Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Hollowworld Guild


Loyal Servant of Altera
I got bored of WoW because beyond the content there is not much to do... This would add a new exciting element to the game that would probably make me interested in joining again :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
You see when I started I wanted to play Alliance I love Alliance... Don't know why really :p but I player horde because I had a friend to play with xD Now... I have No one cus he left "DAMN MY STUPID CHOICES, RAAAAW!!!!" *Dies*


Grand Architect
No idea, When i started playing WoW i also created a guild, The Knights of Ni. The guild still exists till this day


Lord of Altera
I have 2 bank guilds on 2 servers both ally:
Toys R Us on Xavius Realm
Shadowhunters i think its called on Hellfire Realm
Both on Eu servers


Yes i am interested i have a lvl 40 pally. I also have the money to start the guild and the server is spirestone


Loyal Servant of Altera
I've been on RP servers since I started playing WoW, mostly on the Sha'tar and I must agree, recently the quality of RP there at least has gone to the gutters. You do occasionally get a good bit of rp going, but then you get lollers coming over and ruining it all. Wonder if RP is alive and well anywhere?


Lord of Altera
I'm gonna start playing WoW again today. Just need to downloadz. Most of the time I'm alliance, but, JUST KIDDING, FOR THE HORDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1ONE!!!!!!!!!!E111!!!!!!EXCLAMATIONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Lord of Altera
I've been on RP servers since I started playing WoW, mostly on the Sha'tar and I must agree, recently the quality of RP there at least has gone to the gutters. You do occasionally get a good bit of rp going, but then you get lollers coming over and ruining it all. Wonder if RP is alive and well anywhere?
yes, it is here :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well i play a bit of wow i know Argen Dawns a good server for RP i'd happilly leave my guild and.. *sniffle* my guild perks......


is Barken
Don't mean to necro, but, I really think that this would be a great idea, if we all just started brand new characters on Moonguard and had a huge guild.


is Barken
I quite usually have a paid subscription, although, for this month I do not. In the new year I will though, and then I'd love to play.