What is this armor of which you speak?
Skin?- View attachment 63534
Picture References?- Art galore over her profile.
What you want done- I want an Alex skin for Aracena, basically. Can keep the hair and face the same.
Will do! With that the third slot is claimed. :)


Lord of Altera
Gender- Male
Race- Earthspawn [U kno it]

Skin Tone- Green, more of a lime green
Hair Color & Details- Its a ponytail, Id like to keep the red band as well, Also a scaly arm on his right due to things.
Clothing- Soldiers Armor, Plate to be specific
Eyes- brown on one and scarred and light light blue due to being blind on the other, 1x2
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- 4
Anything on the armor layer?- Plate, if you could
Skin?- urd.png
Picture References?-muscleguy2.png
What you want done- not 100% sure on what it would be, but if you could improve it at all, would be great!

Elijah Watt

Gender- Male
Race- Human
Skin Tone- Tan but still white almost viking like (Basically someone who is in the sun allot)
Hair Color & Details-
(Details about how you want the hair are important.) Black hair and the hair style will be in the picture.
Clothing- (Colors, and what type do you want? Casual? Fancy?)
Eyes- (Color & (1x2 or 2x2)) Whatever looks best in your opinion
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- (4 pixel arms are thicker and more masculine while 3 pixel arms look more feminine.) 4 pixel arms
Anything on the armor layer?- light chainmail and some travel plates (Lighter)
(Got a base skin? Base skins help me a lot and could lower the price of the commission.)Nope
Picture References?- (Picture references help me a ton.) Would you mind making the beard just a bit longer so he looks more northern?
What you want done- (Simple edit, new clothes, skin combination, brand new skin.) Brand new skin


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Gender- Male
Race- Earthspawn [U kno it]
Skin Tone- Green, more of a lime green
Hair Color & Details- Its a ponytail, Id like to keep the red band as well, Also a scaly arm on his right due to things.
Clothing- Soldiers Armor, Plate to be specific
brown on one and scarred and light light blue due to being blind on the other, 1x2
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- 4
Anything on the armor layer?- Plate, if you could
Skin?- View attachment 63536
Picture References?-View attachment 63537
What you want done- not 100% sure on what it would be, but if you could improve it at all, would be great!
Will do when I get to the next batch. As I said above if you had looked, all the slots were claimed- added regardless.
Should note I am not the best at making armour.. but I will try-!

Gender- Male
Race- Human
Skin Tone- Tan but still white almost viking like (Basically someone who is in the sun allot)
Hair Color & Details-
(Details about how you want the hair are important.) Black hair and the hair style will be in the picture.
Clothing- (Colors, and what type do you want? Casual? Fancy?)
Eyes- (Color & (1x2 or 2x2)) Whatever looks best in your opinion
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- (4 pixel arms are thicker and more masculine while 3 pixel arms look more feminine.) 4 pixel arms
Anything on the armor layer?- light chainmail and some travel plates (Lighter)
(Got a base skin? Base skins help me a lot and could lower the price of the commission.)Nope
Picture References?- (Picture references help me a ton.) Would you mind making the beard just a bit longer so he looks more northern?
What you want done- (Simple edit, new clothes, skin combination, brand new skin.) Brand new skin
Yours will have to be on hold till after you get your whitelist application accepted! Seeing as the skins cost IG money it is hard to transfer money, when you are not whitelisted yet. Just bump your application if/when your application is accepted. :)


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Skin requests are open again. Only two slots this time. Will work on Kyle's and the others tomorrow.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
I made a few edits to the form. Added a bit of info and added another question.
Also added a bit more info to the third. Also one slot left for this batch of skins.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Gender: Male.
Race: Hooman.
Skin Tone: Tan.
Hair Color & Details: He's bald- wears a straw hat.
Clothing: Not entirely certain what I want specifically, but the dude is meant to come off as a wandered/trader. Partial to light red, so maybe somethin' with that. xD
Eyes- 1x2. Orangeish-brownish-hazel.~
Mouth?- The prettiest of mouths (i'd like it on the skin. c: ).
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- Four!~
Anything on the armor layer?- Preferably would have the hat on this layer, if that's at all possible.
Skin?- Sorry, zilch.
Picture References?- I'm more or less rolling with a bald John Wayne, with some slight differences (eye color, namely).
What you want done- Brand-spankin'-new skin.


