Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sail to the Heavens


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
As Queen Leminth announced right before the Battle of the Airdocks and her Defeat of the Great Demon Tavish, there shall soon be an Expedition to black waters and a land unknown, to investigate great rumors that have - in recent times - grown to more then just stories.
If you wish to join this Expedition, only the bravest and most hardy of souls should volunteer against the uncontacted. We shall need Cartographers, Sailors, Scribes, Resources alongside hands both willing and able to assist.
Contact Admiral Sally (SallyPirate) or First-Mate Skye Jepson (ForestRose) if you wish to embark upon this quest.

Such, we'll have a few giant boats maybe just one giant boat kick off with players and "Discover" HR 2.0 . However, we might discover a bit .. more... then we bargined for...
This will require WE for the "Sailing" event, and we'll be using the Seaworld for most of it

Schedule: The entire Event shouldn't take more then a few days to get through with.
+Announcement Event Done!
+"Prep", in which we commission/build boats/build hype/recruit players with the incentive of being in an awesome event
+Hello HR 2.0 -
+Back to PS, with House August this time
+Meeting 'tweenst the Crown, Council, and House August.
+Cake and Wenche
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
What is going to happen:

+De-embarking the boats
+Those who were there shall be TPd back to the boats.
+Anyone who cannot make it will be explained away as still sick with that plauge, and below deck recuperating.
+Arriving at HR 2.0
+Finding House August
+Back to PS!

When the Next Event will take place- When to show up

This Friday, 7PM GMT
--> 8 pm BST (Britain) <--
9 pm CEST (Europe)
5 am AEST (Australia)
3 pm EST (East 'murica)
1 pm CST (Central 'murica)
1 pm MST (Rockies 'murica)
12 pm PST (West 'murica)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
The Roster
+(Michcat) Leminth, Queen of Altera+
+(Baron_Aron) Vorar Elem-Povur, Left Hand+
+(ForestRose) Skye Jepson, First Mate, Admiral SiC+
+(SallyPirate) Admiral Sally, Admiral+
+(Scardrac) Lord Scardrac Dormus, Constable+
+The Engems+
-(Goldengem) Chalkan, Warchieftian-
-(K9_Diarmund) Elrohir, Warchieftian of Sailing-
-More to come as soon as they throw names at me-
-(Lord_Sinclair) Lord Sinclair Arcturus, Cartographer-
-(Kaza123) Marcus Arcturus, Protection
+(Spearhorn) Septimus, Record-Keeper+
+(Tayohud) Lady Finnall of Etheras, Scribe+
+(Raith{numbers}) Jack, Herbalist+
+(Azur_Deathblade) Garen Raenir, Royal Guard+
+(JustTooFabulous) Zyre Roseforge, Shield Maiden+
+(Lemarc) Lemarc Duggan, Sailor+
+(sadko12345) Pyria Hawklight, Squire+
+(Caedd) Cedar J'sera, Crown Ranger+
+(Spagbog) Celyn, Sailor+
+(bronzeowl9) Taelyn Adelei Saeradan, Baker (Cakewench!)+
+(Coldsniper13) Syr Dormus, Sailor-Lackey+
+(ArkenGuard) Gelyk Dormus, Sailor-Lackey+
+(Epikplayer) Quintus Tideborne, Sailor+
+(Zozzle) Zozzle, Sailor/Navigator+
+(Wakerman4) Gromm, Sailor+
+(Legion9191) General Legion, Protection+
+(WarWolf_1) Kharn Sicarus, Sailor-Lackey+
+(Dacoutts) Akela Tjali, Sailor-Lackey+
+(Silvertread) Thomas Silvertread, Sailor-Lackey+
+(L1ving_Gh0st) Cloud, Sailor-Lackey+
There is always room for more! Contact Sally or Skye!


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
You've just got to love how this is a naval expedition and there's only 3-4 sailors on the ship...

In essence the whole Engem clan is going, I'm pretty sure I can teach them how to sail xD
