Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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To Be Resumed A madman's Game

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Legend of Altera
Ign: luigi0ni
Character Name: Malakath Grimm
Reason to Join: I love SAW inspired games
What could your character be punished for: Being prideful and trying to sever a marriage for selfish purposes


Lord of Altera
15... This sounds incredible! A question: How are you going to manage people? Are we going to take turns, or all at the same time?


We demons of our solemn hour
That could be interesting, since your character suffers the most by not being able to do anything about the suffering of others... How sickeningly amusing.

Hang him from a net on the ceiling? Tried and tested, I assure you...
I could do that... In the... yes...


Loyal Servant of Altera
Character name: Dratoz Clawheart/Dratoz
Reason to join:It sounds cooooool!
What could your character be punished for:Multiple attempted homicides, he joined Harmaa, freed a prisoner at the same time trapping a Inquisitor in a prison cell :D and is a Greyling :p

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Faelin said:
Happy Birthday, Ghost. I may have just slightly arranged for your character to be mentally tortured by a jester...
It's not even my birthday! You shouldn't have :3 also, when did the net incident not become classified? :D
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