Lord of Altera
Can you do my skin to 1.8? :D


Forest Elf

Skin Tone-
Fair, light

Hair Color & Details-
Long blonde hair, maybe some braids instead of this fat ponytail?

Think "white mage with purple"
(armor layer) The outer is a cotton, and possibly some silk, robe/tunic. The hood is usually down, but tucked underneath so it's not visible. When up there are purple triangles around the face, with the rest of the hood mostly white. It has big sleeves which have a bit of purple detailing around the cuffs. The body/legs is rather loose and drapes towards the feet, leaving enough room in the front of the feet to move freely, this material can be rolled up and tied should the legs need to be totally free. The back is likely white, just following the same styling as the rest of the robe. The front is flat and neat. There is an obvious purple tie that runs all the way around the robe, tying it just above the hips, and it has some hidden ties allowing a hand to reach underneath for items strapped on/in bags.

Underneath is a white light linen or cotton slip that has loose spaghetti straps that go over the shoulders. The top is virtually straight, rising just a bit in the back where the straps meet the fabric. A rabbit's-foot necklace is typically worn around the neck, and it's a light tanish color. On the left hip is a scabbard with a 10" dagger. This is strapped snugly to the left leg at a slight angle, allowing full freedom of movement. On the right hip is a leather satchel, with a leather strap that runs over the left shoulder, crossing the body at the chest and back. On either arm from just below the elbow, are long bracers that cover the knuckles but leave the palms and lower wrists free. The slip runs from her upper chest to just below the knee, again with a straight cut at the bottom. On her feet are white cotton stockings, which also form her underwear. Finally she wears a pair of midcalf leather boots which are dyed green and have a leafy pattern.

Green, 2x2

Rosy cheeks and a little pink mouth

4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?-
Let's give these 3 pixel arms a shot!

Anything on the armor layer?-
this is from the clothing layer, but I'd like it to be the "armor" layer
The outer is a cotton, and possibly some silk, robe/tunic. The hood is usually down, but tucked underneath so it's not visible. When up there is a thinish purple band around the face, with the rest of the hood mostly white. It has big sleeves which have a bit of purple detailing around the cuffs. The body/legs is rather loose and drapes towards the feet, leaving enough room in the front of the feet to move freely, this material can be rolled up and tied should the legs need to be totally free. The back is likely white, just following the same styling as the rest of the robe. The front is flat and neat. There is an obvious purple tie that runs all the way around the robe, tying it just above the hips, and it has some hidden ties allowing a hand to reach underneath for items strapped on/in bags.

Extra Details-
I think I already wrote a lot . . . .


Picture References?-
<- this one especially
<- How this is like a big coat which is open all the way in the front.
<- Similar to the male here, tied in the middle, big and robe like. . . but cut down the middle in the front, and the material tying off center. (overlapping)

sorta like these boots

What you want done-
Skin update!


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Can you do my skin to 1.8? :D


Forest Elf

Skin Tone-
Fair, light

Hair Color & Details-
Long blonde hair, maybe some braids instead of this fat ponytail?

Think "white mage with purple"
(armor layer) The outer is a cotton, and possibly some silk, robe/tunic. The hood is usually down, but tucked underneath so it's not visible. When up there are purple triangles around the face, with the rest of the hood mostly white. It has big sleeves which have a bit of purple detailing around the cuffs. The body/legs is rather loose and drapes towards the feet, leaving enough room in the front of the feet to move freely, this material can be rolled up and tied should the legs need to be totally free. The back is likely white, just following the same styling as the rest of the robe. The front is flat and neat. There is an obvious purple tie that runs all the way around the robe, tying it just above the hips, and it has some hidden ties allowing a hand to reach underneath for items strapped on/in bags.

