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Missing Valerie Gerharde


Lord of Altera
Basic Information
Character’s full name:
Valerie Gerharde
DOB: 18th July
Music: [X]

Vyre Profile: [X]
Divine Profile: [X]
Spiritblessed Profile: [X]

Art by Elz! :heart:

poor val.JPG
Physical appearance
Race: Human (Kaltic)
Age: 23
How old does she appear: Young adult woman
Sexuality: Asexual

Weight: 130 lbs
Height: 5'6
Body build: Average
Face Shape: Angular, narrow
Eye colour: Green Bluish-Green Dark Gold
Skin tone: Pale white
Distinguishing marks: Silvery scales on the backs of her hands
Hair colour: Black
Type of hair: Long, straight
Hairstyle: Often Braided or Half-Braided
Usual fashion of dress: Simple clothing that is easy to move in.
Favourite outfit: Her travelling outfit.
Jewellery or accessories: None usually

Rede - First language
Common - Taught from a young age
Old Arcturan - Currently learning Knows a few phrases, but refusing to learn more.
Elvish - Learnt from Storm Arcturus

Voice: Light Kaltic accent.

Good personality traits:

Usually courageous, determined, open-minded
Bad personality traits:
Somewhat Stubborn, switches between overconfidence and lack of confidence frequently.

Social Status:
Steward to Countess Briarwood of Drakenport
Squire to Knight Kharn Sicarus of Aeroch Nor

Sense of humour:
Loves witty humour and lighthearted banter, especially wordplay. Not keen on dark or dirty jokes.
Character’s greatest joy in life:
Travelling and seeing new things
Character’s greatest fear:
Being useless
Other Fears:
Uncomfortable with:
Sailing (prone to seasickness)
Insects / Reptiles
Crowds, especially when staring at her
Character is most at ease when:
Travelling the wilderness or sketching by a warm fireplace
Annoyed when:
People insist that she is incapable of defending herself.
Enraged when:
Those close to her are hurt.
Depressed or sad when:
She gets homesick, feels helpless or someone she cares about is hurt.

Figuring out her place in this chaotic world.
Life philosophy:
You can find beauty and joy in the most unexpected places, you just have to look.

Character’s soft spot:
Interesting conversations, cakes and people being nice to her.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?:
Possibly. Except for the cakes, where the answer is definitely.

Valerie is afflicted with vyrism.
Valerie is finally doing better.
Valerie is Water-blessed. She is aware that the elemental keeping her calm is also slowly consuming her soul.

- Humanoid bite scar on her right hand
- Stab scar on her chest


Before the Landing

Valerie's parents lived in a small Kaltic town on the coast in the distant North. Her father was a guard, the same as his father before him, and he taught her the very basics of self-defense. Her mother spent her days hunting animals and raising their adventurous daughter until she fell severely ill. Valerie's mother always told her to find the small, hidden bits of beauty in everything, with her last words to her daughter being "Beauty can be found in the darkest of times, let that be the light that guides you." Valerie has tried to live by those words since, for better or for worse.

Once she was an adult, Valerie moved into the forests near her hometown. During the summer months, she would earn money hunting animals to sell in the market. During the winter, she would return to the town to earn money through odd jobs, mostly at the Docks. The sailors she met there helped her practice her Common, and soon she had saved enough money to take her to the Landing for the new life she'd dreamed of.


- Drakenport
- ???
Pets: A black and white elderly stray cat she found at the docks.
Religion: Visage, though tends to have a somewhat cynical view of the other Gods.
Occupation: Steward to Briarwood, Master Carver
Finances: Comfortable, but unable to spend frivolously.

Music: Soothing music
Food: Baked goods. Anything sweet.
Literature: Stories about heroes, whether tragic or not. And poetry.
Form of entertainment: Art
Mode of transportation: Walking.
Most prized possession: Her sketchbooks

Sketching, exploring
Plays a musical instrument?: She can sing a bit, but she prefers to do so without an audience. Learning Lute.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Sat by a warm fireplace, sketching, with her cat nearby.
Smokes: Does not
Drinks: Socially I think she's developed a drinking problem at this rate...
Other drugs: None
Sleeping Habits: Sleeps when tired, prone to vivid dreams, even without magic curses.
Extremely skilled at: Remembering what she has seen when she begins sketching.
Extremely unskilled at: Judging a person's character correctly
Nervous tics: Avoiding eye contact, going quiet

For my ease and comfort, this list will only feature those who Valerie feels strongly about.
Please do not be offended if you are not on this list / have been removed from this list.
If you are curious about how Valerie currently feels about your character, feel free to find out ICly!

Name: Visage
Profile: [x]
Theme: The Moon Will Sing

No bond is stronger than the family we choose

Name: Captain Whiskers
Profile: [Scroll down]
Theme: Here comes the boy
Valerie’s somewhat-loyal feline companion. If anything happens to him,
prepare for a reaction that would make John Wick say “...Damn, that went a bit far.”

