Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Book Suggestions-


I am looking for books that are heavy fantasy, and set in medieval times
I'm going to suggest that you might potentially like The Witcher series. I've played and really enjoyed the second Witcher game (I'm assuming you've at least heard of it, and the books inspired the games), but I haven't yet read the books myself. That being said, I really want to and I may be ordering them online sometime this week. Pretty excited for that.

It's also important to note that the author is Polish and the full extent of the books are written in Polish (and French I think). There's about three translated into English, and another for around June of this year, I'm pretty sure. This might steer you away from reading the ones translated - if you really enjoy it but can't finish it.

The part that I quoted is what immediately made me think of this series. I'd recommend doing a bit more digging around if you think you might be interested, to be sure.

Metro 2033 ( And the rest of the series. ) are -phenomenal- Sci-Fi books. :D
Also most likely ordering this along with the Witcher books, since I picked up Metro: Last Light the other day (haven't played 2033 though) and I'm really liking it so far.
*points to profile picture!*


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
I'm going to suggest that you might potentially like The Witcher series. I've played and really enjoyed the second Witcher game (I'm assuming you've at least heard of it, and the books inspired the games), but I haven't yet read the books myself. That being said, I really want to and I may be ordering them online sometime this week. Pretty excited for that.

It's also important to note that the author is Polish and the full extent of the books are written in Polish (and French I think). There's about three translated into English, and another for around June of this year, I'm pretty sure. This might steer you away from reading the ones translated - if you really enjoy it but can't finish it.

The part that I quoted is what immediately made me think of this series. I'd recommend doing a bit more digging around if you think you might be interested, to be sure.

Also most likely ordering this along with the Witcher books, since I picked up Metro: Last Light the other day (haven't played 2033 though) and I'm really liking it so far.
*points to profile picture!*
I actually speak and read fluently in French, so I might enjoy reading it in that language :D I will take a look, thanks!


I actually speak and read fluently in French, so I might enjoy reading it in that language :D I will take a look, thanks!
I'm not entirely sure they are written in both Polish and French, but I think I read somewhere they are. If you do read them, have fun!


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
I'm not entirely sure they are written in both Polish and French, but I think I read somewhere they are. If you do read them, have fun!
Thanks, I will give it a look. Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I think I will be have a good few books to read for a while. Keep commenting though! I read pretty quick :p


Lord of Altera
I just finished Divergent two minutes ago (literally). I really enjoyed it, but apparently people don't like the books I like. Give it a shot if you want. :p