Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Vote King-Prince-Dictator-Lord-Duke Isaac Inchargeofyou Now.


Lord of Altera
*a group of the executed are thrown off the balcony of a mighty palace, and as the heavily armed guards who threw them retreat a man is seen. He is the greatest man one could ever meet. He is wearing highly ranked military uniform and has a long black beard. He gestures rude things to the crowd and they roar in response. He holds a beautiful woman on either side, the armed guards present near the sides of the balcony. He talks in an eastern-European accent*

'Hello, peasants! Are you doing good? I don't care! Because I want something from you, and this
time it isn't your organs, money or your agreement to be used as a human resource.

Instead, I wish to blackmail you! If you don't vote for me, I will slaughter your family, take your organs and sell them on the ebay thing to other countries. Then I will post pictures of your bombed house on Facebook!

'If you vote for me, I can promise you;
lots of money in the economy,
a good choice at every issue. My people tell me what to say, and I say opposite,
Tax rates no higher than 25%,
my safety.

'All of the above are subject to change, except the ones that benefit me. Have nice day!'

Like my amazing character?
Me too.
I will make all decisions on my own. WITH YOU IN MIND, of course.
I will not go to war with anyone unless their ladies are beautiful.

Dark Auras

All network television stations within the Dictatorship of Poundworld would begin flickering as firewalls crashed to Mantari's superior hackers. The scruffy man you know as the President of Mantari appears behind a desk with Mantari's flag and the Republic of HollowWorld's flag in the background

"Fear not great citizens of Poundworld,
If the great leaders of HollowWorld intend to elect me as the World Assembly Delegate, in other words, a leader of the Republic of HollowWorld, I assure you that we will sanction the nation of Poundworld until your leader forcefully gives up and returns your freedoms. If he does not, we will infiltrate your government and free you from your shackles.

Call your local nation office and tell them:
Vote Mantari; Vote freedom!"

The television flickered back to regular programming as the Nation of Mantari's hacker group begins upgrading its own firewalls to prevent another sort of attack.

Hehe, I figure I would add something to this neat little race! :D


Lord of Altera
The latest episode of Northsiders ended and the national anthem of New Spagbog (the first half a minute of Orpheus in the Underworld, if you're interested) plays. Then Dorothy Witherspoon's face appears on screen.

"Are you tired of those pesky kids playing their music too loud and showing their underwear?" She rhetorically asks. "Well now is your chance to right the wrongs the younger generation has made. Representing the better times, I, Dorothy Witherspoon, the president of New Spagbog, hear your cries. Vote New Spagbog as your WA delegate today!"

The screen fades to black and the regular adverts continue.


Lord of Altera
*hacks his own televisions*

Hello? *pshzchzhchzctzz*
This is working? *taps screen*

Hello people of Poundworld again! We're having a bit of technical difficulties. Can you not see? They're trying to ruin your television experience!



Lord of Altera
*the screen falls out, and suddenly goes back on*

*a man stands infront of the television*
*looks in the screen, his emotions unclear, so are his meanings, and motivations*


Lord of Altera
*the programmers working for his majesty quickly draw a pair of glasses onto his face and some curly grey hair*