Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Suhkoiza - "Soup"


Retired Staff

Nicknames : Dove -> Love

Temper : edited to be less drastic, more stoic.

Fears : [ Agelessness -> Age ] + [ + Death ]

Likes : War -> Love
Dislikes : Love -> War

Weaknesses : [Emotional Uncertainty -> Emotional Obstinacy] + [ Political Sheep -> Radicalized Opinions ]

Notes :
- I push away the endless interrogations - All I see within questions is cold examinations
+ Where is that woman's youthful examination? - It is me, my presence, which lead her to this damnation
- I built my walls in fear your inquisition may asphyxiate - But in the end, it's always me who lets you in the gate.
+ Every time I bleed it is my blood I am lying in - but your heart is the thing which is truly in remission
- Although my visage shows an undeniable apprehension - Please, the questions unpack my emotions in extension
+ Although my life is what I risk to create a better Altera - I find I fear greater to return to see your tears falling over your mascara

Relations : [REMOVED] Relations take up too much time, I don't have much of that. I find myself overthinking them, or forcing myself to do them for somebody. Trying to keep them up to date is a headache. People being able to peer into my relations and have a cheat sheet of who Soup likes and dislikes is something I don't like. Instead, I'm doing "Journal Entries" just below the profile. These will contain pieces of in-character art and notes on certain individual. They will not be kept up to date and will contain mainly comments on the things she likes and dislikes about them and very little regarding her relation to them.