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The Drowned One

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- ] T H E - D R O W N E D - O N E [ -
The Unchained

An ancient being once familiar and forgotten as a god of the sea, lost and chained within its own realm- the Drowned One rises in a new serpentine form. Scaled of the seas, its chains were broken by purposeful hands. It now roams the western shores seeking a semblance of who it was by gaining new territories and seeking familiar routes from shoreline to shoreline.


SYMBOL || A seaserpent curled around a lighthouse​
ALIGNMENT || Chaotic​
COLOURS || Navy, Seagreen​
ENTITY || Unknown​
TITLES || Spirit of the Sea, The Unchained​
SIGNS || Scales of purple, blue and seagreen sheen. Darkened waters that glow its signature colors. The ghastly sound of a drowning man.​
» In conflict with Visage & Jax​
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