Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Favorite things...


The Bearded Man
Favorites -


Play style(pvp, raid, quests, achievements)?

And any other favorites that you might think of like, What expansion you liked most.

My Favorite class is Priest, I really love helping and keeping people alive.

Play style, I really REALLY enjoy collecting materials and doing achievements.

I really liked the vanilla when it actually at most when power leveling took like 3 weeks playtime type of thing. 40 people raid even though it was a bitch to keep organized it was still a awesome challenge.


Lord of Altera
Favorites -

Class?: Warrior and Paladin

Play style?: Raid and Quests, i really love teamwork/co-op. Therefor i hate PvP

What expansion you liked most?: Vanilla/Classic


I think I might like it here
Class: Paladin
Play Style: Acheivments, Raiding, PvPing, Guild-Talkin'
Expansion:I liked the game then fell in love at Lich King, Then I was dumbfounded at the Cataclysm.
Main characters

Name: Matovent
Race: Dwarf
Class: Paladin
Name: Jodatee
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior


Lord of Altera
Mists of Pandaria fails alot. The map is quite bad and small, And pandas, They are so ridiculous.
well, Here is mine:

-Class: Warlock, Because i like to do magicks and fight at the sams time, Pure magic or pure close combat is too boring for me.

-Playstyle: I hate PvP, And i usually do Quests, Achievements and also, Roleplaying :p

-Expansion: The Burning Crusade is awesome, It doesnt mess up the classic, Just adds some content and fixes stuff.

-Professions: Alchemy, Herbalism. They are not much of a profit, But they are fun, And also the potions sometimes save me when i least expect it.

Useless to say character names, I play on free servers.


The Bearded Man
I did beta test for MoP. only thing i did like was some of the buildings and quests but they was buggy at the time.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Favorites - ...Mermaids?

Class? Mermaid!

Play style(pvp, raid, quests, achievements)? STALKING PREY!!!

i dont actually play wow, i just wanted to do the survey :(


The Bearded Man
Favorites - ...Mermaids?

Class? Mermaid!

Play style(pvp, raid, quests, achievements)? STALKING PREY!!!

i dont actually play wow, i just wanted to do the survey :(
The closest thing to mermaid is Naga. The Night elves that was stuck under ground for a long time turned into Naga over time.

I know a thing or 2 about the lore in WoW