Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Runescape HollowClan!


Lord of Altera
Okay some time between this morning when I logged on RS to make sure an update wouldn't make me late and now, an update was posted. Gonna be a taddle late for however long this takes to update :/


Lord of Altera
If I could use 3G on my laptop I'd have been with you like an hour ago, I'll try to get there ASAP but I can't do anything but wait.


Lord of Altera
Okay, I have gotten a brilliant idea. For now on, every day from 3pm to 5pm EST (or however longer you stay) on world 41, clan camp is now going to be a sort of clanless clan RP. Should we ever get five on at a time we will found the clan. I have no reservations against another five people starting the clan, but I want some things to be clear:

A) the name will be HollowWorld
B) the symbols must be an H and a W
C) we must agree on colors (which will be done here)