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[Elf] Saelihn


Lord of Altera
*Journal Entry*

Mother! I saw the Great Mother, Shalherana today! She's beautiful! I feel so blessed to have occupied the same space as her! She really is the trees! I saw her change into one, it happened right before my eyes! It makes me love my trees even more, they really are a part of her. But I didn't just see one god today! I saw two! The other was Jishrim. He was taking the form of a giant spider. Disgusting.
Oh right.
Today someone was opening a new grand temple for Shalherana. I caught wind of it and made my way through the jungle to find it. That took some time and was rather tiring because the temple is at the top of a mountain. Finding a way up was trying enough. Once there Sister Vevlia gave an oration about Shalherana's love. It was nice, I kind of didn't listen a whole lot though. I was more enthralled with the beauty and grandeur of the temple she had built. After the speech everyone went out side to get saplings. Sister Vevlia was given a sapling by a High Elf and he said it was one of the seedlings from Shalherana's tree in some town who's name I didn't recognize. She planted it. . . and then someone started freaking out. She was speaking in tongues at some point. The woman was definitely touched by Jishrim. Cerna? Something like that was the name they kept calling her. I was just upset that she came to the temple to make such a commotion.
Jishrim came to take her away, and I have to be honest Mother. I wanted him to take her away. . . to see what would happen. To get her annoying gutter tongue speaking body out of there. But I didn't. Several men tried to fight Jishrim, but they failed. Several people got very sick after being bitten. I wasn't. Jishrim didn't even notice me though I called out to him several times. I guess that's good.
Shalherana showed up though, and her being was enough to cast Jishrim away. Though several people still rumored that he was hanging around outside. I don't know. I wound up speaking to Vevilia privately. I told her that I have troubles keeping my heart full of love at all times. Especially when I am feeling very tried. . . My heart tends to lose its love. I'm sorry Mother. I'm sorry for thinking to cast that woman out. I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help the thought. She said that as long as I don't act on my thoughts I'm doing better than most mortals. I suppose that's true, it actually felt very reassuring.
I told her I'd bring her a sapling from my grove before I took one of hers. I feel so wrong to just take something from someone without giving something in return.

I'm also trying to charter a ship to make stops in Calan. I think I may begin to work harder and build several temples. One for you obviously Mother Sallana. But I think I should also host a temple to Shalherana. What do you think? I wish you'd give me signs sometimes. . . .

I love you Mother. With all of my being.


Lord of Altera
*Journal entry*

Mother! Did you hear me?! I lead a prayer today! It was the very first time I've lead one! I did it for my sister Padragin. Her heart was heavy because someone confessed love to her, but she doesn't reciprocate. It's difficult. I don't know if it's exactly something you can understand Mother. When someone loves you, you always love them back don't you Mother? Well... for us mortals it can feel pretty awful. We struggle with feelings of love. She's struggling and I told her that you and I would be there for her, on her side, even if the words she has to say are difficult.

Also, it seems as if I'll be learning rock speak in the near future as well. I'm looking forward to it!

I love you Mother.


Lord of Altera
oh yeah, updated post 2 with some relationships. i think i need to add more people, but i can't remember 'em all.
I should probably keep up with that more.

Current Activities:
Learning Verba
Learning "Rock Speak"

>_> seems like a heavy load.


Lord of Altera
Notes to self:
First sermon
First kiss

Don't forget to journal these.

Oh yeah and check the op, changes are needed.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
(Not that I'm trying to be a butt, but Benz is a car. The bends is decompression sickness.)


Lord of Altera
*Journal Entry*

Mother! So much has happened! Where should I start? I got kissed today! Several times, and by the same man! I don't think I've mentioned him to you before. His name is Illthilior, he's an elf too. (But that should be obvious, its not like I'd sully myself kissing one of the lesser races!). This was just after I held my first ever sermon! I'm sure you heard me, but it was about love! I think I did a good job, but I should probably focus on having my sermons be longer. Yes! That's right Mother, first sermon AND first kiss (since moving overseas) so that's already an eventful day! But there's more! I finally got Padragin to visit Calan! I don't know what was so hard. Her friend Wulfe wanted to visit when I told her there's no bloodshed here, even more so when she heard of the beach! We got there... Not by paddling! We used the ship I chartered! Yeah! I got a ship to regularly visit Calan! So hopefully now that people know of it and there's a charter, we will get more guests!

