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Legend of Altera
Meh, I will still buy it...the idea that you can be either faction with the same race, and a new class makes it interesting to me :)


Admiral of the Warstrom Fleet
I'll still buy it too. The idea of coming this far to back out at the last hurdle is preposterous. But I think after this, WoW is gonna go into a serious downturn.


Legend of Altera
Perhaps, but everyone is saying SWTOR will be the WoW killer...I don't see it as I am playing now and not overly impressed...there still is not a MMORG that compares in my mind.


Lord of Altera
Monk Pandaren* and for those who havent played the warcraft series and think this is a ripoff of the Kung Fu Panda movie its not pandaren came years before the movie :)


Admiral of the Warstrom Fleet
Jónsak said:
and for those who havent played the warcraft series and think this is a ripoff of the Kung Fu Panda movie its not pandaren came years before the movie
Lol, we all know this. :p


King of the north!
It annoys me that people think that this expansion is going to be bad or is aimed at kids because it has pandas in it...

to be fair though, like 80% of the wow community is made up of people who have never played warcraft 1, 2 or 3. I saw people complaining that the deathwing story was just lore pulled out of no where to fill an expansion even though the story was already written years ago in the warcraft games. It's the same for pandas, people are moaning that they are making an april fools joke into a real expansion when they don't know that pandaren were in warcraft before kung fu panda was even conceived.

To be honest, a lot of the features they are introducing look amazing purely from a social point of view. I've been bored with cata as its mostly raid centered at end game with nothing but dailies and heroics to do in between. Some of the new features such as challenge mode dungeons and pve scenarios look like good additions for people who can't stand scheduled raiding.


Lord of Altera
It annoys me that people think that this expansion is going to be bad or is aimed at kids because it has pandas in it...

to be fair though, like 80% of the wow community is made up of people who have never played warcraft 1, 2 or 3. I saw people complaining that the deathwing story was just lore pulled out of no where to fill an expansion even though the story was already written years ago in the warcraft games. It's the same for pandas, people are moaning that they are making an april fools joke into a real expansion when they don't know that pandaren were in warcraft before kung fu panda was even conceived.

To be honest, a lot of the features they are introducing look amazing purely from a social point of view. I've been bored with cata as its mostly raid centered at end game with nothing but dailies and heroics to do in between. Some of the new features such as challenge mode dungeons and pve scenarios look like good additions for people who can't stand scheduled raiding.
I use to play wow (but then i took an arrow to the knee, no) but then I quit for 5 reasons

1. Time Consuming
2.I hate blizzard
4.alot of money that I could be donating to charity ( I did dote 1000 dollars to make a wish foundation 4 months after I quit wow)
5. I got occupied with, you should check it out


Legend of Altera
It annoys me that people think that this expansion is going to be bad or is aimed at kids because it has pandas in it...

to be fair though, like 80% of the wow community is made up of people who have never played warcraft 1, 2 or 3. I saw people complaining that the deathwing story was just lore pulled out of no where to fill an expansion even though the story was already written years ago in the warcraft games. It's the same for pandas, people are moaning that they are making an april fools joke into a real expansion when they don't know that pandaren were in warcraft before kung fu panda was even conceived.

To be honest, a lot of the features they are introducing look amazing purely from a social point of view. I've been bored with cata as its mostly raid centered at end game with nothing but dailies and heroics to do in between. Some of the new features such as challenge mode dungeons and pve scenarios look like good additions for people who can't stand scheduled raiding.
To an extent, I agree Steel...I have been playing the Warcraft saga since Warcraft 1, where you could control one unit at time...the voice acting quickly made this series one of my favorites ( ZUG ZUG). And then WoW released and I've been hooked ever since :)
I'm not a big end game raider, nor do I care to become one...I just enjoy the little quests, and the achievements, but most of all, the gathering of mini pets.
The addition of a pokemon-esque mini pet system is probably what grabbed my attention when it comes to the Pandera expansion...that being said, there have been months where I have let me subscription lapse, only to get dragged back in by something Blizzard has released.
My one big pet peeve is people who complain about Blizzards release schedule....these guys make some of the best games in the industry, and they do it because they don't release a product until it is ready....they don't bow to public or investor pressure to release early and then patch the hell out of it, they do it right the first time...that's not to say their stuff is perfect, but they do release some of the most complete games out of the box! Even of you don't like the games they put out, you have to respect their attention to detail and their commitment to quality production! (man I sound like their PR guy...)


Legend of Altera
i use to play wow until i heard about the patch then i stop all together i is not worth it i warn you all it is not werth it (i spent 2 or 3 years of my life playing that infernal game it was good not tis a load of dragon dung)


King of the north!
vanar after such a well thought out and brilliantly written comment i am convinced -.-

I played it for near 7 years, it was good but cata made it boring for me. The new expansion looks good imo. Also until its released you can't claim its not worth it. Another person climbing on the "its crap" bandwaggon before they've even played it themselves


Lord of Altera
vanar after such a well thought out and brilliantly written comment i am convinced -.-

I played it for near 7 years, it was good but cata made it boring for me. The new expansion looks good imo. Also until its released you can't claim its not worth it. Another person climbing on the "its crap" bandwaggon before they've even played it themselves
WoW kinda, made one of my girlfriends break up with me, thats when i quit:oops:


Lord of Altera
I dont think the next expansion will be bad, to be honest i think it gets a bit "kiddy" because of the pandas, I agree with you all kinda, cataclysm bored me alot, i actually kinda quitted wow half way in cataclysm, my favorite was definetly the first wow (vanilla, classic) it was so... Original and awesome, the gear, the weapons, mounts, raids, instances.. No dungeons, no raid finder and heroic, instance and dungeon finder, you had to type Looking for raid or instance and all that. I really miss it, atleat Blizzard could make a new feature, when you choose server, after that you can choose betweem all the expansions you have.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Perhaps, but everyone is saying SWTOR will be the WoW killer...I don't see it as I am playing now and not overly impressed...there still is not a MMORG that compares in my mind.

i only say Daoc! its better but its old ! the one and only True mmo/Rp


ive learn from my own past history "I quit cause its silly" is another term for i will play it once it comes out.... i have played every expansion when it came out just to quit 3-4 months after. I think this will also be my down fall... and yes pandas were in the warcraft series before wow existed.