Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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This was Nid Arach :) Thank you


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Thank you, all.

You have been my inspiration.
It was an immense pleasure to DM for you.
Or really, I would say it was an honor, because...
You made these events what they were.
This synergy, I remember it fondly.
Unique joyful moments.
Only possible when we were together.

You made me laugh.
You made me proud of what I had prepared.
You made me grateful.
You made my heart beat with excitement.
You made me happy.

I get nostalgic as well as grateful.
These times we had...
The hours would add up to weeks on end if you put them back to back, I'm sure.

With the destruction of Nid Arach comes an end to what seemed like an endless story.
It puts all those hours suddenly in perspective.
This was Nid Arach, and this is what it was.
It gives Nid Arach a definitive value, of sorts.
I think that's a good thing.

Things no longer happen in Nid Arach.
Things happened.
Some of the things that happened will be remembered.
Others are forgotten.
Forgotten for a while and then remembered.
Or forgotten forever.

The chapters of the Gruesome Grimoire have been written.
There will be no more additions.
The Arachians are finally, truly; extinct.
The book closes.

Nid Arach; flattened.
Its inhabitants; slain or scared away for good.
Although the story of Nid Arach does not go on, your stories do.
Return to the wasteland ruins in your own time.
You will find secrets there, among the debris.
You won't be able to take them home.
But they might make you happy.

In the rest of this thread, I'll tie up loose ends

You have shaped Nid Arach.
Perhaps more than you know.
And I thank you for it.
For your enthusiasm.
Your humor.
Your understanding.
Your eagerness.
Your passion.
Your significance.
Your contribution.

I've met so many of you through Nid Arach.
It feels like, finally, I've...

Rolled a nat 20.

nid arach claims.jpg
^ Probably one of my favorite pictures. Those who know, know. This was the golden age of Nid. ^


I've made a support ticket to ask staff to bomb the region and leave some ruins behind.
Once that is done, I intend for these ruins to have some lingering interest for adventurers.

As such, there will be secrets and I'll hide things Nid Arach for you to find.
Not loot, since it'll be unclaimed, but other things.
I'll put a thread up to notify you once all of the following is done:

- The Pillar of Knowledge -
A place to read all Arachian Books in my possession

- Caches -
I'll have a tonne of money when I get the refund.
The caches are where you're going to find that money.
All of it.

In the first week after the refund, I'll host an ongoing event that lasts a week.
You'll find caches hidden in Nid Arach. Each cache has money in it.
The first to send a screenshot of a location gets that money.
After a week we may assume they've all been looted.

Any leftover money will be used to buy out the auction house/market.
So make sure you have things up for sale.

- Shady Merchants -
The ruins remain a shady place even after destruction.
The Arachian Items I have spare will be distributed to a couple of merchants.
Find the merchant, check his store, and see if there's anything of interest.
You can use emeralds to buy them.


Here is a list of creatures that didn't get slain.

If you like, feel free to DM these in the surrounding area, where they may be causing chaos.
You could also claim some of these beasts for an event where you pitch people against them in an arena.
I'm just giving a possible opportunity to other DMs.
Should they not be used, assume they've died in time.

- Enormous Giant Frog -
Pretty straight forward

- Mourne, The Wailing Gryphon -
A monstrous gryphon, with monstrous abilities.
Probably event-staff only

- Broodmother Spider -
A massive spider from Jishrim's own holy ground.

- A Bunch of Arbori -
3-5 Arbori escaped from the infested forests and Slayer Tower.

- Large Arachian Bats -
They'll disappear the quickest, as they rely on Nid Arach to live.


Lord of Altera
You’re an inspiration to us all Bart, your enthusiasm, sense of whimsy, and passion for telling tall tales will be remembered by all :heart:


Legend of Altera
What a truly legendary parting, - and what an inconceivable pleasure it was to experience the journey for while it lasted! Wish you Bart the very best ahead, - your work is inspiring!