Oh Mother, I love you! It's so obvious you hear me when I pray, why did I even question it?!

There's so much more I want to write about but I'll do that later!


Lord of Altera
*working on a poster.

The Feast Of Calan

Come one come all to the safe nation of Calan!
A feast is being held to celebrate love and Mother Sallana! Bring your appetites! Bring your friends! Bring your special foods that you wish to share with others!
The feast is being held on Sporebloom 31 and will run all day! There will be games, food, prayers, and excitement!
Be sure to attend this feast!

Calan is a strictly peaceful nation. Any violence, or threats of violence, will be dealt with quickly via expulsion.

Saelihn, attendant of Calan

A feast!

Sporebloom 31


Give praise to Mother Sallana and eat lots of food!


Lord of Altera
*working on a poster.

The Feast Of Calan

Come one come all to the safe nation of Calan!
A feast is being held to celebrate love and Mother Sallana! Bring your appetites! Bring your friends! Bring your special foods that you wish to share with others!
The feast is being held on Sporebloom 31 and will run all day! There will be games, food, prayers, and excitement!
Be sure to attend this feast!

Calan is a strictly peaceful nation. Any violence, or threats of violence, will be dealt with quickly via expulsion.

Saelihn, attendant of Calan

A feast!

Sporebloom 31


Give praise to Mother Sallana and eat lots of food!
:D I finally have a reason to go to Calan!! thank you :p


The Lurker
Retired Staff
*Journal Entry*

Mother! I saw the Great Mother, Shalherana today! She's beautiful! I feel so blessed to have occupied the same space as her! She really is the trees! I saw her change into one, it happened right before my eyes! It makes me love my trees even more, they really are a part of her. But I didn't just see one god today! I saw two! The other was Jishrim. He was taking the form of a giant spider. Disgusting.
Oh right.
Today someone was opening a new grand temple for Shalherana. I caught wind of it and made my way through the jungle to find it. That took some time and was rather tiring because the temple is at the top of a mountain. Finding a way up was trying enough. Once there Sister Vevlia gave an oration about Shalherana's love. It was nice, I kind of didn't listen a whole lot though. I was more enthralled with the beauty and grandeur of the temple she had built. After the speech everyone went out side to get saplings. Sister Vevlia was given a sapling by a High Elf and he said it was one of the seedlings from Shalherana's tree in some town who's name I didn't recognize. She planted it. . . and then someone started freaking out. She was speaking in tongues at some point. The woman was definitely touched by Jishrim. Cerna? Something like that was the name they kept calling her. I was just upset that she came to the temple to make such a commotion.
Jishrim came to take her away, and I have to be honest Mother. I wanted him to take her away. . . to see what would happen. To get her annoying gutter tongue speaking body out of there. But I didn't. Several men tried to fight Jishrim, but they failed. Several people got very sick after being bitten. I wasn't. Jishrim didn't even notice me though I called out to him several times. I guess that's good.
Shalherana showed up though, and her being was enough to cast Jishrim away. Though several people still rumored that he was hanging around outside. I don't know. I wound up speaking to Vevilia privately. I told her that I have troubles keeping my heart full of love at all times. Especially when I am feeling very tried. . . My heart tends to lose its love. I'm sorry Mother. I'm sorry for thinking to cast that woman out. I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help the thought. She said that as long as I don't act on my thoughts I'm doing better than most mortals. I suppose that's true, it actually felt very reassuring.
I told her I'd bring her a sapling from my grove before I took one of hers. I feel so wrong to just take something from someone without giving something in return.

I'm also trying to charter a ship to make stops in Calan. I think I may begin to work harder and build several temples. One for you obviously Mother Sallana. But I think I should also host a temple to Shalherana. What do you think? I wish you'd give me signs sometimes. . . .

I love you Mother. With all of my being.

Hue hue. :heart:


Lord of Altera
Things I need for the event
More food!
Pumpkin pie
Cake again
More cake
Baked potatoes
Cooked pork
Cooked mutton
Cooked rabbit
Cooked cow

A shop keeper
A smoke shop attendant
Psychic, reader

Kissing booth
Race track, might set this up on treetops...
Maybe some signs?
More rooms, definitely

Other stuff
Fliers! I need these!