Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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✧The Marvelous Selena Delacour✧


Loyal Servant of Altera
Screen shot 2012-06-26 at 3.05.39 PM.png
Name: Selena Delacour
Nickname/Alias: Normally called Madame or Madame Delacour by strangers but called Selene, Selena, or Sel by close friends.
Age: Doesn't say, but appears mid-twenties by human standards.
Gender: Female.
Race: A dark elf or drow as some call it. Or a subterranean elf if you wanna get technical.
Height: Average height.
Weight: Kyahhhh!!! How dare you even ask!!!!
Hair: She keeps it her natural white/grey colour.
Eyes: She changes her eye color, with eyedrops made from questionable substances. She thinks different eye colors can affect the vision of spirits. It doesn't. But it's pretty, right?
Skin: A dark, dull grey.
Appearance: Selena loves gaudy jewelry and likes to stand out from the crowd. Her fashion sense is a bit mixed up, and her garments range from scandalous to downright outrageous. She also wears a very strong perfume that burns most people's nostrils and makes some dizzy. She's mysterious and loves to dazzle people.
Strengths: Selena believes that she can tell the future, but she really can't. Or can she? It's up to you whether you believe or powers or not. She can, however, see spirits. She is good at repelling evil spirits that cause bad luck and attracting good spirits that bring good luck.
Weaknesses and fears: Very clumsy and forgetful. She gets distracted easily and it's hard to bring her to focus. She is dramatic as well, making simple things into a big deal. She is scared of evil spirits, often to the point of paranoia. She sometimes dresses up as an ugly monster to scare them off, often scaring others in the process.
Religion and cults: She's fascinated by the dead.
Profession: A fortune teller.
Past: Selena traveled from town to town resting at various places and sometimes sleeping in stables if she couldn't afford an Inn. She set up her tent and would tell passerby's their fortunes, often getting run out of town if the residents didn't like what they heard. One day, she received an invitation for residence at Witches Brew. This is where her true story begins.
Selena's Theme Song:


Lord of Altera
There must be a mistake here... There is a like button on the place where a love button should be.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'm going to be using this RP instead of my mermaid one since it's too overpowered now apparently.