Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Favorite Playable WoW Race?


The Kingdom Crusher
Pretty self explanatory. What is your favorite race, and why? Mine are the Darkspear Trolls, and the reason being is that they're A: Caribbean and B: Tribal and C: They've survived so much, especially at the hands of the Naga and Garrosh. Every race though is brilliant in their own mind, it's just I feel that nearly all of them are neglected. I mean, Trolls and Gnomes don't even have a proper capital or their own zones :mad:


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Garrosh sucks mayn. Trels 4 lyf.

I love the raptor mount C:



Lord of Altera
Pfft...Draenei all the way for me, I always hear people moaning how they'd have liked a better race added but I like the lore added behind Draeneis and their whole spiritual attitude towards life and will to survive and learn :p
And we ride Elephants Elleks
And we wooped Blood Elf bottom... yeah, die Kael'thas Sunstrider C:<


The Kingdom Crusher
Blood elves and Forsaken should just run off from the horde and so their own thing, they are pretty full of themselves >.<


Lord of Altera
Blood elves and Forsaken should just run off from the horde and so their own thing, they are pretty full of themselves >.<
Agreed, the Blood Elves made a bloomin' Space Ship already with the Exodus and Forsaken can just steal everyone else and look badass although you can see why they made alliances with the Horde


Lord of Altera

And gnomes.

And dwarves.

And night elves.

And trolls.

And orcs.

And pandaren.

And draenei.

And goblins.

And worgen.


I know it sounds nooby, but I love playing Human Paladins, Night-elf hunters, and Undead Warlocks... Really cool class and race combos... Favourite is Warrior Orcs though


Lord of Altera
Tauren, Mulgore/Barrens has all the feels. Pluss, Taurens are big and makes you feel awesome and fearsome :D


Legend of Altera
Pandaren, because beer and pandas are great together.
principally because of the brewmaster from wc3 tft campaign, he was my favorite hero from wc3, because he had great skills, was nice to play with, had beer, had a nice model and was the brewmaster :D