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The University of Altera Teacher Application Thread

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King of Quests
In game name: Atkrye
Age: 17
Country/State: England
RP name: Atkar
What do you want to teach? Engineering
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? While the study of redstone circuitry may be being taught, I feel this will not cover the fundamentals of far more physical contraptions. I am talking about the teaching of production of various physical traps and contraptions (including complex (multi barrel and repeater) tnt cannons for use in the southern wilds potentially). It will also feature ingenious defences and hidden room techniques, making students able to fit out castles for all but the most outrageous of lords' requests.
What experience do you have in this skill? My character, in his various hunting exploits, has discovered various weapons and traps for hunting large monsters (I've devised shotgun tnt cannons, epic range cannons, mortars, repeater cannons, auto-reloading cannons and various pitfall traps).


Lord of Altera
In game name: abbeyvie
Age: 13
Country/State: United States, Tennessee. (EST Time)
RP name: Abbey Mirabelle Oceana ( Age: 224 )
What do you want to teach? Swim Lessons
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? A swim class at the university will most likely save those sailors/commoners from drowning to death in my home territory. Swimming as a great form of exercise, is a very fun activity. :D
What experience do you have in this skill? I live in the water, sweetheart. I live to swim!! I'm also a fish, if that is important.


Lord of Altera
I didn't get a place in the University as a Teacher?? D:
Well the person who didn't add me is gonna need some survival skills to survive now that I wasn't added... jk, jk.
Anyways, I would like to re-submit my request as I truly believe Altera's citizens need it, and they need to become more aware of nature and their surroundings. And I'm not just talking how to kill a creeper, any adventurer with a pointed stick could do that, I'm talking about living in tune with nature, understanding nature, and having it understand you. I hope that you reconsider my offer and I wish you a good day.


Lord of Altera
Sorry Wyvern! I accepted your application the first time but i forgot to add it to the list. As a note to people, if i like your application, that means its accepted


In game name:Broken_Lamp
Country/State: Perth WA australia
RP name: Lamp
What do you want to teach? Solar/Lunar Mapping
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? Among every server I have been on, i have found it incredibly useful when travelling around the world. Solar and Lunar mapping assist in determining the time of day, and directions of travel. Not only that but it provides insight into how long the world has existed. It also allows us to determine future moon cycles. I think it would be a valuable asset to players all over the world.
What experience do you have in this skill? I have been self-taught. In my own worlds i build observatories and use them to determine the time of day and certain directions. But i have been practising this since i got minecraft.


Lord of Altera
In game name: Markisbeest
Age: 17
Country/State: Netherlands
RP name: Markus Groothart
Postition you'd like to apply for: Custodian, preferably one in charge of (corporal) punishments aswell.
What experience do you have in this skill? My character is a dockmaster, so to work with his hands is easy. He also doesn't mind being firm to misbehaving students.


Lord of Altera
I am quite happy the The world of Altera finally has an area of good education. It is absolutely splendid that this university has many jobs to fill, and extends above and beyond the minds of great scholars in it's teachings. But I have a question, do you need security?


The Arbiter of the Gods
In game name: MRPolo13

Age: 15

Country/State: United Kingdom

RP name: Polo Hakwlight

What do you want to teach? I would like to teach a little about Physics. Also, the bit about Strategical thinking sounds fun so I can be a supply teacher for that :D

Why would this class be a good addition to the University? People need to know what moves the world eh?

What experience do you have in this skill? Polo Hawklight has made many theories in the past about space, Altera and how the world was created. He is especially dedicated to finding out what exactly the "Black Moon" is. This is because he has an illness that gives him panic attacks whenever he sees Black Moon.
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