Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Vincent Volgin

Kenny Leung

Name: Vincent "Kenneth" Volgin
Nickname/Alias: Kenny
Age: 17
Gender: male
Race: Half demon, half human
Height: 205 cm
Hair: brown
Identifying Marks: Scar on his left eye
Appearance: Always in his robes, it's actual appearance is unknown
Strengths: Darkness
Weaknesses and fears: Light Magics
Religion and cults: Unknown
Profession: None

Backstory: Vincent were known as a very secretive boy, doesn't tell much about his life except for his dog that he lost, but what he can tell is that in one of his journeys in the wilds, he was ambushed by a wild wolf, the wolf somehow carries a unspeakable magic. the wolf managed to slash Vince's left eye , scaring his eye for life. When Vince tries to fight back the wolf disappear out of thin air leaving nothing but the scar. But what Vince didn't know was that the scar was infectious turning his eyes into red and his skin gray like a vampire.
Vince now hides his appearance in his hooded suit.