Name: Storm Arcturus
Profile: [x]
Theme: Inkpot Gods
Storm is like a father to Valerie. She’d give her life to protect him.

Valerie considers these people to be very close friends. She trusts them with her life, and likely owes it to them.

Name: Malark Tallstag
Profile: [x]
Theme: Overthinker
A mentor and close friend. Valerie shares a house and business with him, and he was one of her first friends when she arrived in the Landing.

Name: Kharn Sicarus
Profile: [x]
Theme: Here’s a Health to the Company
A good sailor, and a good friend. He has taught her many things, and makes very good company.

Good Friends and Colleagues
People who Valerie considers to be friends, or she works with them. Or both.

Name: Freia
Profile: [x]
Theme: Monster
Valerie is proud of the Caparii and her schemes, but often worries for her.

Name: Raenyr
Profile: [x]
Theme: Tide
Valerie has a great respect for this man, even if she doesn’t always understand his motives.

Name: Briarwood
Profile: [x]
Theme: Tidal Rush
As her Steward, Valerie has done a lot of work with the woman. She sometimes questions her motives and choices, but overall respects her opinions and ambitions.

Name: Eren Vow
Profile: [x]
Theme: Stranded Lullaby
The best of the followers of Visage, Valerie values his wisdom and insight.

Name: Anwar Attia
Profile: [x]
Theme: Eternal Youth
Valerie has a lot of respect for him, and enjoys his company. She trusts his knowledge of fashion more than anyone else’s.

Friendly Faces
Valerie enjoys the company of these folks.

Name: Lana Wake
Profile: [x]
Valerie is constantly impressed by her knowledge and kindness.

Name: Ruvan Kegheart
Profile: [x]
The owner of the best tavern in Altera! At least, that’s her opinion. Baron Kegheart is a dwarf Valerie is often happy to see.

Name: Mylohk
Profile: [x]
Valerie sees great potential in Mylohk, both for his skills as a smith and in combat. She is eager to see where his path takes him.

Name: Hellman Kegheart
Profile: [x]
Most people say Hellman is crazy, and they might be right. Maybe that’s why Valerie gets along so well with her.

Name: Aesi R’ovan
Profile: [x]
Valerie enjoys the company of this sassy elf, but is envious of their insane luck.

Name: Marian
Profile: [x]
Valerie has a lot of respect for her, especially after the help she’s given.

Its Complicated
Valerie doesn’t dislike these people, but… She certainly does not trust them.

Name:Branko Callas
Profile: [x]
Theme: Otar the Foul
Valerie knows what he is capable of, and that he only sees her as a pawn. However, he’s useful for now, and has saved her life on multiple occasions.

Name: Bok’ra
Profile: [x]
Theme: Ghost
The man changed Valerie’s entire worldview… for the worse. She pities him and his current state, and may be inclined to help him, but she will likely not trust him fully every again.

Name: Suzi
Profile: [x]
Theme: Welly Boots
Valerie feels like her presence will only serve to hurt Suzi, whether it is the parenting she cannot provide or those that would use Suzi to get to her, and so she tries to keep her distance.

Sometimes, trust is difficult to earn. Especially when it has been damaged.

Name: Miya Bellamy
Profile: [x]
Valerie was already suspicious of Miya when she kept pushing to get her drunk and admitting to being nice for the sake of ‘earning trust’. When she found out Miya’s role in the guard, her suspicions were proven correct.

Name: Reinhard Von Strussenblud
Profile: [x]
Valerie has been given the impression that Reinhard is more bark than bite. She does have a little respect for his double-crossing, and feels that with a bit more secrecy, he would make a fine follower of Visage.

Name: Leonhardt Von Drachenhort
Profile: [x]
Leonhardt has treated Valerie decently, but he supports the Inquisition quite strongly, which she has a strong distaste for.

Name: Frost Menguar
Profile: [x]
Frost told others of Valerie’s vyrism while she was still trying to keep it a secret, and may have admitted to wanting to kill vyres. Valerie will maintain this ‘truce’ while Storm cares for Frost, but she struggles to get along with her.

And sometimes trust is broken, never to be regained.

Name: Aki Bellamy
Profile: [x]
Theme: Theseus
Some people just never learn.

Val's art at the top by the wonderful Elz! :heart:
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Updated quite a lot of stuff, including possessions, religion, relations, homes, etc.

New art will be coming when I finish it.

If I forgot to add your character, let me know.


