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[Elf] Saelihn


Lord of Altera
Mother, I wrote a song today.
*Saelihn picks up a stringed instrument and puts it in her lab. She strums and sings a sweet lullaby.*
Dear one
Mother watches
Sleep now


Sorrows Warrior
That last journal entry, man...

James wasnt speaking loudly but I didnt wanna argue with @Tybalt so I just went with it. One of these days all this pressure from so many people will dissipate after he's proven he is no threat, but alas! This was all part of the plan! Altera is NUKED! Serial Killer wins!

Sorry I've been playing too much Town of Salem...


Lord of Altera
*Journal Entry*

We've moved! Thank you Mother for making our passage to the new home I set up a safe one! I am just so happy to be out of Riseport! The new area we live in is deep in a secluded jungle. It's gorgeous here. We have our own spring of fresh clean water, and the ocean is quite literally a stone's throw from our house! I can't contain my joy and jubilation at having moved! I'll write a very long song for you Mother!
Ripley seems happy too. I'm glad for that, he seemed very depressed when I forbade him from going to the Crossroads, even though he still went without my approval! But he thought hard about it, and felt regret. So I lifted the punishment. Does that make me too easy? No matter. I could tell he didn't enjoy living in Riseport either. Our new home is just so stunningly beautiful. I'm going to call it Calan ((Beautiful Greenery)).
Calan is situated in a jungle on an island. There's a town nearby, Havarda it's only a few hours walk from our home. The town seems rather peaceful, and I've already noticed a number of elves living here. Harlow and . . . Niyali? Were there. Niyali is with child, and I could smell alcohol on her breath. I know that it's supposed to be bad for the unborn child if the mother drinks. I didn't say anything to her, but when she ordered a drink I made sure she got tea.
I'm going to get that Harlow to smile. She's too young to frown so much!
Oh, there was a man there too. I don't have much to say about him.

But I love our new home~ Thank you Mother for all your love!


Lord of Altera
That last journal entry, man...

James wasnt speaking loudly but I didnt wanna argue with @Tybalt so I just went with it. One of these days all this pressure from so many people will dissipate after he's proven he is no threat, but alas! This was all part of the plan! Altera is NUKED! Serial Killer wins!

Sorry I've been playing too much Town of Salem...
Perhaps you didn't think the Town have a spy?


Lord of Altera
*Journal entry*

Mother. I have named our home Calan ((beautifully green)). And i have started to consider establishing it as a home for anyone who loves you with all their heart. Wouldn't it be beautiful to have a jungle filled with people who love you and Shalherana? I am really looking forward to it. Obviously I will do all that is in my power to prevent violence from entering our borders, and weed out anyone who falsely proclaims to love you. Maybe soon I can establish a congregation here in the Northern Kingdoms that is devout to you. I would very much love to have Calan be a home for your worshipers.
Ripley is growing up before my eyes and already wants more independence. Of course I oblige him in this, I am not one for limiting where and when a person can go. He is very fond of the Crossroads, and doesn't want to heed my advice. What else can I do? I hope he will remain safe. I know his heart is full of love. And I need to teach him more.

I've been very lonely. I went back to Riseport just to see if there was anyone there to talk to. Numair was there, I don't think I've mentioned him before. He seems nice, and he loves trees. Maybe when he fills his heart with love foe you Mother he will become a member of our congregation.

Still. It gets lonely here in Calan, and I need to find people who share my love for you, so I can invite them to the congregation too.

I still owe you a song Mother, I've been working on it but it's not ready yet.


