Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Thule Merkolia


Name: Thule Merkolia
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 1 metre 82
Weight: 83 kilos
Hair: Long black hair with a ruffy beard
Eyes: Light green left eye, White right eye due to previously attained injury
Skin: Slight tan
Identifying Marks: Big scar running from his right eyebrow down his right eye onto his cheek.
Appearance: Athletic and strong build, Usually has an angry facial expression but don't be fooled.
Strengths: Very strong and impressively intelligent for a person of his birth. knows how to fight yet not foolish enough to pick a fight he can't handle. Knows how to handle a sword.
Weaknesses and fears: Limited eye sight due to injury to right eye. Old battle wounds sometimes make him walk with a limp. Has an irrational fear of spiders.
Religion and cults: Although he does not believe in only one god, he has a habit of lighting a candle and putting it near him as a sign of recognition for the gods every night.
Profession: Used to be a blacksmith untill an unfortunate chain event caused him to join the army for his homeland, now the wars are over he's a blade for hire and a general good samaritan when given the opportunity.

Background story is coming soon.