Lord of Altera
By popular demand...
Bonus Mini-Profile: The Cat


Name: Ol' Captain Whiskers
Gender: Male
Race: Felis Catus
Age: Uncertain, but around 15 years
Body build: Average, little bit chubby
Eye colour: Green
Fur colour/Pattern: Black with white patches on belly and face
Distinguishing marks: Grey flecks of fur from old age
Cat - Fluent
Common - Understands his name, 'come here' and 'fish'
Rede - Understands his name and various synonyms for 'food' or 'come here'

First Mates:
Valerie Gerharde
This is my human. I found it all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good.

Malark Tallstag
Another human for the clowder! This one takes me on adventures and changes his face!

Storm Arcturus
I seem to have the power to change your voice and make you give me food and scritches. Good. Goooooood.

Kharn Sicarus
Your hat is comfy. Did you bring food? Are we going sailing again?
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Updating relations, languages, health etc and added mini-profile for Val's Cat.


Lord of Altera
Basic Information
Character’s full name:
Valerie Gerharde
DOB: 18th July

View attachment 123723

Physical appearance
Race: Human (Kaltic)
Age: 22
How old does she appear: Young adult woman
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Weight: 130 lbs
Height: 5'6
Body build: Average
Face Shape: Angular, narrow
Eye colour: Green Bluish-Green
Skin tone: Pale white
Distinguishing marks: Silvery scales on the backs of her hands
Hair colour: Black
Type of hair: Long, straight
Hairstyle: Often Braided or Half-Braided
Usual fashion of dress: Simple clothing that is easy to move in. When travelling, she wears a gambeson, trousers and boots. When staying near home, she wears a simple dress.
Favourite outfit: Her travelling outfit.
Jewellery or accessories: None usually
Rede - First language
Common - Taught from a young age
Old Arcturan - Currently learning Knows a few phrases, but refusing to learn more (Started 25/08/2021)
Elvish - Currently learning, knows a few phrases. (Started 30/08/2021)

Voice: Light Kaltic accent.

"Creature" by half-alive
Look inside of me and see that I am not afraid
To walk inside the void like a kid inside a cave
Discovering the patterns of my soul and where its placed
I've been mapping many caverns, but it still feels like a maze

"still feel" by half-alive
When I'm furthest from myself
Feeling closer to the stars
I've been invaded by the dark
Trying to recognize myself when I feel I've been replaced

Refined Steel Shortsword, crafted by Malark Tallstag
The blade of refined steel spans 20 inches and is double-edged, reaching down to a steel crossguard.
The chestnut hilt has a simple leather grip with a small pommel on the end.
Engraved in the side of the blade is "Lightleiter zur Schönheit".

None yet

Usually carrying:
Her new sketchbook
Her crafting knife
A Vyre Stake

Other notable possessions:

Good personality traits:

Usually brave, determined, open-minded
Bad personality traits:
Naive, Tends to get lost in thought often, sometimes overconfident in her abilities

Sense of humour:
Loves witty humour and lighthearted banter, especially wordplay. Not keen on dark or dirty jokes.
Character’s greatest joy in life:
Travelling and seeing new things
Character’s greatest fear:
Being useless
Other Fears:
Uncomfortable with:
Sailing (prone to seasickness)
Insects / Reptiles
Crowds, especially when staring at her
Character is most at ease when:
Travelling the wilderness or sketching by a warm fireplace
Annoyed when:
People insist that she is incapable of defending herself.
Enraged when:
Those close to her are hurt.
Depressed or sad when:
She gets homesick, feels helpless or someone she cares about is hurt.

Figuring out her place in this chaotic world.
Life philosophy:
You can find beauty and joy in the most unexpected places, you just have to look.

Character’s soft spot:
Interesting conversations, cakes and people being nice to her.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?:
Possibly. Except for the cakes, where the answer is definitely.

Valerie is in good shape.
Valerie is finally doing better.
Valerie is Water-blessed. She is aware that the elemental keeping her calm is also slowly consuming her soul.

- Humanoid bite scar on her right hand


Drives and motivations:

- Discovery and learning
Immediate goals:
- Open her woodcarving business
- Acquire more/better gear
- Find someone to get rid of the elemental
- Find someone to make her cat younger. He deserves 9 lives, damnit!
Long term goals:
- Travel and see the world
- Learn to defend herself [In progress]
- Find her place in the world

Before the Landing

Valerie's parents lived in a small Kaltic town on the coast in the distant North. Her father was a guard, the same as his father before him, and he taught her the very basics of self-defense. Her mother spent her days hunting animals and raising their adventurous daughter until she fell severely ill. Valerie's mother always told her to find the small, hidden bits of beauty in everything, with her last words to her daughter being "Beauty can be found in the darkest of times, let that be the light that guides you." Valerie has tried to live by those words since, for better or for worse.

Once she was an adult, Valerie moved into the forests near her hometown. During the summer months, she would earn money hunting animals to sell in the market. During the winter, she would return to the town to earn money through odd jobs, mostly at the Docks. The sailors she met there helped her practice her Common, and soon she had saved enough money to take her to the Landing for the new life she'd dreamed of.