Lord of Altera
*Journal Entry*

I paddled yesterday. I paddled a lot. There is an island chain to the south of us, just beyond the marshes. I saw a very interesting town that seems to be carved into the stone and dirt, I suspect dwarves live there. I couldn't find an entrance, despite there being a large opening. . . I couldn't climb up to the ledge from my canoe though. So, I didn't get a good look, but I was able to climb to the nearby ledge and peer in. It seemed very quaint and interesting. . . a shame I couldn't find a proper entrance. There was what almost looked like an entrance on the other side of the island. There was a scary skull carved out of stone. Dwarves are always so scary and violent.
I paddled back home and rested briefly after that. Calan is growing wonderfully, I can't wait until it's a proper coven to you Mother. I've started to nurture several other trees now, they are growing admirably. Soon they'll be able to support families as well. But it's still lonely here. That's why I was paddling around, hopefully I could have found someone who live near us. I wonder if the dwarven island actually houses anyone, or if it's abandoned. . .
Then I paddled back to Havarda after that. By the time I got there I was sore and tired and indeed cranky. I did have love in my heart though, Mother. I didn't let you down. I took the ship to the Crossroads, where I bumped into Padragin. She told me that more children have been disappearing, very likely kidnapped. I feel so deeply regretful about not spending more time at the Crossroads to watch over the children. I feel as if it's my fault they have been vanishing. I wish I could do something about it. . . A bit after sitting there and recouperating from my long day a very loud man strolled in. He was very disrespectful towards woman, and non-common speakers. I did not waiver though Mother, and I did not let you down by lacking love in my heart. But I did not like him. An elf near him claimed to be his sister, but the family they come from seems ridiculously large and disparate.
Anyway, I'm back home now and I'm going to rest for a while.

I love you Mother.


Lord of Altera
Some thoughts, posting here so maybe I remember.

Ocean elf. Water elf. Seaside elf. Shore elf.

Seaside elf rolls off the tongue nicely.

Seaside elves are wood elves ((forest, broze, "typical") who reside in forest and jungles that abutt large bodies of water. This means oceans and seas. They tend to be a bit more adventurous than typical wood elves, mostly because of their easy access to major pathways. Seaside elves generally use smaller sailing ships and canoes, rather than large sailing ships. They very much like the feel of ocean spray on their skin. They like the smell of salt in their clothes and hair.

Physically they differ from typical wood elves in that their upper body is much more muscular. This is because of the constant paddling. A typical seaside elf may paddle dozens of miles (knots?) in a given day. Another physical difference is that they will often extend their homes into the water itself, sometimes even with dive entrances.

I might play around with these ideas.


Sorrows Warrior
Sorry, but James tends to jump from woman to woman. You are no longer of his interest.

Love is hard, I know... But you have to let go..

If you love something, set it free... If it comes back, it probably needs a hug.



Puppycat Herder
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*looks over at Elven language stuff*

I dunno what language you got there, but it looks weird.


Lord of Altera
*Journal Entry*
I took the ship to the Crossroads, where I bumped into Padragin. She told me that more children have been disappearing, very likely kidnapped. I feel so deeply regretful about not spending more time at the Crossroads to watch over the children. I feel as if it's my fault they have been vanishing. I wish I could do something about it. . .
I love you Mother.
I really love this character and the Shalherana things!
dunno if you mean the kids have been taken by the slavers, or Aldi, for the orphanage. there's a notice at the Crossroads posted by Aldi, but it probably needs replacing.
the slavers shouldn't be specifically targeting children, but either way i suppose they've been kidnapped~
we should roleplay sometime, regardless! if aldi's been taking the children and Sael's been keeping an eye on them, they'd definitely see each other, and I'd love to meet this character!


Lord of Altera
*Journal entry*

Ripley needs a more physical activity. I thought climbing would be enough, but he still needs an outlet or all his energy. Maybe I'll have him paddle more. I know even I'm worn out after a day of paddling! Plus all the salt air and warm sun would be good for him too. Yes that's it then. I'll teach Ripley how to paddle a canoe and I'll make certain he paddles every day. Maybe he'll get to the point where he enjoys it and prefers to paddle to his destinations.... I'd like that.

Mother! I'm learning verba! It's a wonderful tongue and I do not mind speaking it. . . although I'm sure it sounds funny coming from my mouth. That's okay with me though. Hazrin, a Nakat fellow I just met yesterday, and Tajay, a Nakat fellow I met in Riseport, are both teaching me the tongue. I was hoping to get Ripley learning it too. He's at the ripe age for learning many many tongues, and I would love if he had options to speak rather than ...blech... common.


Lord of Altera
Oh, also note to self.

Seaside elves.
The Benz may be an issue? If they dive regularly AND climb very tall trees it could cause issues. . . I need to look into this.