Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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To be named.


King ForumStalker
I'm not actually going to say what this is intended to be yet, could be fun to see what people guess it to be. Hopefully these are enjoyable to read(?)

As I sit upon these lonely hills...
I stare into the jagged night.
Looking at the stars above,
Seperating the darkness from the light.
Swimming through these cosmic waves,
I bask among this godly cold.
A timeless breeze runs through the air,
A forgotten tale since long been told.

Thoughts, swimming through my head,
Rocketing through the stars,
Flying through the air.
Filing through my dreams,
Racing through the stars,
To dream is to dare.

I watch the moonlight fade away,
I observe the people down below.
Through the dawn I see them all,
Like ants they're moving, oh so slow.
They carry on their monotone,
their dull and dreary and depressing lives.
like bees in the colony, feeding the Queen,
and fleeing her wrath into the hive.

Thoughts, swimming through my head,
Rocketing through the stars,
Flying through the air.
Filing through my dreams,
Racing through the stars,
To dream is to dare.

Mommy, why do you work?
To earn money dear.
Mommy, why do we need money?
So we can pay our bills.
Mommy, who's Bill?
He's the man who gets all the money that we pay.
Mommy, why do we pay Bill?
Because Bill helps us honey, he provides for us.
Then Mommy, if Bill provides for us, why did we lose the house?
...I don't know honey...

As the children ask their parents why,
they wonder why themselves it seems.
The curiosity of kids,
it shines through, sparkles and gleams!
They dream and ask and dream again,
it's a shame it's all for naught it seems,
For they will soon be like their Mommy,
and forget how to smile, to laugh, to dream.

Thoughts, swimming through my head,
Rocketing through the stars,
Flying through the air.
Filing through my dreams,
Racing through the stars,
To dream is to dare.
To dream is to dare.
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I really like it, it's short but powerfull and makes me wanna go somewhere silent and peacefull and just gaze at the stars


King ForumStalker
I really like it, it's short but powerfull and makes me wanna go somewhere silent and peacefull and just gaze at the stars
It's short because it isn't finished yet :p

I'm probably going to be completing this sporadically and in small parts to avoid burnout.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
It's short because it isn't finished yet :p

I'm probably going to be completing this sporadically and in small parts to avoid burnout.
Well it already looks good

And that's pretty smart yeah


King ForumStalker
Updated the OP, I consider that first one done but open to tweaking. I'll probably make another in a few days.


Lord of Altera
It kinda looks like the lyrics for a song because of the repeating part looking like a chorus...
That could just be a totally wrong train of thought though


Lord of Altera
ow okay then...YAY... well, i can't really say if it's good or not 'cause we don't have any instrumentals but the lyrics are pretty deep and i like that in songs...