- A house in western Storms Landing,
- In a secluded fortress in the north
Pets: A black and white elderly stray cat she found at the docks.
Religion: Visage, though tends to have a somewhat cynical view of the other Gods.
Occupation: Woodcarving, specialising in toys, trinkets and training equipment [Shop Incoming!]
Finances: Comfortable, but unable to spend frivolously.

Music: Soothing music
Food: Baked goods. Anything sweet.
Literature: Stories about heroes, whether tragic or not. And poetry.
Form of entertainment: Art
Mode of transportation: Walking. Failing that, anything that does not involve a boat.
Most prized possession: Her sketchbooks

Sketching, exploring
Plays a musical instrument?: She can sing a bit, but she prefers to do so without an audience. Wants to learn Violin.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Sat by a warm fireplace, sketching. Sketching.
Spending habits: Usually only buys what she needs unless cakes are involved.
Smokes: Does not
Drinks: Socially I think she's developed a drinking problem at this rate...
Other drugs: None
Sleeping Habits: Sleeps when tired, prone to vivid dreams, even without magic curses.
Extremely skilled at: Remembering what she has seen when she begins sketching.
Extremely unskilled at: Judging a person's character correctly
Nervous tics: Avoiding eye contact, going quiet

If you find your character missing, leave a message. I have a bad memory.
These are told from the point of view of Val's thoughts.

Her God [x] [Theme]

Close/Trusted Friends:
Malark Tallstag [x] [Theme]
You somehow just know when I need a bit of space or a chat. I enjoy the honesty and banter, and I am grateful that I have a trusted friend to confide in.

Storm Arcturus [x] [Theme]
You're a good man, and one I trust. Should you need me, I will be there.

Amnestria [x] [Theme]
True to your promise, you have been there when I've needed you. Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't think something is wrong, here...

Captain Whiskers [x] [Theme]
You are the worst guard cat, but I love you anyway...

Granny [x]
I appreciate your kindness and concern, but I want you to know I will be fine. You have plenty to worry about already.

Freia [x]
Don't worry about me, just focus on not getting yourself killed... again.

Aki [x] [Theme]
Honestly kid, you never learn.

The Nameless [x]
We had a rough start, but I think we might make good friends in time. You value your family and I respect that.

Aelnic [x]
Remind me never to be your drinking companion again.

Lana Wake [x]
By the Gods, you know your stuff. Your lectures are always interesting, whether I understand what's going on or not.

Fi [x]
You run the best bakery in the Landing, with the best cakes and best customer service.

Erwin [x]
You told us the story of the battle in the Landing. I respect you for fighting so hard.

Bennett [x]
I thank you for your kindness and offer for prayer.

Xozu [x]
Not only are you a fellow artist, but Malark said you were a good man and I can see what he means.

Mylohk Danik [x]
You're a good kid. You fight well, and you'll make a good smith someday.

Leonhardt [x]
Good to see you again!

Kharn Sicarus [x]
You're friends with Storm, and my cat likes you. But you owe me an ale.

Anfrid [x]
You caught me up on the events I barely missed when I first arrived at the Landing.

Euclid [x]
We came to an agreement for me to purchase a sword from you, but I haven't seen you since...

Clockworks [x]
You confuse me, friend.

Wary of:
Suzigre [x]
Oh gods, not again...

Branko Callas [x] [Theme]
You said you will compensate me someday. I'll hold you to that.

Afraid of:

Gone, but not forgotten:

Bok'ra [x] [Theme]
When I found out, I should've felt like I was finally free. But I didn't. I hope you find peace.

OOC Notes
To do

- Make it look better
- Tidy up the clutter

Inspiration for Valerie came from a few different sources, but normally when I make a character I come up with a base concept and go from there, sort of making it up as I go along.

Valerie was mostly inspired by the game "Eastshade", which is a walking/crafting simulator-type game where you play as a travelling artist carrying out their mother's dying wish: To paint the most beautiful places of her home country. I recommend playing that game if you have time, as it is very chill and beautiful.

I live in Northern England, my timezone is GMT (Or BST in summer).
In UK Time, I work 9am-5pm. If I have to go to the office in person, it becomes 7am-7pm.
I also play Dungeons & Dragons with Wake and friends each Saturday, 1-5 pm.
During these times I may be out of contact.
Until September my internet will be very choppy.

Val's art at the top by me. Temporary placeholder till I do something better.
Amn relation update in applicable


Lord of Altera
you could copy the format you have and paste it into a google doc, edit it there, then post on the forum


Lord of Altera
...So uh. I re-did Valerie's relations to make it easier for me to keep up with.
Also Elz art pog.


Lord of Altera
A new face, a new profile.
Yes, I know its the same character but I kinda wanna start again with her profile...