Underneath is a white light linen or cotton slip that has loose spaghetti straps that go over the shoulders. The top is virtually straight, rising just a bit in the back where the straps meet the fabric. A rabbit's-foot necklace is typically worn around the neck, and it's a light tanish color. On the left hip is a scabbard with a 10" dagger. This is strapped snugly to the left leg at a slight angle, allowing full freedom of movement. On the right hip is a leather satchel, with a leather strap that runs over the left shoulder, crossing the body at the chest and back. On either arm from just below the elbow, are long bracers that cover the knuckles but leave the palms and lower wrists free. The slip runs from her upper chest to just below the knee, again with a straight cut at the bottom. On her feet are white cotton stockings, which also form her underwear. Finally she wears a pair of midcalf leather boots which are dyed green and have a leafy pattern.

Green, 2x2

Rosy cheeks and a little pink mouth

4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?-
Let's give these 3 pixel arms a shot!

Anything on the armor layer?-
this is from the clothing layer, but I'd like it to be the "armor" layer
The outer is a cotton, and possibly some silk, robe/tunic. The hood is usually down, but tucked underneath so it's not visible. When up there is a thinish purple band around the face, with the rest of the hood mostly white. It has big sleeves which have a bit of purple detailing around the cuffs. The body/legs is rather loose and drapes towards the feet, leaving enough room in the front of the feet to move freely, this material can be rolled up and tied should the legs need to be totally free. The back is likely white, just following the same styling as the rest of the robe. The front is flat and neat. There is an obvious purple tie that runs all the way around the robe, tying it just above the hips, and it has some hidden ties allowing a hand to reach underneath for items strapped on/in bags.

Extra Details-
I think I already wrote a lot . . . .

Picture References?-
<- this one especially
<- How this is like a big coat which is open all the way in the front.
<- Similar to the male here, tied in the middle, big and robe like. . . but cut down the middle in the front, and the material tying off center. (overlapping)

sorta like these boots

What you want done-
Skin update!
Yep I can do 1.8
Will work on it tomorrow after I wake up. :)


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Hi Brian, I've been looking around for a new skin, but I'm not exactly sure what I want. I'll give you some artistic freedom but some traits are fairly set.
Skin Request Form- (Fill out what is necessary to the request.)
Gender- cis-male
Race- Dwarf
Skin Tone-Caucasian (?)
Hair Color & Details-
(Details about how you want the hair are important.)
White/silvery hair. Fairly long. Large flowing beard that is bunches into two major grouping due to beads.
Clothing- (Colors, and what type do you want? Casual? Fancy?) I'll leave this to you. I've worn a leather jerkin for what seems like forever. But I'm also a tavern keep and now a noble, so I'll leave it to you, maybe something... Nice, but able to be worked in.
Eyes- (Color & (1x2 or 2x2)) blue, I don't remember the size. Patch over right eye.
Mouth?- (Some people like their skin to have a mouth as part of the face, others don't. If you don't care a mouth will be added.) covered by beard and or somewhat exposed.
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- (4 pixel arms are thicker and more masculine while 3 pixel arms look more feminine.) 4, thick stout Dwarven arms.
Anything on the armor layer?- (It is a upper layer of a skin, I am still learning how to make this look appealing so bare with me.) I'll leave this to you, but you can do either an outer armor layer on top of my clothes, or it can be my beard and other clothing babbles.
Extra Details-
(Got a base skin? Base skins help me a lot and could lower the price of the commission.) *Edited*

Jesus, just realized how small that is...
Picture References?- (Picture references help me a ton.) none ;n;
What you want done- (Simple edit, new clothes, skin combination, brand new skin.)
New skin likely, however just new clothes could be nice at minimum.
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