Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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True Alchemy


Name: Stravagante di Chimici
Nickname/Alias: The True Alchemist
Age: ...frick. I knew this backstory would be tricky. Mid-20s biologically. 64 Chronologically. Local chronological time, that is.
Gender: Male
Race: Human. As much as anyone is with at least three compatible races.
I mean, seriously. Everyone's bound to have a little of everything by now.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: Er.. slim.
Hair: Medium to long length, hazelnut.
Eyes: Yup.
Skin: Got that too. Oh, pale.. west European pale.
Identifying Marks: Oh sure, he's got a birthmark in the shape of a crown and a scar across his fac- no. None whatsoever. Couple of nicks here and there; but it's a dangerous world. Not exactly unusual.
Appearance: Wait, so the rest isn't how he appears? Yeah yeah yeah, I get what you're saying.
Strengths: Brewing, Minor Magicks, Inscribing. Good researcher, knows a lot about Monsters and Golems.
Weaknesses and fears: Extremely poor fighter. Flails about with a blade really. Terrified of Curses, Skeletons and Ghasts and hates the cold. Real Scrooge in the winter.
Religion and cults: Oddly.. none. Strav pays lip service to the main few but simply doesn't have time to bother about most. Not DISbelieving. Just not interested. If pushed; he says he follows Thyrien in his role as a Fulcrum. Which appeals to him as a Catalyst.
Profession: Potion-Brewer, minor Enchanter.

Backstory: Hoo-boy.. you really put your foot in it when you came up with this; didn't you Strav Ol' boy..
Let's start from the top; shall we? I'll set out the bare bones here. More information may be accessible (In-game and on the forum) elsewhere later; but for now.. this'll do.

"Baron Stravagante.. a young and minor Noble of another Time; another Kingdom. That's who I was. My title was mostly for looks; I had a small Hold -Stargaze Hold- and a couple of fields that I ruled really. Couple of farmsteads. Still; the mine brought in good strong iron; the fields had good grain, the animals were well-thought of and it was a good home for those who lived there; if nothing special.
As the local well.. landlord I kept relationships up with the other Thrones. Made sure Iron was never overlooked and showed our worth to Gold and High Diamond. Where they had the wealth and military might; we had food, and we had the Nether.
Wonder now if my people would have been as happy with me as they did if they knew how much time I spent in that demonic realm.. Netherwart, Blaze Rods and Ghast Tears obviously important.. but also the powers that simple Netherrack held..
But it was always the power of Potions that drew me back to the World. Essence of THIS, part of THAT.. heat with hellfire and infuse with what magicks I held.. what could I create? wasn't long until I found out about the Alchemists. Those who sought to achieve that which cannot be done. To Stride through Time. For Life to exist Unending. To Create without Sacrifice.
Well.. I guess in Time it was proven that claiming they couldn't be done wasn't.. quite accurate.

The Second Law was the first I sought to Break. It's one that many have looked into.. and- no. I will not divulge here the exact results of my time there.. know only that I at least somewhat achieved my goal.. upon experimenting on myself.. I don't know exactly what the results will be. I may die soon; or in a thousand years. Maybe tomorrow. All I know is I don't.. seem to be aging.. maybe it's just slower, or it'll all come back in a rush.
Somehow; I really doubt it's permanent. Maybe an Elf's span of years? I'd hate to endure for a Millennium.
The Third.. well.. another Time... perhaps? I'll tell all.. I'll tell all in Time.

But the First Law.. ah.. Time... how she waves us along.. and how interesting it was to found how she could be deceived. More Magic than Potioncraft was used than I'd like; admittedly.. but by changing who I was with an Elixir.. and casting the right spell.. enchanting my own flesh.. all together; it allowed me to make one great Leap through time; unscathed..


I knew the stars.. though they had shifted.. and the Mountains were still there.. but my Time was long gone; and my name forgotten.. to this day; I know not if my fellow Alchemists know that I Broke the first Law, and thus am the first True Alchemist.. then again; maybe I am not the first; and others have met fates akin to mine.

Life, Time and Creation.. ah.. old friends to me.. now and then; I wonder if deceiving them was cruel..
Ah well.


...There.. there may be another Alchemist in this time I may teach a thing or two.. or a Hero I will appear to to grant gifts of Strength and Courage..
Until then; I'll keep my house trim, brew my minor potions... and keep a weather eye out for another.

Hmm, now that I think on it.. I wonder if I can claim the Iron Throne back..."

Okay, finished here? Good. The idea of Stravagante is one of the Wandering Teacher, or similar catalyst in folklore. It was that kind of tale I was inspired by on creating him. Not a Hero; but one who shapes them.
Think.. I don't know.. Merlin. No, not the Disney version. If you've played D&D, the Eternal Seeker? Sages people.

When thinking about that kind of character; I couldn't help but think.. what about when those people were first discovering their role slightly outside the world?
They'd surely wonder about their place; what they should do with their abilities, and think of the life they've lost. And, of course.. being human (or elf or whatever. Stop nitpicking!)
People live; and even these people will. This is my aim.

No, I don't have any super-powers either. By Minor Magic, I mean heating beakers and little cantrips. D&D players? He's a level 1 wizard. Yay, Cantrips and class Ritual feat. And like, one attack.
He DOES know a lot of stuff, perhaps forbidden knowledge. He's not gonna use it. Don't worry. Not trying to be a game-breaker. Same time; if anyone wants to point out something; please do!


Lord of Altera
I like it. I like it a lot! Just know that you can find out more about your own character in time and you'll always be able to add things to this page.


I like it. I like it a lot! Just know that you can find out more about your own character in time and you'll always be able to add things to this page.
I hear that; no matter how well I design a character before interaction; they get their own personality. In a way it's annoying when it's not what you planned.. heh.

I... I seem to be like the Doctor; from what I've done thus far.