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Zanros Hawklight - High paladin of Altera

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Lord Zanros Hawklight
A Tall man of slim build, but highly muscular, with very pale skin and blonde hair, a single purple eye visible beneath. his defining feature is a pair of great white wings sprouting from his back, gifted to him by his deity for his work in his name, he currently wears the robes of the order of the fallen radiants. wearing them to mark the return of the order

Zanros is generally a kind man, who gains a great enjoyment from helping those around him, however he is an implacable foe if roused to anger and will never shirk an opportunity to set his Blade against the evils that haunt Altera. Zanros is not a confrontational person unless he knows what he says is right, then he will fight for what he thinks, he is often lost in though. He does not like to talk about the day the radiants entered the nether, as it was a time of extreme emotional turmoul for the Paladin, as such he may get agitated around those who speak of such times. He is also an orator of fearsome skill, able to stir the hearts of those around him with simple words

It has been suspected that Zanros is the brother of Lord Axex, but took a different alais to his brother when inducted into the Paladin order. These thoughts however, are unconfirmed and are seen as just vague rumours to those who know the two.

Zanros learned his art under the tutelage of his mentor Raven, as well as Alden Shiverwisp, once High Paladin of Altera until his untimely demise during the cataclysm, after the dissapearance of his mentor, Zanros took command of the remains of his order, expecting more paladins to survive the cataclysm, he was taken aback when he found he was the last survivng member and had to find more training elsewhere, cursing himself for surviving when his brother paladins fell.
Zanros found further training firstly under the guidance of Legion, commander of the Alteran first, where he gained greater skills with the blade and then under the command of Lord Bellon, where he honed his magical talents, these having come to the fore when he was reunited with Axex, the High radiant who had prevented Zanros from entering the nether along side him during the fall of the radiants. Taken under Bellons wing, his powers soon flourished until he had become the strongest white magic user of Uthrandir at the time. Zanros has recently taken residence the town of Del, once again reunited with his greatest friend

Strenghts and weaknesses
Zanros, is like any other in that he has his own fears and strenghts;
- Zanros, once being a blacksmith has not lost the skills of this trade and can craft items of great quality
- A way with words; Zanros is able to stir the hearts of his allies with his words, as well as resolving conflicts with a few well placed phrases
- Flight; since gaining his wings, Zanros is able to fly with a dexterity he was not able to match with his old flight magics
- He is still haunted by the voice of his near death, it is unknown who the voice belongs to but Zanros wishes not to find out...
- Once he becomes attached to someone, their loss will drive the paladin to loathing and hatred of himself as these losses remind him of a blow struck long ago
- Zanros can become engrossed in the task he has at hand and may become unresponsive and single minded when presented with a difficult challenge.

Zanros is an accomplished user of white magic and is a foremost user in this art, he also has a small grasp of other forms of magic but is loathe to use them as they are not what he considers a 'pure magic' as well as being the weakest of his available magic arsenal. He has such a grip of this form of magic that he is able to take life as well as gift it, a rarely seen ability amongst the users of white magic, as it is seen as verging on the forbidden black magic and as such is veiwed with distaste.

Magical items
The Hammer of Korigon: this magical item, a relic of the god was given to the Paladin after the defeat of Nimue Bywpae Oceana at the battle of Stormhold, it is a potent artifact with the ability to increase the magical power of its wielder, there are no reports of Zanros using this weapon.
Remembrance: Zanros found his sword many long years ago, in a ruined temple to the god Korigon, originally he never wished to take the blade, but was forced to use it to defend himself when set on by a marauding band of undead who were drawn by the scent of living meat, unknown to Zanros at the time however, was that when the blade was taken up, it was impossible for it to be left behind, as it took a portion of the soul of the person foolish, or desparate enough to wield it. The Actual name of the blade is unknown to all but Zanros, but it has been rumoured that the paladin has given the blade a name chosen by himself, in memory of all of the friends the paladin has lost in the many wars he has seen.
The sword itself seems to have the power to channel the strength of its wielder, meaning its power constantly ebbs and changes with that of The Paladin.
The Armour of the High Radiant
Gifted to Zanros before the establishment of his order, by his great friend Lord Axex, the full power of this suit of armour is unknown, but it appears to give the paladin protection greater than even diamond armour, as well as the ability to deflect arrows and repel the effects of any attacks aimed at him.
This armour is currently in the armoury of the stronghold of the paladins, taken there to repair the damage done to it at the battle of Uthrandir.

The story of the High Paladin's journey

Part I:
Zanros Thessus was born son of Ezekiel, a respected weaponsmith of Altera, under his fathers wing he learned his trade and was soon a match for many of the older weaponsmiths, including his father, however this lead to resentment and jealousy and soon the young Zanros was forced out of his town the jeers and insults ringing in his ears
Zanros spent many long nights and days alone, only his wits kept him alive until one day...
whilst hunting for some food Zanros was set upon by a group of rogues taking all of his possesions and being left for dead, as he lay bleeding a voice called to him, 'Hah!, this isn't your time to die, now return and witness your fate'. When he awoke he found himself in a small room, his wounds were bandaged and he felt refreshed if somewhat sore, he turned as a man clad in armour entered the room, 'Ah, you are awake I see, good then your induction can begin' somewhat bemused, Zanros asked 'where am I?, and what induction?
'All will be explained...' was his only response.
For 7 long years Zanros studied the art of battle and war, always under the watchful eye of his mentor, Raven until the day came when his training was done
'Everyone here has earned their right to be called my brother, you are the finest examples of holy might, behold, you are the mighty Paladins of Altera!' A great cheer erupted from the assembled men as each one was presented with the blue cape of their order and were blessed by High paladin Alden Shiverwhisp.
For years Zanros, now known as Zanros Hawklight travelled the world, bringing justice and hope to the many and bringing the word and teachings of Korigon to the far corners of Altera.
Part 2 coming soon...


Lord of Altera
One of the finer Character Profiles I've seen in organisation, quality and overall appeal. I'm a fan, if that is of any meaning to you. I look forward to part 2.


Lord Zanros Hawklight
Need some help with what to add next

here is a shortlist of what i was thinking, but i wanna know what to do next :p
- Zanros' time as a Fallen Radiant (the order, not the rank)
- The Cataclysm; An account by Zanros Hawklight
- Friends and allies, and what i think of each
- Or anything you can think of relating to me XD

anyway, i hope to get some useful feedback :p

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Need some help with what to add next

here is a shortlist of what i was thinking, but i wanna know what to do next :p
- Zanros' time as a Fallen Radiant (the order, not the rank)
- The Cataclysm; An account by Zanros Hawklight
- Friends and allies, and what i think of each
- Or anything you can think of relating to me XD

anyway, i hope to get some useful feedback :p
I think friends and allies and what you think of them or your time in the Order. If you took part in the Battle of A.H that would be a good thing to put in with the Order.
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