Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Revelations of Kytaf Linrouxs


Lord of Altera
Name: Kytaf Linrouxs (lin- rowshz)
name/Alias: Kytaf
Hair: A soot like color
Eyes: Crimson iris with black cornea (both)
Skin: dark gray
Identifying Marks:the black wings that are on his back, that also show on Ari's. He can also be seen with an expressionless face, and most likely no shirt, as he doesn't need warmth.

Background: (this is merely a revelation regarding Kytaf, Ari Torke's demonic subordinate, all changes will be recorded here)
Unknown: Get back in line!​
*The occasional grunt or moan from a body*​
Unknown: I said get back in line!​
*The sound of a whip crashing down on skin and an agonizing scream*​
*Heavy footsteps*​
*A dark clad figure approaches with a rather feminine voice*​
Dark Figure: Your too harsh on them Xoralsa! I'd like them to be in one piece before we get to the camp!​
Xoralsa: Y-yes m'lady..I-I apologize​
*He bows in a quick dis-coordinated manner*​
Xoralsa: OK! keep on moving!​
*The sounds of bare footsteps on the nether-rack echo through the pre-mined tunnels*​
"I moaned out-loud"​
Kytaf: this is taking too long.....I need to get out of this tunnel....​
*Demonic grunts and laughter echo throughout as to react to my previous comment*​
*3 or 4 other creatures step up in line with me*​
Group member 1: you sure you wanna be saying that? im sure were going to be getting the whip soon, I mean we are at the back and sorta straggling along now aren't we?​
*The echoing voices of all 3 of them echoed through the tunnel*​
Group: Yea!​
*They broke off and sped to catch up with the line*​
"I moaned and slowly jogged up with them"​
*I thought to myself*​
"Why am I here? I didn't even want to be part of this!"​
*The sound of his wings fluttering with frustration echoed through the remains of the tunnel walls as they reached the opening*​
*The simultaneous sniffs as the line breathed in the stale yet, seemingly fresh hot air*​
*A few of the demons ahead of me were talking and ignoring the line leaders shouts for them to shut up*​
Xoralsa: Hey you! Shut up! I said shut up!​
*He walked over*​
"It was funny, that he was relatively short, but immensely strong"​
*The sounds of chains and choking gasps as he lifted them up by their necks*​
*They struggled fitfully in his grasp*​
"I stared nonchalantly at the situation thinking nothing of it as in the week they had been marching this had happened many times"​
*The sound of crumpled bodies on the floor marked they had suffocated in his grasp*​
*He turned around sneering in disgust at the rabble he had to deal with*​
"The feminine figure did nothing to stop it, rather she seemed to enjoy the chaos"​
"Another hour passed and we reached a Nether Base, it wasnt in the best of conditions but when werent they?"​
"We reached a stairway leading to the main hall, a huge nether-brick tower. Once inside the feminine figure disappeared, not revealing herself, nor speaking a word since the whipping incident."​
*The hollowed marching came to a sudden halt as Xoralsa barked a command*​
Xoralsa: Halt! Stand towards your Mistress!​
"A few confused glances and the feminine figure, appeared, now removing the cowl which had once concealed her head. She looked...human? Why was a HUMAN our majesty?"​
"Anything I had just said was revoked as, purple tendrils and mist enveloped her body, revealing a new outfit, which was a bit revealing, but nonetheless appropriate. What took time to notice was her skin went deathly pale, and her eyes a dark glowing violet, which seemed to peer into ones soul, just feeding madness."​
*The female before us spoke, with words that seemed to split us in two as it echoed through the empty halls*​
Female: I am Queen Grief! I will be your general as well as your ruler!​
Queen Grief: If you have any questions, feel free to ask Xoralsa over sure that fool can muster some kind of answer, now. XORALSA!​
*Her voice echoed like an explosion*​
Queen Grief: Take these rabble to their barracks, we have a war coming.​
Xoralsa: y-yes m'lady​
*He took the chain which bound us and led us down a vast hall which led outside*​
"I thought to myself when I saw what I saw here; I thought Hell couldnt get any worse....."​
"I surveyed the scene around me"​
*Blood was splattered on the nether-rack as well as limbs from other races of demons. The screams and grunts from working men and the occasional woman in the fields*​
"I thought to myself that this must be punishment for treason....."​
*We walked for another two or three minutes and we reached a small hut made of, of course, nether-brick, and the occasional nether-rack patch*​
Xoralsa: alright men! you wake up early tomorrow in approximately 5 hours you'll be training, so get some sleep!​
*He walked out slamming the door behind him*​
"It was a dimly lit room, only lit by a small lantern of glow stone which was steadily burning out"​
