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[Summoning]Shalherana - Sunday, March 23rd


Lord of Altera
-Priest/Priestess/Religious Leader:
Bolvar Firestorm-Aeyeras - Religious Leader
< Maybe 2 or 3 more see Public/Private)

Give me an RP reason to let you join and we might let you - however note that your char might be sent out at some point/not left in before certain things have been done.

Please note that the time of the event will be set to fit the time of the people of the event staff and those involved with the Church of the Golden Hammer faction (Or allies).

Public now

-Public or Private:
Private ( 2 people might attend depending on whether I managed to catch them RP)

For RP-Knowledge
Over the last few sailors and traders bring rumors to towns that the Church of the Golden Hammer is planning to summon Shalherana in the Cathedral to Heaven's Reach during a sermon on the <Insert the IG date>.

-Temples or Shrines Involved:
Heaven's Reach Cathedral and/or Shalherana's Monastery


-Have you spoken with the town/region owners?

@bodejodel player loved the post where I said he agrees as long as it brings RP to HR so I take that as agreement ;)

Time/Date: 2014-03-23 between 8pm or 9pm GMT​
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Lord of Altera
In the works ;);
Still need to try to get a hold of certain persons to find a time that fits them if they want to participate. - If I can't get a hold of them i will set the time myself ;)


Lord of Altera
For everyone that hasn't seen the update:

Your characters are free to try convincing Bolvar, do however note that he will not let people close to the cathedral he believes might cause any harm to the summoning or the goddess.

This is not only for your safety but also that of the population of Heaven's Reach as failure in this might mean dire consequences for everyone there. (especially for those who are on the volunteer list)

We might also not let you in during the actual summoning, or alternatively send you out at some point since not everything we got to talk about with Shalherana is meant for the masses.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
I think you should contact the head Priestess of Shalherana, personally.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Seconded. Who just so happens to be a member of Eresse. So you should contact the Elder of Eresse, too.
I think you should just have more people, in general. "The masses" can help in this situation.


Lord of Altera
There is no such thing as a high priest of Shalherana to hour Kingdom as any other Church than ours is outlawed there ;).
Another thing to note is that having everyone know what we are planning would beat the point of summoning a god in the first place.

Other than that the only thing left to say is that it is a double edged sword:
Do you let them be set up because they can only enter after you summoned the god or letting them be set up when they got to leave the cathedral?

Either way someone will be upset :rolleyes:


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
There is no such thing as a high priest of Shalherana to hour Kingdom as any other Church than ours is outlawed there ;).
Another thing to note is that having everyone know what we are planning would beat the point of summoning a god in the first place.

Other than that the only thing left to say is that it is a double edged sword:
Do you let them be set up because they can only enter after you summoned the god or letting them be set up when they got to leave the cathedral?

Either way someone will be upset :rolleyes:
*ideas start flowing and he runs off*


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
There is no such thing as a high priest of Shalherana to hour Kingdom as any other Church than ours is outlawed there ;).
Another thing to note is that having everyone know what we are planning would beat the point of summoning a god in the first place.

Other than that the only thing left to say is that it is a double edged sword:
Do you let them be set up because they can only enter after you summoned the god or letting them be set up when they got to leave the cathedral?

Either way someone will be upset :rolleyes:
AFAIK theres an official Priestess who has been devout for a long time- @Delta_61251 's character...
( *Totally.. didn't make a list of religious characters....* )

If it helps :D


Lord of Altera
AFAIK theres an official Priestess who has been devout for a long time- @Delta_61251 's character...
( *Totally.. didn't make a list of religious characters....* )

If it helps :D
The problem is not that I don't want them to join.
I just kinda feel like some people think that my char has to run after them so they can join the event now, rather them having to come to Bolvar and convince him through RP, ever since I opened it for public if prior RP has happened.
Moreover it is about characters Bolvar has no knowledge of even existing in the first place. :(

If I start running after everyone who might potentially want to join though, the event would have to be set in like December where the campaign is probably already over :/

And how would it beat the point?
To quote one of the Staff members from a while ago: That is for me to know and for your characters to find out ;).

Two analogy now (and this is seriously not what we intend to do`): If A-tan hires an assassin to kill B-tan, do you think they would want C-tan to listen in so they can tell B-tan?

Or another example since @Ced has people wanting to join too, so potentially a similar problem:
What if Ced is just pretending to be leading a faction against the corruption and indeed plans to summon Harateth so he can corrupt Theodora too?

What I want to say is: The Church of the Golden Hammer is Part of Hierax's Government, and a Government usually doesn't tell people everything they intend to do in advance (especially not a medieval one Hierax).
The same goes for Organisations like the Guardian Crusade - A normal employee also doesn't know whats going on in the minds of the board and the CEO.

So yeah 'masses' sounds cold, I fully agree with Michcat here. - But a term fitting the RP PoV perfectly which is why I choose it, should anyone feel insulted by it I hereby apologize.

And I'm sure Ced has similar, or even the same reasons to keep it private.

Other than that something I already mentioned to Som yesterday, and yes I am aware that normal members aren't at fault for it, but the Kingdom has been approached very inappropriately by the Guardian Crusade, so the Kingdom really has no reason to let them know our intentions.

So again, everyone who feels that they really need to be there at all costs are free to seek out Bolvar in RP and persuade him about their reasons and intentions.
And really there are not many places he can be when preparing a summoning and a war against the corruption >>.
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