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an observation about current roleplay


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I generally try to react in some way to actions, even if it is *does not notice this/him/her/it*, *pretends not to see/hear/notice* or *ignores this*.


Lord of Altera
I think these {} are terrible, unless your character is a mind reader. What's the point in showing your thoughts anyway, the other person can't use them at all. How could the other character possible know if you were thinking "Man, lemons are sour" or "Man, I really want to kill everyone". He can't. It's stimulating metagaming.


Lord of Altera
Agreed, but sometimes thinking about things like that would bring up an emotion on your face, which is either indescribable or too hard to guess. I like to use them; they're great for an insane character.


The original mute
Let's put it this way mark, I put *looks sad* and that's quite generic. But if I put *looks sad* {why does every keep hitting me} gets another message across


Lord of Altera
Also, {|they want to kill you.| No,they don't! They're my friends! |Kill them now or they'll kill you.| Leave me alone!}


Lord of Altera
but you're not supposed to get that message through. I agree that it is great for story telling, like with insane characters, but I can't see if you're looking sad because you get hit all the time or because you lost your sweetroll.


Lord of Altera

On a more serious note, it also helps people you've never role-played with before to get a good understanding about of your character. And if you're a good roleplayer, you shouldn't have to worry about meta-gaming.


The original mute
but you're not supposed to get that message through. I agree that it is great for story telling, like with insane characters, but I can't see if you're looking sad because you get hit all the time or because you lost your sweetroll.
Not the point, a generic sad face is different from one who's looking sad cause he got beaten


We demons of our solemn hour
Really Insane Characters Just scream against themselves... -_- they dont think... They act like Gollum... From LOTR


Thinking is very useful for my charactor. Some people know why!

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I agree with Mark in a way that {thoughts} can't have an effect on roleplay because your character has no idea they are there. This makes it completely useless because it can't have an effect on the roleplay. For instance:

Guy 1: Hello Guy 2
Guy 2: Hello Guy 1
Guy 1: How are you?
Guy 2: Very well thank you and yourself? {Why is this stupid little milk drinker talking to me! By Kilrox I hope his family gets trampled by a herd of cows}

-Meta-game reply-
Guy 1: You are a horrible person! *runs away crying*

-How it's meant to be-
Guy 1: I'm glad to hear it, I am quite alright old chap.

See how it makes no difference?


Lord of Altera
I agree with Mark in a way that {thoughts} can't have an effect on roleplay because your character has no idea they are there. This makes it completely useless because it can't have an effect on the roleplay. For instance:

Guy 1: Hello Guy 2
Guy 2: Hello Guy 1
Guy 1: How are you?
Guy 2: Very well thank you and yourself? {Why is this stupid little milk drinker talking to me! By Kilrox I hope his family gets trampled by a herd of cows}

-Meta-game reply-
Guy 1: You are a horrible person! *runs away crying*

-How it's meant to be-
Guy 1: I'm glad to hear it, I am quite alright old chap.

See how it makes no difference?
A good RPer should know not to meta-game, therefore unless they're meta-gamers it won't happen. And if it does, tell them, or don't RP with them. Simple.



yoda74 said:
A good RPer should know not to meta-game, therefore unless they're meta-gamers it won't happen. And if it does, tell them, or don't RP with them. Simple.

How can you rerail when the thread is about an observation of roleplay?

Also, my point was not about metagaming it was about the use of thoughts in RP. {Silly cat lover}


Lord of Altera
If you need to type out your thoughts, you could just aswell type the emotion you're showing a bit more detailed. And we're sadly not living in this perfect world where nobody metagames.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
A good RPer should know not to meta-game, therefore unless they're meta-gamers it won't happen. And if it does, tell them, or don't RP with them. Simple.

I am starting to get sick of this excuse.

who, exactly, is the thought bubble for then? yourself? A random passerby? You are forcing meta-game knowledge on me just because you can't think of a better way to briefly tell me what part of your backstory makes you act the way you do. Do I even need to know why you're acting the way you are? If I do, my character will probably ask yours about the behaivor. In fact, I'll be doing that to {} users from now on, just to make them repeat themselves, once in brackets, and once out loud.

(Also, because you've done this no less than five times before when reading your posts, it's not re/rail. it's /rerail. Much like an emote or game command. /cry, /wave, /home, /spawn, /rerail. Also, trying to force a rerail to end a dispute so that you get the last word - rather than seeing a thread get off topic - is generally considered rude forum conduct, to say the least. Please be mindful of this in the future. Also note a rerail isn't needed here, as this entire section is in parenthesizes, and thus not the main object of the post.)

(The more you know *shooting star*)


Non sum qualis eram
Compare and contrast two examples.

*"What are you doing here?", Naelwyn remarks with a grimace, stressing the you for all it's worth.*

What are you doing here? {Feh. Like I'm happy to see this clod.}

Both of these examples convey the exact same information to characters, only one ends up forcing out-of-character knowledge upon anyone who is not a telepath.

PS: I love it when people explicitly project thoughts in the form of {}'s. It makes things so, so easy.