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The University of Altera Teacher Application Thread

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Lord of Altera
In game name: Cinnamony
Age: 25 (rl), around 16 (in-game)
Country/State: Portugal ( rl) , Nilfheim (in-game)
RP name: Winter
What do you want to teach? Literature and creative writting
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? The mind must be nurtured as well as the body and books and stories are the essential food for the imagination.
What experience do you have in this skill? I spent most of my short life sneaking away to read any book I could get my hands on. I love the written word and respect it as a paladin cares for it's sword.


Lord of Altera
In game name: Wyvern740
Age: Not sure...
Country/State: Not sure why you'd want to know.. but somewhere in the U.S.
RP name: Wyvern
What do you want to teach? Outdoor survival skills.
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? People in our world are getting too comfy in their nice little towns, they need to know how to survive if they get stranded out in the Southern Wilds, or lost in the Eastern Frontier.
What experience do you have in this skill? My Rp character grew up in a harsh Jungle environment, and if you weren't good enough, you died. Also, I go into the Eastern Frontier, and in my old days, back in Eden, would bring nothing, and survive, for an entire week, without going out. I'm so good in fact, I don't even bring or use swords, I take down my foes with my bare hands.


Lord of Altera
Exciting news everyone! The University has been moved to the new world! The portal is up and running, and construction on additions will begin soon. Professors, please submit any needs to me.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
So...what is the place called? Also, there needs to be a building for the magic masters of more magic maniacs that make magic move

A.K.A. there needs to be somewhere for the awesome magic masters of ant- ..

AkA - Teachers of magic/alchemy etc needs somewhere!

JLA Montoya

I think I might like it here
The "Servant's Quarters" could be turned into dormitories. I recommend a second floor be added.

Also, will the different houses of the college have their own dorm?

And I'm not sure if those bedrooms still exist deeper in the ex-palace, but they should be re-purposed.


Lord of Altera
In game name: Vestigial_Limb
Age: 24 (in-game)
Country/State: America, WA
RP name: Darko Tideborne
What do you want to teach? Stealth arts and climbing
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? Lots of reasons, stealth allows even the weakest warrior to flee an attack, or hide in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
What experience do you have in this skill? Well.... My character was taught by a mentor ever since he was seven. He showed him the ways of stealth, and how to get around. I've been training and working on it for about 17 years, anyone who knows me can vouch for my skills. *cough* Wyvern *cough*
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