"I groaned as I laid down on the uncomfortable cot that provided us with our things, such as clothes"​
"The next thing i remember is waking to the sound of Xoralsa yelling at us to get up"​
Xoralsa: OK, time to get to work!​
*He smiled almost manically as he turned and walked out of the doorway*​
*Almost everyone got up groggily and moved outside for role call*​
*I hurried and threw on my pigskin tunic, and jogged hurriedly into line*​
Xoralsa: You'll all be doing laps, 104 of them, don't complain like those humans do either! Their bodies are weaker than ours! Now move!​
*He gestured to the perimeter of the base and we began running full tilt*​
*3 hours had passed and we ended, many others fell behind and collapsed at lap 96*​
"I don't think I can deal with much more of this"​
*I moaned fitfully, but not loud enough to show it*​
Xoralsa: OK! those of you still remaining, now that I know you can pull your weight, lets see if you can lift it! Climb that tower!​
*He pointed to a ruinous tower maybe 60-70 feet tall*​
Xoralsa: There will be no flying! You will CLIMB to the top and back down.​
*We jogged to the tower and began to climb*​
*I thought to myself, " I'm glad im a climber, otherwise id be like them....*​
*I looked down to see the rest of them struggling to get past 30 feet*​
*As I was deftly climbing the tower, I could feel Xoralsa's stare boring into my back, the attention was gratifying, but oddly embarrassing*​
*After 5 minutes I was back down*​
*Xoralsa approached me*​
Xoralsa: Whats your name?​
"Hm? Oh its Kytaf Sir, Kytaf Linrouxs...why?​
Xoralsa: Welcome to my platoon soldier!​
*I felt relieved but also...I felt.. sad? I wondered why it felt like id be regretting every moment of being here, and part of this army...*​
*Days felt like months and months felt like years, with each passing second it felt like I was being torn from my morals and dreams, I was becoming a mindless monster, and I hated it*​
*I thought to myself*​
* " I dont know who I am anymore...this training is turning me mindless..I...I want to run....but doing so now would be foolish..." *​
Xoralsa: Kytaf! get back in line! c'mon now! Don't make me lose my expectations!​
*I ran back in line with the rest of my squad and sighed as we ran our 100th lap around the base*​
Xoralsa: Alright! time to break men! head to the mess hall, you deserve it.​
Squad: Aye sir!​
*We headed back to the mess hall, it sucks..I hated human, and all we had was rotten flesh, the stuff made me sick, so I went hunting myself, got some pork off the wandering pigmen, what was..well fresh to say the least.*​
*One month later, in the presence of Queen grief*​
Queen Grief: Kytaf Linrouxs was it?​
Kytaf: *head bowed and on one knee* aye m'lady...​
Queen Grief: I appoint you head of Xoralsa's squad, you will be their General.​
*I couldn't decide whether to cry or to be happy*​
Kytaf: *standing up I bowed, and saluted* thank you m'lady...​
*I walked off down the corridor back to the smoldering hot outsides of the Nether*​
*A voice echoed through my mind. It was the Queens*​
Ethereal Voice: There's an impending war..I expect your men to be ready for it​
*I stood there shocked... "War?! Already?!" *​
*To say the least I wasn't mentally prepared for any of this*​
*Then the thought came to me. I was going to run. But the problem is WHEN*​
*Again months had passed into a year*​
*I became relatively fit, and my troops they became the best company in the army*​
*A week later we were told that we were getting ready for war*​
*We stood before a portal, we could hear the laughter and sounds of the common days of humans, it...felt nostalgic and sad*​
*We entered the portal, I swear, that sensation of being moved between worlds still makes me nauseous...*​
*I stepped out and my squadron followed, the people who stood before the anonymous portal were terrified, a baby started crying*​
*When the baby started crying all my thoughts and morals of war went to mush, I stood there helpless, thoughts racing through my mind at a speed I didn't think possible, the world felt like it was spinning. Someone was calling my name*​
Xoralsa: Kytaf! Get a move on! Don't stand there!​
*I snapped out of my trance and moved forward, still shaken from my experience*​
"I Don't know how many innocent lives I took..." Kytaf thought aloud in Ari's conscious.​
"Hundreds...thousands...they were all helpless to our power.."​
*Bloodcurdling screams filled the fire laden streets*​
*That's when I heard the royal army*​
"We began to fall one by one, my squad dropped like flies as I stood there helpless..fearful of my own death" he said aloud in Ari's conscious once again.​
"I ran." " And that's when I found you, dying in an alley" Kytaf said nostalgically.​
"I signed a pact with you, one that made us one. In return I could run and you could live..."​